The History of the Great Mughals, Babur to Aurangzeb | 1483 - 1707

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • The Mughal Empire ruled parts of the Indian Subcontinent for more than three centuries. In that time, it transformed India into what it is today. The Mughals came as outsiders from Central Asia who conquered India with steel and gunpowder but overtime, they became as Indian as well, Biryani is, which, by the way, developed in the Mughal kitchens. They gave many things to India, from food to architecture and even languages. Their law-code, to a large extent, is used even today in India. They created one of history’s richest empires which contributed something like a fourth of the world’s GDP at its peak. Its first six rulers, also known as the Great Mughals, crafted modern India to such a large extent that their legacy is being discussed even today, from libraries and universities to parliaments. Theirs is the legacy we’ll go over in this video. This is the story of the Great Mughal Empire.
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    00:02:39 Babur, the First Mughal
    00:13:06 Humayun & the Suri Empire
    00:21:01 Akbar, the Greatest Mughal
    00:41:02 Jahangir & Nur Jahan
    00:55:03 Shah Jahan, the Ruler of the World
    01:08:04 Alamgir, the Conqueror of the World
    02:02:55 After the Great Mughals

Комментарии • 1 тыс.

  • @MarcusAgrippa390
    @MarcusAgrippa390 2 года назад +52

    You are too good to us bro...
    A 2 plus hour documentary is freaking awesome!
    And on a Monday!
    Thanks for your work and sharing your talent for making interesting documentarys.

  • @Stoneworks
    @Stoneworks 2 года назад +235

    Yo... a full 2 hours of great civilization history??? Count me in baby!!!

    • @foreverGM.006
      @foreverGM.006 2 года назад +2


    • @CannedFruit999
      @CannedFruit999 2 года назад +11

      Stonework? I had no idea you were a based Mughal man.

    • @syedraidarsalan4685
      @syedraidarsalan4685 2 года назад +8

      Never knew you were into Mughals. Great to see you here. And yeah would love to see you back to making world building videos.

    • @quetzalcoatlz
      @quetzalcoatlz 2 года назад

      The longer the better

  • @Nickball97
    @Nickball97 2 года назад +258

    Videos like this for the Abbasid Caliphate, the Delhi Sultanate, the Ottoman Empire, Mamluk Egypt and Safavid Persia would be amazing. I will join your patreon in hopes that you may continue to share this precious knowledge with us.

    • @masudpeach3017
      @masudpeach3017 2 года назад +6

      Yes, if not all, at least for the Abbasid empire

    • @juliuszgodek6514
      @juliuszgodek6514 2 года назад +1

      @Iam ELIAS I think the context should be kept in mind - Yes, Ottoman Empire would easily wipe out the Abbasids, but that is because they lived at a time when the entire world was richer, more populated and more advanced. Abbasids still are highly impressive, altough in relative power I think the Mughals or the Ottomans were the most powerful Muslim Empire

    • @georgeghazaryan
      @georgeghazaryan 2 года назад

      @Shyam Sharma most Rajputs in modern Pakistan did convert to Islam and even in Mewat which is in India

    • @rdx706
      @rdx706 2 года назад

      @@georgeghazaryan you are also converted but not rajput , oh no i thaught akbar produced 60cr offsprings

    • @netstomb8707
      @netstomb8707 2 года назад +1

      @@juliuszgodek6514 no they were not Abbasids were the most impressive of them all they have the most well known King and for most part of Islamic world ideas came from their times however I will give they only have been in total control for just 100 years but put to mind how many empires ruled 11 millions square KM for more than that in total control

  • @OS-hx4jk
    @OS-hx4jk Год назад +19

    The production quality and commentary is beyond brilliant. Deserving of 5 million views. Zabardast!

  • @Srushti4551
    @Srushti4551 Год назад +20

    One of the best documentary I have come across covering entire mughal dynasty. Beautifully portrayed!! Indeed, it was worth spending 2 hours. Looking forward for more such historical documentry.

    • @ARVINDYADAV-es6qk
      @ARVINDYADAV-es6qk Год назад +2

      Katmullo given wrong history

    • @DHRUVS63
      @DHRUVS63 Год назад

      Lmao mullah describing mullah

    • @Redtomato7
      @Redtomato7 7 месяцев назад

      @@ARVINDYADAV-es6qk Mughals had hindu wives and mothers, and still you dogs will not stop calling them outsiders. If you hate them so much, destroy mughal monuments that bring in millions annually, stop eating biryani, stop using their language, stop wearing their clothes, go back to your half nakedness before the muslims came

  • @TheIslamicChronicles
    @TheIslamicChronicles 2 года назад +61

    This has to be the best documentary on the Great Mughals on the entire internet.

