Creepy Military Secrets They Never Wanted You to Find

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • Buried beneath the surface are war secrets they never wanted you to find. From hidden nuclear bunkers to classified space operations, these long-lost mysteries reveal the chilling truth they tried to erase
    As images and footage of actual events are not always available, Dark Docs sometimes utilizes similar historical images and footage for dramatic effect. I do my best to keep it as visually accurate as possible. All content on Dark Docs is researched, produced, and presented in historical context for educational purposes. We are history enthusiasts and are not always experts in some areas, so please don't hesitate to reach out to us with corrections, additional information, or new ideas. -

Комментарии • 246

  • @octavian9279
    @octavian9279 6 дней назад +31

    Loving the long format videos

    • @non-human3072
      @non-human3072 5 дней назад +1

      I think the short and sharp videos were better...

    • @Eggmebro
      @Eggmebro 3 дня назад +1

      He literally just put multiple videos together into one….

    • @joelperez3159
      @joelperez3159 2 дня назад +1

      Same here 😊

  • @SierraThunder
    @SierraThunder 6 дней назад +75

    What do you mean, America's "FAILED" supersonic Bell X-1 program? The Bell X-1 was the first aircraft to go supersonic in level flight, with Cpt. Chuck Yaeger at the controls, on October 14, 1947, with a speed of Mach 1.06. And Yaeger went on to break that record with the X-1 several more times as well! Hardly a failed program.

    • @ChristianKearns-jh2zq
      @ChristianKearns-jh2zq 6 дней назад +6

      After you STOLE it from us BRITISH

    • @MrGlossyEdits
      @MrGlossyEdits 6 дней назад +8

      He said x1b which flew after the x1a and was deemed a failure. There's more than one x plane lol.

    • @sIXXIsDesigns
      @sIXXIsDesigns 6 дней назад +5

      he said "Commercial Craft"... the X-1 was NOT a Commercial Craft.

    • @sIXXIsDesigns
      @sIXXIsDesigns 6 дней назад +7

      @@ChristianKearns-jh2zq throughout History... everyone "stole" from someone else... very little was actually 'original concepts'... and its no different current-day.

    • @Chauvin-r9u
      @Chauvin-r9u 5 дней назад

      British engineering was a joke at best every once in a while a squirrel does find a nut​@@ChristianKearns-jh2zq

  • @kpal2946
    @kpal2946 6 дней назад +19

    The BELL X 1 is remembered as " A resounding success being the first aircraft to break the sound barrier, a ground breaking achievement in aviation history"

  • @FakeMoonRocks
    @FakeMoonRocks 4 дня назад +12

    The Great Canadian Brain Drain
    1959, the Avro Canada CF-105 Arrow program is suddenly cancelled. As a result, thousands of skilled workers let go by Avro moved to the aerospace industry in the United States to the benefit of such large US firms as Boeing, Lockheed and Pratt & Whitney.
    SR-71 program begins in 1960's, first flight happening in 1966.
    Some others found work at Hawker Siddeley, Avro Aircraft's UK parent, and contributed to programs such as the HSA.1000 supersonic transport design studies, influential in the design of the Concorde.

    • @andrewmunro25
      @andrewmunro25 День назад +1

      Avro was suddenly cancelled due to those pesky Americans. Seems to me that we should rethink that decision and perhaps get back into fighter jet building on our own soil

  • @rem_qi
    @rem_qi День назад +2

    entertaining video. Thank you for posting

  • @HarbingerOfMetal10-67
    @HarbingerOfMetal10-67 5 дней назад +5

    I used to watch Mir fly over late at night all the time. It was being followed by a shuttle the last time I saw it . A month later, it was burned up upon reentry.

  • @DestroySteve
    @DestroySteve 5 дней назад +8

    Imagine attempting remote viewing and failing. Lmao. 😂 couldnt be me

  • @Machines.In.Action
    @Machines.In.Action 6 дней назад +15

    History isn't just written by the victors-it's sometimes buried by them too. This documentary really digs deep! 🕵‍♂📜

    • @sIXXIsDesigns
      @sIXXIsDesigns 6 дней назад

      News was slow back then... and something local to the US was MUCH more likely to make the Broadcast.

