Tchaikovsky - Romeo and Juliet Overture
- Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
- Gimnazija Kranj Symphony Orchestra on Great Christmas Concert 2012 - Between Heaven and Earth in Cankarjev dom (Gallus Hall). The slovenian youth perfomered famous fantasy overture by Piotr Ilich Tchaikovsky, Romeo and Juliet. It is special magic moment, filled with poetry, nostalgia and love with our youth orchestra on sold out concert. Our kids play beautifully with musicality and great energy. Comparable with best performances. Legendary. Personal. Unforgettable. Must watch. Under conductor maestro Nejc Bečan; Concert master: Matjaž Bogataj; florist: Ivo Uršič; scenography: Jernej Kejžar; light: Cankarjev dom; sound: Matjaž Culiberg, mastering: Iztok Zupan; operational manager: Grega Jeraša, director: Primož Zevnik
General sponsor of concert: Hranilnica Lon bank
Flower sets: Yasmin d.o.o, Kranj (Marko Trilar)
Production sponsors: VPK, PPZ, Klopotec
Veliki božični koncert Gimnazije Kranj 2012 - Med nebom in zemljo. V razprodani Gallusovi dvorani Cankarjevega doma je Veliki simfonični orkester Gimnazije Kranj zaigral fantazijsko uverturo Petra Iljiča Čajkovskega: Romeo in Julija. Neprecenljiv in posnetek, kjer se glasba združuje z mladostjo, poezija z energijo mladosti, virtuoznost z nostalgijo. Mladi glasbeniki vložijo v skladbo vso svojo energijo in muzikalnost. Dirigent, maestro Nejc Bečan, koncertni mojster: Matjaž Bogataj; florist Ivo Uršič, scenografija: Jernej Kejžar; tonski mojster: Matjaž Culiberg; mastering: Iztok Zupan; vodja tehničnih operacij: Grega Jeraša; koncertni direktor in režiser: Primož Zevnik
Conductor maestro Nejc Bečan has a strong energetic style.
Absolutely brilliant !
Nejc Becan is one of the best conductors I have ever seen,
Whenever I listen to this masterpiece,
I feel like I am around in the Shakespeare‘s labyrinth to spread infinitely
This orchestra and conductor are as good or better than most orchestras that exist and they are so young!
Wow ! Fantastic Performance! Bravissimo Maestro Nejc Bečan and to Gimnazija Kranj Symphony Orchestra.
I’m supposed to be doing the housework. Instead, you e got me transfixed!!!!
Magnificent performance! Magnificent orchestra! Under the direction of Maestro Nejc Becan, the power and passion of this overture sends electricity throughout my senses, no matter how many times I watch this! By the way, whoever videoed this is indeed an artist! I have yet to see a video that matches this one! I will be watching again and again! Bravo to all involved!
These young musicians are so good is unbelievable. They are better than many established orchestras. The conductor is also amazing. He extracts every inch of quality from them.
Thank you from Hong Kong. The whole orchestra is good. Special commendation to the fabulous harps.
Une des plus belles et touchantes pages de la musique.
Absolutely perfect! Bravo from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
It doesn't get any better than this.
I bet this ouverture is the top one. Absolutely genius. Even though there are such masterpieces as Egmont, Hebrides and Easter Ouverture.
And the performance is just brilliant!
If only ppl could hold their coughs...
Un'orchestra fantastica, un'esecuzione magistrale! Complimenti sinceri e vivissimi!
Sin comentarios,maravillosa interpretación !
a fantastic 24 second drum roll at the end of this beautiful piece of music!
Even though I was a rock and roller, I discovered a love for classical music in my teens. This orchestra and conductor are fabulous. When they play Dvorak or Smetana I Just close my eyes and let it flow right in. The pace and tempo seems just perfect for such young and talented musicians. There is hope for this world with people like these in it.
Maybe classical music will continue forever with young people like them
La novena sinfonía de Bethoveen es sublime en la interpretación de esta orquesta.
I wasn’t
I have watched this for years,yep real good. Thanks for showing cutie pie harpist.
Yes ... same here ... and I couldn't Agree more ... this cannot be topped ... Cheers
Absolutely Breathtaking!! Maestro Nejc Becan is a brilliant conductor! It's like he absorbs the music and transmits its power and passion to the orchestra! His style, grace and dignity is a joy to watch. Bravo Maestro and Orchestra!
Parabéns aos músicos e o Regente!
I believe, Chris Smith, you have hit the hammer right on top of the nail. I see his face contort with the strain of that transmission and he points his wand at the different parts of the orchestra, having memorized the piece, knowing what comes next. I love your description. Bravo to you, Mr. Smith, for being so right on!!
I love it! Nadja is the star inside all other stars. I get drunk every time I see this wonderful Orchestra because of their buddy languages speaking with their instruments and feel the notes in their pure impressions. Bravo all of you:)
Just listened to it again for the 5th time and find it just as exciting as the first, Bravo!
wow... just wow. Absolutely moving performance !!!
It doesn't get any better than this. It may get as good, but not any better.
Heavenly ... cheers
Great. Absolutely great.