    • @shrekwithawillsmithface465
      @shrekwithawillsmithface465 2 года назад

      you're too underrated brother

    • @AruntamizhSentamizh
      @AruntamizhSentamizh 2 года назадвидео.html

    • @RationalismIsFuture
      @RationalismIsFuture Год назад

      Baised one

    • @Osman_beg_barlas
      @Osman_beg_barlas 11 месяцев назад +2

      Don't insult them by saying them Mughal, just review your history from colonial history, it's kind of a derogatory term for Gurkani.

    • @tianweiwei2900
      @tianweiwei2900 2 месяца назад

      Totally agree ! What a work❤ and how much hours they have spent 🎉

  • @studentofknowlege
    @studentofknowlege 2 года назад +69

    Absolutely underrated content, Jazakallahu Khairan

    • @AruntamizhSentamizh
      @AruntamizhSentamizh 2 года назадвидео.html . History of Khalid ibn al Walid ibn al Mughirah al Mazumi

  • @amongstgreen
    @amongstgreen 2 года назад +75

    Thanks a ton for this video and all your work. As an Indian and a Hindu, it's very tough to find well researched and unbiased work regarding Mughals and 7th-8th c Arab campaigns in India.
    Great to see a channel from our part of the world doing this work ❤️

    • @rehaanaamir
      @rehaanaamir 2 года назад

      After the introduction of Modi's New Education Policy.. everything is filled with wrong and fake nationalistic knowledge

    • @vladtheimpaler5454
      @vladtheimpaler5454 Год назад

      ​@@rehaanaamir so like most of muslim countries..any history before 6th century isnt given people are blame other countries of doing the same things that your people have been doing a long time ago

    • @PrithaBhowmick-cb1cz
      @PrithaBhowmick-cb1cz Год назад

      😂😂😂😂 You are a hindu? Or a converted hedu who celebrates its own death

    • @gnatandgnu6015
      @gnatandgnu6015 4 месяца назад

      Totally agree

    • @netaji-thebritishslayer
      @netaji-thebritishslayer 4 месяца назад


  • @smorcrux426
    @smorcrux426 2 года назад +19

    Amazing quality content in a shockingly underappreciated part of history. I'm seriously considering joining your patreon

  • @gnatandgnu6015
    @gnatandgnu6015 4 месяца назад +27

    As an Indian Hindu, I was really ashamed of how little I knew of such an important part of our history.
    I have learnt much more through this video than in all my years spent at school.
    You are a compelling narrator. The two hours just flew by!

    • @AbhishekYadav-sc2bg
      @AbhishekYadav-sc2bg 3 месяца назад +1

      Mughals who used to kill innocent Hindus, Buddhists jain etc and rape their women are considered great and heroes by people like you. No doubt why India lost its independence because we hv people like you who pray to invaders rather than fighting against them. I m sure your ancestors must hv betrayed Bharat for their personal benefits that

    • @anmolshrivastava4179
      @anmolshrivastava4179 3 месяца назад +1

      ​@@AbhishekYadav-sc2bg Aurangzeb did that bro than Farrukh Siyar. Except these 2 non of any Mughal emperor did that

    • @suraj1311
      @suraj1311 2 месяца назад +1

      They don't tell you also this fact that sharda peeth university in kashmir was destroyed by muslim.

    • @faraway7733
      @faraway7733 Месяц назад +4

      @@gnatandgnu6015 as an Indian Hindu ,you should be ashamed of believing this false narrative

    • @fredindie
      @fredindie Месяц назад

      @@faraway7733 Hahaha SATYA MEV JAYATEY, aag lege?

  • @matheenarif8645
    @matheenarif8645 2 года назад +78

    Mughal empire eventually was too big to control. Hence, infighting started, it started with Civil wars and then Awadh, Hyderabad state and Bengal broke away. Marathas were initially able to control the Central and parts of North India, however after Battle of Panipat, they started infighting as well. Scindia with Holkar, Gaikwad with Peshwa, Nagpur had multiple civil wars. That ultimately resulted in British Control of India.