  • @kellyschlumberger1030
    @kellyschlumberger1030 20 часов назад +1

    I am curious and somewhat amazed that nobody has tried making landing trips that could be flooded with a thin layer of water, maybe 2 to 6 mm. The tires would be subject to far less heat and damage, and a huge cloud of mist would prevent and even extinguish fire.

  • @andrewstreet6927
    @andrewstreet6927 6 дней назад +3

    Great video thanks 👍👍

  • @prestonhanson501
    @prestonhanson501 4 дня назад +4

    Bell x1 program wasnt a failular. It produced a break threw air craft?

  • @jafojafo5412
    @jafojafo5412 6 дней назад +20

    They stole the French Concord plans … but the French put intentional design flaws in the plans the Soviets stole …

  • @TK-11538
    @TK-11538 6 дней назад +1

    thanks for the big red arrow in the thumbnail. I never would have seen the giant hole that was the main subject of the picture

  • @parkerohio6424
    @parkerohio6424 2 дня назад +2

    “Failed Bell X-1 program?” C’mon man

  • @gregoryallen0001
    @gregoryallen0001 6 дней назад +3

    that second one about the soviet astronauts was brand new to me and actually suspenseful

    • @Aaron-zu3xn
      @Aaron-zu3xn 5 дней назад

      their concorde copy was stolen from france the 2 crash landings are because they intentionally put design flaws in the plane to prove the soviets were stealing their design with spies

    • @joelperez3159
      @joelperez3159 2 дня назад +1


  • @GeneFraxby
    @GeneFraxby 23 часа назад +1

    One was the world's most beautiful aircraft. The other ended up flying mail between Moscow and Kazakhstan

  • @PaulClifton-kj8yi
    @PaulClifton-kj8yi 3 дня назад +1

    Regarding Mr. Larry McDonald, an interesting interview he gave earlier in'83 is available on RUclips such as Tigran.

  • @robkitchen5344
    @robkitchen5344 5 дней назад +3

    The Concordecflew for years before it ran over a piece of the plane that took off right before it which blew out a tire and debris of the tire was throw up into the bottom of the Concords and ruptured it uel talk .... Seems to me that just pick up the runway before taking off was all that was needed sunce that tire defect didn't be a problem until that last take off

  • @sIXXIsDesigns
    @sIXXIsDesigns 6 дней назад +2

    most all Super-Sonic Craft struggle at Low Speeds... its generally the ultimate Trade-Off.

  • @johnrieger2461
    @johnrieger2461 6 дней назад +1

    👍 Excellent, thank you..👍🇺🇸

  • @johnmcmickle5685
    @johnmcmickle5685 6 дней назад +1

    I knew someone who worked on the Eniwetok clean up.
    I can also remember where I was when I heard about the downing of KAL007. I was in the service and located very close to the west German/Czechoslovakia border.

  • @josi4251
    @josi4251 4 дня назад +3

    Love ya, Dark5! You bring us such wonderful videos. I'm a lifelong learning at almost 70, and your research and presentation of these stories warm an old teacher's heart. Well done you!

  • @vonvomit5666
    @vonvomit5666 6 дней назад +1

    The Tu-144 was a project that held direct military implications that was developed as the primary objective to the civil aviation development for the rapid transport of passengers and cargo quickly to world hot spots something they don't want you to know

  • @idanceforpennies281
    @idanceforpennies281 4 дня назад +2

    It's not TU-244 it's TU-144.

  • @mikael557
    @mikael557 День назад +1

    Annoying ads plus everyone immediately acting like an expert in the comments made me click out

  • @Johnny-e9n
    @Johnny-e9n 3 дня назад +2

    I remember the concord toy plane

    • @Countryboy071
      @Countryboy071 2 дня назад

      Yes, I had one as a boy, used to pretend I was the pilot!

  • @robinwells8879
    @robinwells8879 6 дней назад +3

    The inability to super cruise was the TU 144s Achilles heal, sadly, but still a stunning achievement of design engineering under appalling pressure. Had they had the luxury of time to do the project properly who knows.
    The other glaring difference was that whilst the Concordes massively costly development was beneficial to the economy overall, the Tupolev program just further starved the centralised economy of the USSR. Ultimately the west won the Cold War because their military industrial economic model grew the economy whilst the Russian economy collapsed under the weight of cost without benefiting their economy.
    The Concorde crash sadly took a sizeable chunk of the customer base with it and 911 did so even worse, such that the economics finally failed. Passengers using it were buying extra time in their days and that was valuable enough to them to justify the ticket price. All very sad.

