When Did "She's Fine!" Turn Into "She's Hot!"?

I was wondering the OPPOSITE: When did "She's hot" turn into "She's fine"?
I always hated when a woman was refered to as "fine". It's like they're sayng "eh, she's ok".
Anyway, both have been said since, at least, the 70's. I've heard each said in movies and tv shows back then.
^ I think we all know that, but it gets used in both contexts, so it makes the phrase worthless.
- Wait..."dime piece"?? Sorry I guess I'm not fluent in Urban-ese. If that's where it comes from. I don't know. It just sounds like it would be in a rap song. :tongue:
It happened on Friday, March 17, 1995 at 17:23 PST. :yesyes:


^ I think we all know that, but it gets used in both contexts, so it makes the phrase worthless.
- Wait..."dime piece"?? Sorry I guess I'm not fluent in Urban-ese. If that's where it comes from. I don't know. It just sounds like it would be in a rap song. :tongue:

You have seriously never heard the term Dime Piece? :facepalm:
A dime is worth ten cents. Beautiful women are called dimes or perfect tens are they not?

Rap? :confused: Hell, I'm pretty sure I heard the fucking Rat Pack use those terms however long ago that was.
Early Nineties.

Al Gore invented the term "she's hot" in an early attempt to promote his lies on global warming. The first webpage on his newly invented internet was called women-who-look-better-than-tipper-are-bad-for-the-environment.com

On it, the VeePee propagated that every female with charming looks radiates a constant sexual aura of 12,000 Terajoule (in particular: such hotties like Tera Joy and Tera Patrick). Studies from paid scientists at the Tennessee State University proved that such an enormous outburst of hotness would inevitably lead to the eventual extinction of cuddly polar bears, cute penguins and Picabo Street.

While the idea of Tera Patrick killing polar bear cubs was disproven on Mythbusters a week later, the idiom "She's hot!" was adopted by the general public quickly after the Ken Starr report revealed that Bill Clinton's generic excuse to take off his pants was "Oh, it's so warm in the Oval Office. There must be a HAWT women somewhere, radiating like crazy!"
(-> please note that Clinton was the first black president, so of course he used the ebonics term "hawt")
you are sooo yeaterday...its.....shes a dime ...now????:2 cents:
You have seriously never heard the term Dime Piece? :facepalm:
A dime is worth ten cents. Beautiful women are called dimes or perfect tens are they not?

Rap? :confused: Hell, I'm pretty sure I heard the fucking Rat Pack use those terms however long ago that was.

:1orglaugh Ok ok. I see. No I didn't know that. I mean, know a dime is worth ten cents, and that beautiful women are sometimes called perfect tens. But I didn't know the rest of it. It really does sound like something rap fans would say though, especially because it's a money reference. It is possible that I just blocked it out of my memory. I do that.
When did the English language become butchered?

Hard to say. Still sad. :(


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
The English language is fading, like great games