Fantasmagoricle. I'm blown away. XX
Excelent conductor and the orchestra! I love a lot the pasion put in their performans!❤❤❤
Always fantastic!!!!!!!!!! Always someone coughing!
El Arte y musica. De Romeo y Julieta con la magistral orquesta
Everything in the introduction above is true! I can't say it better, but it does need to be said!
They are a world treasure. I mean that sincerely. An inspiration. Many thanks to all!
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I had much rather hear these young people perform than nearly any professional orchestra on earth. There are very few orchestras playing and very few maestros conducting with the verve and intensity of these students and their faculty. Others have commented on the appreciation of the beauty of the music, and I must whole-heartedly agree. "Between Heaven and earth" is indeed appropriate for this concert. Thank you so much! (I thought I had heard all of your videos. What a pleasant surprise when this one popped up!)
Yes... Truly Spiritual... Blessings and Cheers
Endlessly and easily rolls through the spirit - this piece.
Thanks Pyotr Ilych - and friends - you brought such a jewel into the world.
These young people are magnificent - Bravo from Texas in the USA
Well... It would seem that Zevnikov has a lot of admirers here in Texas
As an old west Texas oilfield hand kind of makes me proud.
Excellent performance as always. Thank you.
Am still listening to this piece 5 years after I first found this video on RUclips and still love it as much.
Tchaikovsky has the vodka out after this fantastic performance Nejc is like a general controlling his troops and he wins the battle every time the best I have heard it done thank you KOR F
This is a wonderful young orchestra who can only get better and better with experience, what a wonderful prospect for the future of their concerts!!
Super performance. Truly amazed how these youngsters can play with such passion and maturity!
Yes, we benefit from their obvious mastery and commitment.
I never tire of listening to this fantastic orchestra. And, through the years, I admire the growing maturity of these performers, the conductor and their musical excellence!!
I love RUclips for classical. I just wish RUclips would let the videos just play out instead of interrupting them with ads. But, I shall be looking for this fine young orchestra in more of my music searches from now on. Job job(!), you young people!
magnificent performance! Maestro Beçan’s scoreless direction is outstanding! No discernible difference from Leonard Bernstein’s recording with the New York Philharmonic orchestra!
Un grande el Maestro Nejc Becan!! Magnificas obras abordadas, siempre con gran ductilidad y talento!!
OMG what a performance by these young kids. I remember so much studying this piece for my music exam way back...
Great performance - kudos also to the video and sound engineers who did their jobs equally well.
They sound like the Berlin Symphony.Beautiful!
This performance is so moving, it reminds me of my childhood experience of reading the Classics Illustrated comic book of Shakespeare's ROMEO AND JULIET while listening to a record of this work. Tchaikovsky's fantasy overture was the first music I associated with the story, and seeing the overture performed here makes me cry for Romeo and Juliet, who, "with their death bury their parents' strife."
An expressive and warmly intense performance that one can return to again and again with renewed enjoyment. Nejc Becan gives us an extraordinary emotional range which reveals this talented orchestra at the height of its many achievements.
A conductors work in done in rehearsal. During a performance, he just dances in time with the orchestra. This conductor is a great dancer. Right up there with Bernstein
So you're saying a conductor isn't necessary?
@@cluckoothechicken5721 I said nothing of the sort. I said the conductor does his work in rehearsal long before the audience gets there. When the conductor points and the cymbals crash and exactly the same time in the performance. It is because it was worked out weeks in advance. It is not because the cymbal player had the time to react the pointing during the performance. Having said that -Toscanini's orchestra played for years after his death with the concert master giving the downbeat and then sitting down with no one on the podium.
This is the second piece from this orchestra that I have seen( the other being Orpheus in Hades) and I love their work. The wind section in particular is fantastic and the conductor is high energy and really guides the musicians through the ebbs and flows of the music. I liked the camera showing the harpist who is often not shown in other productions.
Maestro Becan at 12:48! Outstanding performance from an obviously well rehearsed primarily student orchestra.
Absolutely beautiful. My favorite symphonic work.
Masterful playing! Such feeling and expression. The orchestra's attention to sensitivity in dynamics is particularly noteworthy. Bravo!
A marvelous performance from an outstanding youth orchestra!
Essa rapaziada eslovena é simplesmente fantástica! Não me canso de ouvi-los. Subo na cadeira para aplaudi-los!! Parabéns ao maestro Becan!!
Powerful performance These young musicians are superb
Прекрасне виконання!
I Have Difference Experience While The Youth Orchestra 🦋✍🏻🙌
Bravo! Excelent spectacol, . Felicitări!🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤
This orchestra and conductor are phenominal!
You are so very right! You speak for me too. A footnote--the conductor is a very snappy dresser.
Can't think of a better way to spend my 2019 Christmas day evening than with this wonderful Gimnazija Kranj Symphony Orchestra!!
Marvelous to hear The Moldau with this orchestra. Congratulations!
How do you do it this piece is the most vibrant I have heard Nejec keeps it tight as possible he had me jumping up and down they played it for all it was worth thank you fantastic piece well done KOR F
Simply, simply beautiful I have tears in my eyes at the sheer beauty of this piece. I just love this orchestra. It equals, in my opinion, some of the best in the world.