  • @Yokes27
    @Yokes27 6 дней назад

    20:05 Those exhaust fumes, or whatever they're called, almost look like 4 people

  • @Allthrashedout.
    @Allthrashedout. 6 дней назад +2

    They never wanted me to know!? Wow i never knew they knew i existed!!😂

  • @TheDaveRout
    @TheDaveRout 2 дня назад

    What’s the ‘military’ link to Concorde?

  • @XleXtheGuy
    @XleXtheGuy 5 дней назад +3

    I actually have this same problem 4:10

    • @JTorres0812
      @JTorres0812 5 дней назад +1

      I am honored to be the first to respond to this hilarious comment 😂

    • @thomasfagan2092
      @thomasfagan2092 4 дня назад +2

      Did you solve the problem by adding more tires?

  • @RichWllmsn
    @RichWllmsn 6 дней назад

    Absolutely tragic end to an iconic plane. The circumstances leading up to its failure were human not solely mechanical and yet it was enough to kill it.

  • @justme19893
    @justme19893 6 дней назад

    I think it probably was a small change in the design that caused low speed instability, and the prototype was rushed to the Paris airshow without adequate debugging.

    • @sIXXIsDesigns
      @sIXXIsDesigns 6 дней назад

      i dont think there are very many SuperSonic Craft that ACTUALLY perform well at low speeds anyhow... its ultimately a Trade-Off.. speed or stability... your choice.

  • @williampage622
    @williampage622 6 дней назад +5

    Not a To,Too, or a Two 144. It was a TU 144 like Tea You.

  • @Matt.Willoughby
    @Matt.Willoughby День назад +1

    30+ adverts👎

      @TRIEDZIIDONO День назад +1

      control your world, change it instead of complaining, reinforcing, continuing to repeat your mistakes.
      yours truly
      Mr Adam B Locker,
      friends call me Adblock

  • @973GUSO
    @973GUSO 6 дней назад

    1 hour vid 🎉 must be in heaven

    • @user-nf7ui7dz1z
      @user-nf7ui7dz1z 4 дня назад

      Almost 2 hours! I’m definitely in heaven

  • @tedzehnder961
    @tedzehnder961 5 дней назад

    Bad weather is always used as an excuse for their plane crashes.Even when they shoot them down.

  • @jims6450
    @jims6450 6 дней назад +27

    "Failed X-1B program"??? What are you talking about?

    • @SATIVA26
      @SATIVA26 6 дней назад +4

      He is just stoned.

    • @American-Motors-Corporation
      @American-Motors-Corporation 6 дней назад +8

      it was an experimental plane made by Bell and it had structural fatigue problems and then of course we developed lots of supersonic stuff and so the X1B was no longer pushing the boundaries is pretty much why it was discontinued it was a failure except it did provide a lot of technical data about aerodynamics etc so it was useful and of course this was the predecessor to NASA is basically what it was developed under.
      so basically it was a failure because the structure of the craft just wasn't really up to the task especially if you were going to try and equip it with supersonic capable engines the supersonic capable engines and aircraft that would use those was being developed separately and was better for structure rigidity because well it was built around those engine capabilities so this is exactly why it failed.

    • @saridnour
      @saridnour 6 дней назад +6

      ​@@American-Motors-Corporation it was a flying test bed. Tests are meant to break things and push boundaries. It's the furthest thing from a failure.. The whole program was a series of babysteps. To stick to that analagy a child's first steps are not a failure they are success.. The Bell X program was the same. So much came from their experiments how could you call it a failure.. A few things in this video seed to have a particular spin to them. Made me question some of the other content on the channels accuracy. Author out of former Soviet territories by chance?

    • @MrGlossyEdits
      @MrGlossyEdits 6 дней назад +2

      You're thinking of the x1a which was flown in 1947 but the x1b flew in the 50s. It failed to achieve the goals naca had set out to achieve with that plane, so they called it a failure.