    • @WojtekTheBear2005
      @WojtekTheBear2005 2 года назад

      no what tipped those off was the Islamist policy of aurangzeb. The previous rulers were more or less quite secular and didnt even levy jizya. Aurangzeb bought back the hated jizya. One thing which should be understand is to rule India, you must not disturb the local hindu and dharmic culture. Mauryans, Mughals, British all followed the same policy. To rule Hindustan, you have to respect Hindu first. aurangzeb had none of that. Thats why he isnt counted within the first great 6 mughal rulers. His terrorist like rule brought about many revolts and the mughal rule was brought to an end by the Marathas

    • @lastword8783
      @lastword8783 2 года назад +20

      @wisewisdom7879 Its not that simple. The Mughals ruled in India longer than the British. What led to the empire's demise was that the heirs of Aurangzeb were not as capable as him to hold the realm together. The bigger the state became the better and more capable the emperor required to hold it together. The expansionism of Aurangzeb had also expended a large amount of wealth. Eventually the British even with advanced technology couldn't hold India and once the British couldn't hold it together, it broke away and pieces of it broke off (Pakistan/Bangladesh)

    • @TheOnlyTrueLegendary
      @TheOnlyTrueLegendary Год назад +1

      @@lastword8783 It also had to do with the fact or examples away from the capital for over 20 years, With him so far away from the center administration for so long various groups that were normally swapped around as Zamindars Were able to create bases of power for themselves when they normally wouldn’t have been able to.
      At led to a degradation of Central control, and helped cause the empire to begin collapsing.

    • @rishabhrox1
      @rishabhrox1 Год назад +5

      @wisewisdom7879 India is not like the Arab gulf or China in terms of its ethnic or linguistic composition. There is immense diversity in India which can only be compared to Europe (if Europe becomes one country, that is). With such great diversity, it is not easy at all to 'rule' over people, because there is simply no 'unity' among the people except for perhaps, a civilizational connect. We have no common religion, no common language, no common ethnicity, and so on.
      Mughals attempted to first use Islamic religion AND Turkic culture to integrate people. Then with the coming of Akbar, they tried to become more secular and Persianate, and finally with Aurangzeb they attempted to impose Sharia and go Saudi Arabia-like Islamic, but none of those tactics ultimately worked beyond few years because India simply isn't meant to be 'ruled' by a single commanding power at all. (And this is when Mughals did not have control over North East India and Tamil Nadu & Kerala. imagine the chaos if the empire were any bigger).
      Even in the modern day, India may have one Prime Minister but there are 28 provinces and 7 union territories with each having their own chief minister. For once, you can rule China and Arabia under one ruler. But in India, even today, it is next to impossible to do so.

    • @jacksparow25
      @jacksparow25 Год назад +1

      ​@rishabhrox1 india can be ruled under one commanding power like how Mughals and Britishers did, all it needs is excellence administration. And for your kind information sharia law is only implemented on muslims, under aurangzeb alamgir it was fatawa alamgiri, non muslim have their own personal law. Jaziya is imposed on brahmins and temples who loot the lower class hindus and cam be only used either in defense sector or for the betterment of the non muslims alone. Muslims have to pay zakat which is more than jaziya.

  • @himanshululey8075
    @himanshululey8075 Месяц назад +4

    I am glad that despite this appearing as an Arab or Islamic channel, you've told the history rightly about Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj with utmost respect. Kudos and a subscriber for that!

  • @kappa9789
    @kappa9789 2 года назад +9

    The most crisp video on Mughals ever made ... Thank you .

  • @udaykiran-wg3vb
    @udaykiran-wg3vb 2 года назад +39

    Love from India! Your videos are helping a lot for upsc civil service exams preparation. Hope you make more videos on Indian history.

    • @saurabhpatil3654
      @saurabhpatil3654 2 года назад

      Do you live in Bangalore?

    • @dalitnahipehlehinduhu6569
      @dalitnahipehlehinduhu6569 2 года назад +4

      But also it is the most bloodiest chapter of indian history

    • @spicybinga7469
      @spicybinga7469 2 года назад +1

      @@dalitnahipehlehinduhu6569 true bro

    • @AshenAshAshy
      @AshenAshAshy Год назад +8

      @@spicybinga7469 not really, it’s no different from all the Indian empires before, all of which were probably worst as they engage in overseas piracy, looting, war mongering and slavery.
      It’s more of biases rather than we want to acknowledge they were all bad.
      I assume the Mughals get it harder for two reasons (1) they essentially created a South Asia concept that lasted until recent history
      (2) they are Muslims which rules over non-Muslims (same can be applied to when Hindus rules over others)

    • @leaveme3559
      @leaveme3559 Год назад +3

      ​​@@AshenAshAshythere was no slavery in india before Islamic empires they introduced it in india.....The level of warfare was never this organised because it was between smaller kingdoms so less people died
      A lot of civilians died during mughal campaigns against marathas

  • @wheresmyeyebrow1608
    @wheresmyeyebrow1608 2 года назад +11

    Yooo 2 hours!!!
    Love your amazing content!

  • @samcoffeen4762
    @samcoffeen4762 2 года назад +5

    This is excellent. Well done and can’t wait to see what else is coming from your channel!