Hello again from an admirer in Texas, USA. While watching this excellent performance of the Romeo and Juliet Overture I noticed two notable instances of orchestra members appreciating the beauty of the music as they played. One, the lead flute beginning at 17:48 is playing beautifully at a particularly emotional part of the score. If you continue watching as she plays, at 17:57 she visibly reacts to the beauty of the chord change by a slight lift of the left shoulder and her eyes close. Beautiful and inspiring. The other is the second chair first violinist who's face lights up at the last note! Just lovely!
Wow... Cheers
Thanks 注释
What a conductor! I wish he were ours!
Is he not? This shared experience makes it so ... n'est-ce pas?
Thank you Nejec I could watch you all day it-s a difficult piece to keep going well done KOR F
Maestro, you look great in the suit! Must be custom made!
No hay palabras para describir esta sensacion, esta musica y estos jovenes.....
Ele é imbatível ,um compositor completo sensível!!l lindo!!!!!!!
Que belleza y hermosura con estos pinceles musicales.
Tchaikovsky el inmortal y su hermoso legado para la humanidad y también para todos los mundos del universo.
Magistral la orquesta y Grande el director. Una verdadera pasión que se vive con el corazón en vilo.
Magnifica esecuzione, nonostante la giovane eta' degli esecutori.
Waooh...Que c'est beau!
Splendide patrimoine musical Européen. Œuvres géniales, toujours renouvelées, magnifiées ici par le talent du Chef et des musiciens.
Very nicely played. Interesting how this arrangement adds 2 additional trumpets, 3rd flute, 3rd clarinet, bass clarinet, and saxophones as well.
I thought I have heard everything before, but now, I am already addicted to your orchestra. Truly world class. Bravo!
Marc Valiquette catch their performance of Scheherazade. Outstanding!
Bravo 值得欣赏
@@geraldgorman9853 Agreed! Not to be missed.
I also got addicted .Usually I am working and listening to the music ,but I have to stop and listen and watch piece per day... I will be so happy to listen them at Sava Center in Belgrade (Kolarac vill be also great ).
WOW!!! Awesome, very awesome, without words to describe this, very beautiful. Congratulations for the YSO and for Nejc Bečan that made a very awesome job.
Greetings from Chile.
Thanks for saying what is so true about this magnificent young orchestra. You speak for me too.
gentile signora penso russa che se ho capito mi parlava di un brano di Borodin e poi mi diceva di sua mamma a cui voleva mandare uno scialle poi io ho perso il messaggio e non riesco a ritrovarla se mi date una mano vi ringrazio ...ivana
io intanto mentre aspetto la signora sto ascoltando Romeo e Giulietta di Chiaikoski bellissima io cominciai a conoscere il grande autore russo e amarlo con questa sinfonia e quando l ho finito cercai un altro e così via e ora conosco tanta musica bella ma trovo sempre cose nuove ormai è diventata la mia vita ...ivana
Pure love!
What a wonderful orchestra!!
Young players, skillful performance !
I am coming late to this video but I agree with all the positive comments. I am enjoying it a lot. As for the timpani roll at the end, I agree that it ends with a quarter note at the beginning of the last measure and there is a prolonged whole note or final chord for others. But I liked the ending as they played it.
I cry
Understood how emotion can be engendered by such beauty ...
Bellissima esecuzione! Complimenti!!!
I really love this orchestra! Greetings from Mexico and Happy New Year!
Awesome performance
bravo Maestro Nejc simpatico sul podio e ammirevole direttore complimenti Dal' Italia
all your work is off the scale when it comes to tugging at the heart strings well done KORF
Just one word superb KORF
I am SO BAD!!!! It took me until 8:33 to realize I know this overture quite well...
I was starting to worry, having done the show fairly often in the last 45 years.
Great performance!!!
Always entertaining! Great playing and great leadership!
Потрясён. Интересно что с ними сегодня, 10 лет спустя.
Grazie, dall'Italia; thanks from Italy; hvala. Giulietta e Romeo.
as always a brilliant performance pyotr is smiling and listening to a wonder of youth God bless you zevnikov they go to the heart of the piece as two star crossed lovers thank you KOR F
wow fantastic orchestra and conductor!
Extraordinara versión y presentación, exelente dirección
Does not sound like a youth orchestra. I've hear professional orchestras that don't have the cohesion, the tone, or the verve of this group. Perhaps it is because of the excitement of performing that has become commonplace to more professional groups. I can't say, but I can say I find this orchestra to be superb.
Try to listen Youth orchestra playing Planets suite. Another impressing performance.
@@egorvodopoev7756 Indeed it was!
This group is more than just impressive.
POWERFULL PERCUSSION! and top perfomance. Congrats.
Timpani yes, cymbals no, i've played this, it demands extreme control and precision, and there's a big lack of it here.
Não me canso de assistir esta orquestra. músicos bons e maestro excelente!
Felicidades a un excelente grupo orquestal joven y con gran madurez musical.
Downloading it for offline enjoyment :)