    • @American-Motors-Corporation
      @American-Motors-Corporation 6 дней назад +1

      @saridnour basically just what I said.
      I had said that it did provide them with lots of technical data Yes but it was just that it was experimental and it failed and other technologies were developed this is why they shut it down and moved on.

  • @PeckhamHall
    @PeckhamHall 2 дня назад

    It looks like my old dog that was a Weimaraner with them winglets.

  • @Bargos59
    @Bargos59 День назад +2

    Leningrad was not the capital of SSSR, Moscow was.

      @TRIEDZIIDONO День назад +1

      yup, at least one good mistake per topic.
      Got to be pretty dumb to make that mistake.

  • @xinixini1826
    @xinixini1826 День назад

    Soviets competing with Europeans instead of USA is peak Cold War stupidity.
    Soviets: "We'll make it first! That'll learn 'em!"
    USA: "You do realize we have nothing to do with that EUROPEAN project right?"

  • @Jeffrey-iq7op
    @Jeffrey-iq7op 6 дней назад +11

    Uh... The x1 wasnt a failure.

  • @bradgriffith9985
    @bradgriffith9985 6 дней назад +4

    Long video sweet

  • @Tracy-u1z
    @Tracy-u1z 12 часов назад

    That didn't look like a crash landing that looks like a crash

  • @davefellhoelter1343
    @davefellhoelter1343 6 дней назад +1

    "I can" use witching rods for 100% affect. Found a 100 plus year old trian signals wooden conduit bank could still smell creosote like new under Dodger Statium and an "under ground" post WWII traffic rated concrete signals pull box barried under 6' of soils and gravel right were I needed it to Be! and would have placed a new one. Saved us and our employer $60 plus K and two weeks not working on other money makers, another $80K.
    Found other stuff too, Dad the plumber taught me as a child. I hated the sovel, so I learned to find stuff faster, for less shoveling times.

  • @all4espi
    @all4espi День назад

    6:55: whilst nacelle is pronounced nuh-SEL-uh in French, in English, it is either na-SEL (International English) or nuh-SEL (American English).

  • @TomKappeln
    @TomKappeln День назад

    Since I was in the German Navy, seeing a Russian Monster on the baltic sea and my Captain saying to me quote: "If you underestimate Russian Technology, you're death ..." I have a different view on things.❤

    • @TomKappeln
      @TomKappeln День назад

      It was a Russian Hovercraft, big as a football field with 4 big tourets that could be rised and lowered!
      The whole thing was some 6-7 meters flatt and we had all to give our pictures of it to the inteligence MAD.
      It must be secret till today because I never saw a picture anywhere.
      Cold war was strange in 1987❤

  • @handymanheroes6463
    @handymanheroes6463 2 дня назад

    There's one theory you didn't talk about which my father was there in France and he said it was shot down but a single shot nobody wants to talk about that one

  • @anthonymcgoldrick7330
    @anthonymcgoldrick7330 6 дней назад +1

    Concorde was not the wests first supersonic jet. First commercial supersonic jet maybes

    • @sIXXIsDesigns
      @sIXXIsDesigns 6 дней назад

      right ... commercial... something he DID mention right off the bat.

  • @johnwuethrich4196
    @johnwuethrich4196 6 дней назад

    @9:17 "all have been mostly disproven" thats a really odd sentance.i can probably fall asleep to this but ive caught quite a few subjective things passed as fact already. Kinda disapponted from a sci/engineering standpoint

  • @radarmusen
    @radarmusen 2 дня назад

    The esp remind me of a Columbo episode, where a sneaky hoax with map books with the same page with a dot so all was known for the mind reader.

  • @GaryWright-x6v
    @GaryWright-x6v 4 дня назад

    The astronaut was in space when his country dissolved. Except for being recovered is that different from being on the ground and your country dissolves - where you could be shot?

  • @Kenneth_James
    @Kenneth_James 6 дней назад

    Not 1 image of an actual N1 rocket.

  • @Landroverdude101
    @Landroverdude101 6 дней назад +7

    "Just wait till you see us fly! Then you'll see something!" Bahahahahahahahahaha...