  • @razaalee9477
    @razaalee9477 2 года назад +69

    I live in a small city "Rohri" in Sindh. Our Jamia Masjid still bears a stone engraved on it is "Sang e Bunyad Akbar Badshah" meaning Inaugural stone by King Akbar.
    It is believed that Akbar was born in the city of Umerkot in Sindh while his father was running from one city to another.

    • @AruntamizhSentamizh
      @AruntamizhSentamizh 2 года назадвидео.html

    • @ayeshathebanana
      @ayeshathebanana Год назад +1


    • @naveenawadhi6240
      @naveenawadhi6240 Год назад

      ​@@ayeshathebanana no dp kyunki tu badsoorat hai.

    • @m.aryaanamiri2755
      @m.aryaanamiri2755 Год назад +1

      @@ayeshathebanana ironically, Umerkot is the only Hindu majority district in Pakistan.

    • @m.aryaanamiri2755
      @m.aryaanamiri2755 Год назад

      @@naveenawadhi6240 you don't have a Dp either. That is like the pot calling the kettle black.

  • @ericcloud1023
    @ericcloud1023 2 года назад +26

    100% love this! Lately there's been this hyper-nationalist Hindu/Indian "documentaries" that make verifiably false claims in the name of ethno-nationalists. Sure the older 20+yrs doc's done by English accented colonial apologists is just as frustrating lol. But you've seemed to have done the impossible.... accurately recount the Mughal empire's possible greatest ruler, without bashing some religion/ethnicity or raising up another. Much love man

    • @ericcloud1023
      @ericcloud1023 2 года назад +1

      Edit my bad the greatest golden age of the Mughal Empire*

    • @raunakmani9843
      @raunakmani9843 2 года назад +5

      @Netaji-The British Slayer And same goes with all the rulers of that time.
      Its like
      When you win:- See, How strong we were
      When you loose:- See, How Cruel they were

  • @Crossword131
    @Crossword131 Год назад +2

    I really like your delivery sryle. I laughed a few times. It's clear you've done deep research and have formed your own opinions without letting them affect the scholastic value. Very enjoyable. New sub.

  • @javiersaugar376
    @javiersaugar376 2 года назад +5

    This is the quality content I subscribed to. Discovered your channel about a year ago, and loved it ever since.

    • @NationalistBhartiya
      @NationalistBhartiya Год назад

      This is false content 😂😂 u enjoy loving what u want to listen

    • @Nixo77
      @Nixo77 11 месяцев назад +2

      @@NationalistBhartiya you act as if hindu or sikh content is un-biased. Stop day dreaming and do your own research and compare multiple sources instead of being fed up lies.

    • @NationalistBhartiya
      @NationalistBhartiya 11 месяцев назад

      @@Nixo77 lol 😂 ☪️ can't build a single building in there homeland (except a square box 🕋) & they think they r great 😃.... In- vading loot distroying ancint temples that's wt ☪️ do.

  • @adilashary4383
    @adilashary4383 Год назад +6

    I grew up in Pakistan and learned about Mughal history in grades 6 to 8, but it was only sketchy in my mind. This unbiased documentary in detail was enlightening. Thank you!!

  • @HamzaShafiq629
    @HamzaShafiq629 2 года назад +19

    These types of videos are what I like. They are detailed, not based and respect both sides of thr story. Keep it up good brother! You make such exquisite documentries on muslim history 👍

  • @papazataklaattiranimam
    @papazataklaattiranimam 2 года назад +19

    Nader Shah’s brutal invasion was the biggest reason of collapse of Mughals

    • @dharmapersona2084
      @dharmapersona2084 2 года назад +10

      or maybe cuz of the jaziya tax on their subjects

    • @ghostshooterftw1338
      @ghostshooterftw1338 2 года назад +9

      Non Muslims who were taxed were not conscripted into the armies of Aurangzeb.

    • @starfootball6478
      @starfootball6478 2 года назад +1

      100% 👍👍 so true

    • @starfootball6478
      @starfootball6478 2 года назад +3

      After nadeer sha's invasion mughal empire dint even have atleast 25 horses🐎 elephants🐘🐘 🐫camels to fight with enemies like shikh people maratas jats🥲🥲🥲🥲 that's bitter truth nadeer sha's invasion was Devastating

    • @FalseNomen
      @FalseNomen 2 года назад +6

      I just read about this in William Dalrymple's "The Anarchy". The sack of Delhi was on a such a large scale that it truly ruined what was left of the Mughals, not just financially, but politically. However, they were in a profoundly weakened state by that point due to other factors.

  • @pipersolanas3322
    @pipersolanas3322 2 года назад +8

    Such excellent, comprehensive work!

  • @HamzaShafiq629
    @HamzaShafiq629 2 года назад +13

    You should made more shorts on RUclips. They are quite simple and informative.

  • @es7nb
    @es7nb Год назад +6

    as salam alaikum, from uzbekistan land of timurids
    your videos always informative and well animated, thank you for your work
    jazak allah khairan

  • @kappa9789
    @kappa9789 2 года назад +27

    Goosebumps at 1:41:33 , as a kid when I read about mughuls the character who excited me the most was Aurangzeb , he tried his best but finally his zid took his peaceful life . I love how you analysed him and brought out the real history unlike people usually thinking he was the most cruel, and yes I am excited for the video on Sikhs .

  • @SufficientIsAloneGod
    @SufficientIsAloneGod Год назад +4

    An insightful and engaging video that provides valuable insights on the topic. The presenter's expertise shines through, making this content truly exceptional.💯💯

  • @osaiyid
    @osaiyid 2 месяца назад


  • @Kyle_Schaff
    @Kyle_Schaff 2 года назад +4

    Holy shit. Not gonna watch this now, but I am so excited. You’ve made my night, though

    • @Dark-Awusum_CR7
      @Dark-Awusum_CR7 11 месяцев назад

      dont say holy s*** it makes you non religous

    • @Kyle_Schaff
      @Kyle_Schaff 11 месяцев назад

      That’s already the case, my friend. But thanks for the heads-up

  • @greencactus1545
    @greencactus1545 6 месяцев назад +1

    Спасибо огромное за ваш труд и это видео. Как раз то что я искала. ❤

  • @thatnnoob6109
    @thatnnoob6109 Год назад +4

    It would be great if you could make a video like this for the latter half of the Mughal empire. Basically, going into detail about the empire and its rulers from 1707 until its official dissolution in 1857.

  • @jackieslee5638
    @jackieslee5638 3 дня назад

    Really enjoyed this video, thanks so much for making it. I'd love to see more details on the role of women in the Mughal empire, eg Gulbadan, and the decorative arts and architecture.

  • @shamssanam9888
    @shamssanam9888 2 года назад +3

    What a informative channel!!..... Keep it uo guys, wish your good luck🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐

  • @kingoftheworld22
    @kingoftheworld22 Год назад +2

    I’m Turco Mughal from Afghanistan proud of our great history 🤘🏼

  • @lXHarmanXl
    @lXHarmanXl 18 дней назад

    This was very informative. Would love for you to complete and do the video on the history of sikhs and the mughal empire

  • @blastoff2moon429
    @blastoff2moon429 2 года назад +3

    What a fantastic video 😍 nicely done well researched 👏👏👏

  • @shanazkhan754
    @shanazkhan754 Год назад +1

    Great video, and a great resource for information! I would love for you to a video on the history of certain cities next. The history of Lahore would be an excellent example.

  • @timurthejerk9270
    @timurthejerk9270 2 года назад +232

    I like to think I’m a Mughal myself

    • @AlMuqaddimahYT
      @AlMuqaddimahYT  2 года назад +108

      Who let you in here?!

    • @timurthejerk9270
      @timurthejerk9270 2 года назад +54

      @@AlMuqaddimahYT hey I came for a family reunion and now that I’m finally related to Chingghis the Yuan better watch out

    • @rohanpawar2166
      @rohanpawar2166 2 года назад

      @@AlMuqaddimahYT lundallah fuckurallah

    • @rdx706
      @rdx706 2 года назад +2

      @@timurthejerk9270 a typical converted who think himself son of akbar 🤣 does akbar produced 50 cr offsprings

    • @NaderShahtheWarlord-hv3dd
      @NaderShahtheWarlord-hv3dd 2 года назад +14

      Did somebody say jewels?

  • @bilalgeneral2594
    @bilalgeneral2594 3 дня назад +1

    Shame on you for calling mughal emperors jerks, this shows how much deobandism prevail in you. Call your thanwi jerk.

  • @shehzadadarashikoh9463
    @shehzadadarashikoh9463 2 года назад +33

    As a Hindu , i likes Mughal empire , it united our subcontinent and gave peace and prosperity to it. Delhi sultanate failed to do that. Common people wants peace and prosperity no matter if ruler is muslim or hindu. But Aurangjeb applied heavy taxes which leads to rebels.