    • @BLD426
      @BLD426 6 дней назад +2

      Yeah, talk about famous last words..🤔

  • @teeess9551
    @teeess9551 Час назад


  • @rmarriott2
    @rmarriott2 5 дней назад

    looking at some of these beautiful international space missions i am left pondering only one thing: where is WORLD today? yes, the cold war was a time of great political & civil unrest; however, from space, these brave women & men took no part, instead opting to learn one another's languages, thus creating a true international space station. seemingly, it only took a couple hundred miles and six men to accomplish the impossible on our blue marble.

  • @AAronFpv
    @AAronFpv 4 дня назад

    Rising sea levels 🤣

  • @FlicknBean
    @FlicknBean 6 дней назад

    The similarities between US and USSR tech is awkward

  • @staticbob2001
    @staticbob2001 6 дней назад +2

    Why all the ads?

    • @echoxstreaming
      @echoxstreaming 6 дней назад

      RUclips has full control of the ads. The content creator doesn't have a say in how many ads nor what product & services are advertised on the channel. I hope this helps.

    • @nah-y4e
      @nah-y4e 5 дней назад

      brave browser or hell

    • @Wstarlights
      @Wstarlights 4 дня назад +1

      Because you don't have premium..

    • @MultiChaoticus
      @MultiChaoticus 15 часов назад

      Try Brave browser, and keep it updated. It doesn't show any ads, ever.

  • @paulwilkinson839
    @paulwilkinson839 6 дней назад +5

    I just read a book by Concorde test pilot Mike Bannister and he made the statement that the Russia aircraft could not fly at Mach2 only Mach1 plus it has fuel transfer issues and many other issues, it was not in the same class as the BA Concorde.

    • @campandcook3118
      @campandcook3118 3 дня назад

      Great story, because the Concorde pilot had so many hours in a rare Russian plane....

    • @vesnapetrovic4401
      @vesnapetrovic4401 3 дня назад

      Just you keep getting knowledge from West.. ( and speaking of knowledge - West doesn't have books - like natzis, with who you maintain excellent communication and business even during the war, you have only propaganda material.. Communism was baby level for US ! But "every empire comes to end" .. Tzar is naked and the world knows that now! 😂😂😂🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤❤ 🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳

  • @1208bug
    @1208bug 6 дней назад +1


  • @BradleyElkins-y6p
    @BradleyElkins-y6p 6 дней назад +8

    Just imagine how far we would be in humanity if we all would work together. Just think about this for a minute! If we only had like one space program in the whole world. If we all combine our funds and share information we would know be living on Mars. Cancer research would be the same way. If we all ever single nation would all work together, every single doctor or cancer research station institution would just work together with one goal in mind. We wouldn't have a pharmaceutical company trying to be the first one to make a cure for cancer to make money. Money just destroys and chances of people working together for a cure or a goal. If not for the ego of humanity or money being a factor we would go far ahead of our current societies standards and we could have a brilliant future. A future with no major issues, sickness and cancer and exploration of Worlds.

    • @davidl.579
      @davidl.579 6 дней назад

      Hold on sounds like what a one world government could get going?

    • @SpaceManAus
      @SpaceManAus 6 дней назад

      If this was to happen it would look a lot like Hunger Games, or Blade Runner.

    • @gregoryallen0001
      @gregoryallen0001 6 дней назад

      pharma should def be nationalized

    • @everest9707
      @everest9707 3 дня назад

      Communism has killed more people than capitalism, so not sure that you can blame money...

  • @seanguitarman5594
    @seanguitarman5594 14 часов назад

    Crazy how said Soviet cosmonaut upon landing exclaimed the world is definitely round, ....while in 2025 we still have no decent camera panning shots of this purported globe that should by now have exhaustingly overwhelming video, photographic, AND anecdotal evidence at this point. Good thing we're content settling with stories from space, lmao. Ahhhh, critical thinking. How I miss you

  • @gregoryallen0001
    @gregoryallen0001 6 дней назад

    fuck it i'm leaving TWO COMMENTS about that second one with the cosmonaut who paints wtfffffffffffffff that's a movie right there

  • @sammylacks4937
    @sammylacks4937 6 дней назад

    Maybe instead of trying to take passengers to a destination supersonic we all should stop being in such a hurry. No disrespect to the Russians, they earned that long before.