    • @gameruleworld.1889
      @gameruleworld.1889 2 года назад +13

      Don't lie ur not a Hindu come with ur real identity Indian was in more United under mauryan empire with peace better then looters maughals

    • @basedtsar9440
      @basedtsar9440 2 года назад +4

      Bruh it brings me the Jewish Nazi vibes from Poland ball.
      Or you are just a Sunni Muslim 🤨

    • @basedtsar9440
      @basedtsar9440 2 года назад

      @@shehzadadarashikoh9463 you will support mughals, until they plunder your Deepak nagar and rename it aurangabad, r@pe Hindu woman and killing non Hindus (including you)
      Then let's see whether these central Asian predators are actually good

    • @basedtsar9440
      @basedtsar9440 2 года назад

      @@shehzadadarashikoh9463 written this comment like a resume
      Aurangzeb won't kiss you for this instead he is in jahannam

    • @shehzadadarashikoh9463
      @shehzadadarashikoh9463 2 года назад

      @@basedtsar9440 fuc* Aurangjeb i don't care. I'm always with righteousness. I have his name because he was Most powerful and richest king ever lived. Although i don't like attachment towards people power and Money.

  • @spooky_champion5418
    @spooky_champion5418 2 года назад +2

    Great video!! It's not easy to find videos about Indian history
    Is there a bibliography or secondary sources that you would recommend, if somebody wants to go further?
    Much respect

  • @MymilanitalyBlogspot
    @MymilanitalyBlogspot 2 года назад +9

    Intriguing and informative overview of the rise and fall of Mughal power in India. Time flew while listening. Thanks, and looking forward to the two promised videos.

  • @rukaiyahahmed
    @rukaiyahahmed Год назад +1

    Thak you very much for such an informational video. You just earned a subscriber

  • @ssa6227
    @ssa6227 Год назад +3

    Salute to your efforts.
    Muslims need to present their own history so our generations don't feel ashamed because of lies and attacks of enemies.

  • @NavedHasan12345
    @NavedHasan12345 22 дня назад


  • @wheatblue7592
    @wheatblue7592 2 года назад +3

    The quality of this video is just beyond belief!

  • @AmanMourya-l8j
    @AmanMourya-l8j Год назад +1

    Wohh these 2 hrs was superb loved it 💗 besst video on this topic in RUclips ✨💗✌

  • @arkkyykkhan9179
    @arkkyykkhan9179 2 года назад +7

    Brother can you please do video on Shahi Bangalah Sultanate. Thank you in advance from Bangladesh.

    • @Hi5Ripon
      @Hi5Ripon 2 года назад +2

      It's very sad that Shahi Bangla is forgotten and overshadowed by other regional empires when the fact is it was the most prosperous and wealthiest nation in the world

  • @christopherhayes5238
    @christopherhayes5238 Год назад +1

    One of my former profs once said that Shah Jahan loved mangoes so much that he ate so many in one sitting that he got sick with terrible diarrhea and subsequently became terribly dehydrated, and this set off the rumors that he was on his deathbed which, in turn, caused his four sons to mobilize their forces and war against each other, with Awrangzayb being triumphant. Then Awrangzayb would so weaken the Mughal Empire in the second half of his reign in all his wars that it facilitated the Europeans getting footholds in the Indian subcontinent with England/G. Britain eventually taking over. Thus, mangoes were a cause thereof. I don't know if this is true, but it is an interesting anecdote.

  • @devdyutisaha5476
    @devdyutisaha5476 2 года назад +17

    India was rich even before Mughal.
    They enforced jizya on non-muslims.
    Taxashila and Nalanda Universities were in India before the Mughal.
    Mughal came from deserts and barren lands of the middle East to the greenery and abundance in India.
    Indian architecture was very much evolved even before Mughals.
    Yes they did contribute many things but Indian civilization and history is way older than Islam itself.

    • @amandaa3713
      @amandaa3713 2 года назад +19

      Devdyuti Saha
      What were you smoking?

    • @devdyutisaha5476
      @devdyutisaha5476 2 года назад +3

      @@amandaa3713 very cool reply.

    • @devdyutisaha5476
      @devdyutisaha5476 2 года назад

      @@75bugle They came from fergana valley and they were inspired by a pedophile to conquer the world in the name of god. I never said arabs. Get out of mindset of playing victim. Look around.

    • @RationalismIsFuture
      @RationalismIsFuture Год назад +2

      ​@@amandaa3713search 🔎"mauryans" "Guptas" "cholas"

    • @KanuniSuleyman4857
      @KanuniSuleyman4857 11 месяцев назад +6

      Mughuls came from Middle East?? 😂😂

  • @gen.chandusingh6413
    @gen.chandusingh6413 Год назад +2

    India had great architecture even before Mughals came to india for trade and then started to conquer looking at the rich wealth

  • @euroschmau
    @euroschmau 2 года назад +14

    52:25 Malik Ambar helped found the city of Aurangabad, which is one of India's must-see destinations. It is near to the otherworldly and breathtaking sights of Ellora and Ajanta Hindu/Buddhist Caves as well as being a day trip away from one of India's premier natural wonders, Lonar Lake, which is a product of a meteor impact some 500,000 years ago. Aurangabad city features: a gorgeous Taj Mahal-like tomb, the extraordinary Daulatabad Fort which sits on top of a high hill with its sides shaved off to create a moat, and one of the most lively market districts I've seen in India. I spent a week here and every day was an adventure full of intrigue and discovery.

    • @buzztube1738
      @buzztube1738 2 года назад +4

      Sambhajinagar not aurangabad

    • @theuniverse3782
      @theuniverse3782 2 года назад +2

      its sambhiji nagar now, thanks for the info though

    • @gnatandgnu6015
      @gnatandgnu6015 4 месяца назад

      I visited Aurangabad as a child. I only remember the Ellora caves. Thanks for this info, will visit again and explore the sites you mention.

    • @gnatandgnu6015
      @gnatandgnu6015 4 месяца назад

      Really? This trend is soooo silly. Soon they'll be renaming the Taj Mahal.

    • @buzztube1738
      @buzztube1738 4 месяца назад

      @@gnatandgnu6015 taj mahal is not an hindu Or indic building it does not belong to us aurangabad does

  • @leonardjuric9152
    @leonardjuric9152 Год назад +1

    awesome video! great content in general, keep it up! if you could cover the ideologies and imperialism of more contemporary statesmen like nehru, nasser, bhutto or ecevit, that would be lit af! but to keep safe from all the trolls maybe something like the timurid court culture? the one babur grew in

  • @rohanindra6401
    @rohanindra6401 2 года назад +25

    For a balanced view its important to avoid terms like Mughals “civilised” and created a “unified India” because it implies it wasn’t already civilised. India has been unified multiple times prior to Islamic arrival and by the local Hindu Marathas. Buddhism and epics like Ramayan originated in India and spread all over Asia. South East Asian languages borrow heavily from Sanskrit and Tamil. Their written scrips are based on South Indian Brahmi script. Not to mention a lot of foundational mathematicians later built upon by Arabs in places like Baghdad occurred in early India. I know some Hindus are revisionist by saying all Muslim rule was ONLY characterised by loot but many Muslims (mainly Pakistanis and Bangladeshis) have this idea that India was always some uncivilised superstitious countries with “dirty idolaters” living in huts before Islam came along to civilise us. We have ALWAYS been a great civilisation.

    • @AlMuqaddimahYT
      @AlMuqaddimahYT  2 года назад +12

      I looked through my script again. I didn't use the word "civilized" at all. What video are you watching?

    • @rohanindra6401
      @rohanindra6401 2 года назад +11

      @@AlMuqaddimahYT not in relation to you more so people who may be commenting. Whenever there is a debate re Mughals there are commenters mainly from Pakistan who say India became civilised upon the arrival of Islam. There have been Afghans who told me that they developed India impkying that it wasn’t before. Not claiming you have said that but the general community has.

    • @porothashawarma2339
      @porothashawarma2339 2 года назад


    • @leo5927
      @leo5927 Год назад +3

      Befitting reply to these radical islamic terrorists

    • @azaankhan821
      @azaankhan821 10 месяцев назад

      ​@@leo5927 your religion are the terrorist

  • @preapple
    @preapple Год назад +24

    Considering that Hindutva fascists have erased this history now from textbooks in India. This video is GOLD!

    • @RationalismIsFuture
      @RationalismIsFuture Год назад +4

      No ,all of the factual history is still there

    • @spacemann1425
      @spacemann1425 Год назад +3

      This history is also as good as erased. It tells you only half of the story.

    • @swapnaneeldas3227
      @swapnaneeldas3227 6 месяцев назад +4

      @@preapple our country,our history🤷🏻‍♂️

    • @sadliaq1590
      @sadliaq1590 5 месяцев назад +4

      @@swapnaneeldas3227thats not how history works 😅😅 the world will only think you are ignorant,, as they have started to realize 😢

    • @jitennchaudhary9665
      @jitennchaudhary9665 Месяц назад

      ​​@@sadliaq1590 The history will always glorify hunter until lion knows how to write 😅 Now Peaceful religion have become threats for this whole worl.d

  • @gabs3597
    @gabs3597 6 месяцев назад +1

    This video proves how Akbar was the best emperor of the Islamic period of India and one of the 5 best governors of India.

  • @sambujswaraj5002
    @sambujswaraj5002 Год назад +12

    Before Mughals, India's share of World's GDP was 33%. After 200 years of their arrival, the number was 25%. That sums up the contribution of Mughals.

    • @Saint.Topman
      @Saint.Topman Год назад

      Dont take him seriously he whitewashes Islamic history

    • @jacksparow25
      @jacksparow25 Год назад +3

      Prove it.