  • @gregpatterson3486
    @gregpatterson3486 5 дней назад

    Too many damn ads don't watch

  • @rodschultz2875
    @rodschultz2875 6 дней назад

    That the hole problem is government fighting for power. Not for the peoples

  • @davidsanderson7989
    @davidsanderson7989 5 дней назад +1

    Excellent video, only thing that bugs me are the usual error corrections. Just watch and enjoy guys.

    • @omnitravis
      @omnitravis 2 дня назад

      thats not part of the video.. just watch and enjoy.

  • @kirkwoodpaterson9510
    @kirkwoodpaterson9510 5 дней назад

    Such a conformist. Never has the man had a sceptical thought about all the everything he's ever heard. This is a good man to sell a second hand car to

  • @davematthews3534
    @davematthews3534 4 дня назад

    Very good video but I wouldn't class it as "creepy"!!

  • @johnathondavis5208
    @johnathondavis5208 6 дней назад

    Now just who was spying upon whom? Funny how many aircraft back then and today are almost cookie-cutter twins of other nations.

  • @johnedwards3621
    @johnedwards3621 5 дней назад

    1949 Berlin and JFK missile crises interspersed?

  • @Partimepeasant
    @Partimepeasant 6 дней назад

    How many people died in the crash's in France?

  • @sanhedrinvenus
    @sanhedrinvenus 9 часов назад

    It is GOV

  • @matthewsecord7641
    @matthewsecord7641 4 дня назад +1

    I hate to say it...but I would have to say that living through the cold war I prefer the Soviets over Russians as an adversery.
    The USSR was somewhat sane.

    • @lundqvjrl9359
      @lundqvjrl9359 3 дня назад +1

      Only thing that have changed is in the way media talks about them. Your perception and feelings of them just follow what the media say.

    • @campandcook3118
      @campandcook3118 3 дня назад

      Same as Ukraine, the USAID media is full of lies.
      The USSR es still under heavy comunista indoctrination, like the western eco parties now.
      Russia is acting more rational strategic and prefers business partnerships instead of shared or forced ideology.
      So yes, facing a more rational efficient adversary is scarier.

  • @scapaflow2535
    @scapaflow2535 6 дней назад +2

    I wonder if the early photography of the mysterious Foxbat was filmed by the unrivaled SR-71

  • @kadoj
    @kadoj 4 дня назад

    ….its “nuh-SELLZ” and “kuh-NARDZ,” not “neh-SELL-ez” and “CAN-nerdz.” Just sayin’. Ironically, though, your French pronunciation is phenomenal. Totally on point. I say that’s ironic because “nacelles” and “canards” are both French-based terms appropriated by English/speaking aviation engineers…. Heh.

  • @nickhall5959
    @nickhall5959 День назад

    China is east of Russia not west.

  • @vesnapetrovic4401
    @vesnapetrovic4401 3 дня назад

    Russia will pay to Japan soon.. together with bringing back plain and pilot's ( minus bill for keeping and maintaining plain and food for pilots ) of F-89 ...

  • @johnweb7055
    @johnweb7055 6 дней назад

    What the hell is a “nay-cell-awe?” Did you mean a nacelle?

  • @gregpatterson3486
    @gregpatterson3486 5 дней назад

    The address control don't watch

  • @Flame-Bright-Cheer
    @Flame-Bright-Cheer 6 дней назад

    Those Soviet boys are just a certain kind of tough found nowhere else on the planet.

  • @frzo40
    @frzo40 День назад

    Major General Albert Stublebine The Third 😂
    wallahi, truly befitting name for the leading role. 😂😂 the paranormal nature of the operation.
    Major General Albert Stublebine III
    Where's the anime version of men who stares the goats! 😂

  • @bobsudduth7806
    @bobsudduth7806 День назад

    Did all this lead to chemtrails

  • @skatee99
    @skatee99 День назад

    Note to Russia: Try to truly innovate, not replicate. Can you make something that other countries would want to copy? Or, just like China, constantly try to steal Americian ingenuity.

    • @Introspection-01
      @Introspection-01 5 часов назад

      China files the most patents and original scientific papers.. get a grip

  • @Flame-Bright-Cheer
    @Flame-Bright-Cheer 6 дней назад +2

    В Советской России Спутник. А ты хороший парень и наш номер один.

  • @whatizreality0124
    @whatizreality0124 23 часа назад

    28:26 This hair cut is exactly what I've been looking for since watching NASA's attention seeking woman astronaut was allowed to wear her LONG HAIR without any nets or cap ??? This really bothered me as the reason for the vacuum attachment on the Russian hair cut is CRUCIAL for SAFETY OF LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEMS / ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS NOT GETTING CLOGGED OR SHORT CIRCUITING BECAUSE OF HAIR FOLLICLES .
    This means 1 of 2 things .

    • @greenflagracing7067
      @greenflagracing7067 20 часов назад

      so you're saying the earth is flat.

    • @whatizreality0124
      @whatizreality0124 19 часов назад

      @@greenflagracing7067 Your bait is old and stale . Try something different .

  • @pauliewalnuts5241
    @pauliewalnuts5241 6 дней назад +9

    "Climate change" 😂😂😂 the newest excuse, remember just a couple years ago it was "global warming" lmaoo

    • @spencjon4822
      @spencjon4822 6 дней назад

      It is global warming, just people were too stupid to understand what average temperature means

    • @CriticalX42
      @CriticalX42 6 дней назад

      IKR, funny how how doing nothing a couple of years ago about "Global Warming" lead to the newest excuse "Climate Change". What excuse will they come up with next??

    • @LeonParrish-q6w
      @LeonParrish-q6w 6 дней назад +2

      And before that, climate cooling.

    • @jacksonyoung6919
      @jacksonyoung6919 6 дней назад

      Climate change is a soft sale on the idea of global warming..... (Ass face)

    • @338mag
      @338mag 5 дней назад +1

      I remember when they said the oceans would have a massive food chain collapse and all oceans would be dead by the year 2000 leading to global famine.

  • @5uwkn4
    @5uwkn4 3 дня назад

    This channel has become sloppy with its choice of words and images

  • @npsit1
    @npsit1 6 дней назад +3

    Do you intentionally mispronounce words to get comments? lol. 47:53 fun fact, the MiG-25 Foxbat was designed to intercept a high altitude recon aircraft: the U-2..

    • @sped17373
      @sped17373 6 дней назад

      Like he pronounces the word "nacelles" as "nacellas".

  • @Dylanoma-d9k
    @Dylanoma-d9k 3 часа назад

    wtf happened to 10 minute clips lol that’s why I stopped watching brah amazing

  • @digitalphoenix72
    @digitalphoenix72 6 дней назад

    And yet Boeing somehow still doesn't think it's time to figure out their own flight problems. Sounds like the USSR had more stringent safety requirements than our own. Not sure how many people need to die in Boeing planes due to mechanical failure before they decide it might be time to rethink the design

  • @Countryboy071
    @Countryboy071 2 дня назад

    No flearther comments, strange 😂😂 😂

  • @christiandebray
    @christiandebray 5 дней назад +1

    The Concordsky was going out first because it was a copy of the first drawing of Concorde, France was more conscious and serious so they were slower. Let's say the lack of refinement.

  • @JapanPop
    @JapanPop День назад


    • @MultiChaoticus
      @MultiChaoticus 15 часов назад

      Yep. And its capital was Moscow, not Leningrad.

  • @sbibbity_bobbity_bup
    @sbibbity_bobbity_bup 6 дней назад

    hyahyahyahyahya bOOpalev

  • @akinchung6997
    @akinchung6997 3 часа назад


  • @alanmoffat4454
    @alanmoffat4454 6 дней назад


  • @robertmatch6550
    @robertmatch6550 5 дней назад

    The narrative contains multiple errors and mispronunciations. As humiliating as the flight of the TU-144.

  • @CelestialPsychles
    @CelestialPsychles 6 дней назад

    It's quite obvious the Concorde stole its design from Tupolev.

    • @Aaron-zu3xn
      @Aaron-zu3xn 6 дней назад

      tupolev's design was stolen from france they put design flaws in it intentionally to catch your country trying to cheat

    • @paulwilkinson839
      @paulwilkinson839 6 дней назад +2

      What rubbish

    • @CelestialPsychles
      @CelestialPsychles 6 дней назад

      @paulwilkinson839 yup total trash comment I made I agree 👍