    • @Saint.Topman
      @Saint.Topman Год назад +3

      @@jacksparow25 a simple google search will prove it
      But if you want sources read the works of Historical economist

    • @jacksparow25
      @jacksparow25 Год назад +8

      @@Saint.Topman a simple google sech will also prove that the mughals were one of the best rulers that india ever had.

    • @Saint.Topman
      @Saint.Topman Год назад

      @@jacksparow25 not really Mughals drained wealth from India people and few elites held all the wealth
      They taxed Indian citizens heavily enforced jizya, foreign language, alien and barbaric culture on Indians, if they were so great why would Maratha rise in the first place
      It’s not the first time india was invaded but all the invader enriched Indian culture Kushan, Greeks, hunas and even Turkic Hindu shahis defended india and helped Indian culture to spread across the Silk Road they didn’t impose Farsi but used Sanskrit as a administrative language
      Now compare it to Mughals

  • @AzizbekNarzikulov-vj6cb
    @AzizbekNarzikulov-vj6cb Год назад +2

    Thanks from Uzbekistan 🇺🇿🙌

    • @sadliaq1590
      @sadliaq1590 5 месяцев назад

      Lmao if youre the Mongols why you poor now

  • @thecrimsondragon9744
    @thecrimsondragon9744 2 года назад +4

    Nice video. You should do one on the travels of Ibn Battuta.

  • @heystrangerpleasetalktome6705
    @heystrangerpleasetalktome6705 Год назад +1

    Hi, your video's quality and script is too good, and the way you are presenting...
    I would like to translate in Bengali language and make a video in future
    Hope you will not disagree

  • @Enigmasuhail
    @Enigmasuhail 2 года назад +9

    During the reign of Aurangazeb India held the highest GDP in the whole world which we cannot even imagine now. We still have resources that put us there but unfortunately the politics , corruption and illiteracy is so bad now.

    • @vedantjoshi9278
      @vedantjoshi9278 2 года назад +12

      Aurengzeb has also been observed as most religiously intolerant ruler. He spent most of Mughal money in wars and implementing bigoted policies.

    • @swapnaneeldas3227
      @swapnaneeldas3227 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@Enigmasuhail we had a lot of things even before you guys,stop trying to make islamic history the only important thing in India

    • @Enigmasuhail
      @Enigmasuhail 6 месяцев назад

      @@swapnaneeldas3227 people like you with hate is the problem of my country right now , I am not speaking about the Islamic history here , i am saying is that we still as Indians have the resources to put the country on the top , but trust me people like you are the reason for its downfall.
      . Most of the comments are literally from those learned graduates from whatsapp university.
      No offense intended but if we are to check our lineage and heritage as an Indian from its southern parts i can guarantee you that my heritage will more Indian than your mixed forefathers who came from north of the INdia and as Indians my forefathers had the right to follow any religion they wanted , so they chose Islam, who knows what my next generations will chose for themselves , i dont care , but at the end of the day they will have pure Indian genes though unlike yours.

  • @ayatqueen5245
    @ayatqueen5245 2 года назад +1

    Your videos are helping me a lot….thank you 👏🏻👏🏻

  • @432aniketkadam4
    @432aniketkadam4 11 месяцев назад +3

    In the Islamic storm, only one Hindu kingdom stood successfully, and that was the Marathas.

    • @muslim-xjs0g01
      @muslim-xjs0g01 10 месяцев назад +5

      Realistically speaking, this battle for control was less about religion and more about political dominion. These same Mughals annexed and subjugated local Muslim states, while promoting their Rajput in-laws. India would have likely converted to Islam if it had remained under the rule of local Muslims, instead of constantly being plundered by detached Afghan or Turkic rulers.

    • @swapnaneeldas3227
      @swapnaneeldas3227 6 месяцев назад

      @@muslim-xjs0g01 nah bruh our faith is strong enough

  • @mujeebahmed4635
    @mujeebahmed4635 8 дней назад

    When the creator was making this great documentary NEP has erased all the mughal history from the syllabus . So here is the alternate for them Thanks a Ton. . Great job

  • @papazataklaattiranimam
    @papazataklaattiranimam 2 года назад +8

    Bairam Khan was most likely the most important Mughal general except emperors themselves

  • @EnergeiaRhythmos
    @EnergeiaRhythmos 6 месяцев назад

    Bro really dropped a 2 hour video!! Certified legend

  • @starfootball6478
    @starfootball6478 2 года назад +6

    Kohinoor 💎Diamond was in possession of various rulers, it came into possession of Kakatiyas, Alauddin Khilji, Babur, Shah Jahan, Nadir Shah, Ahmad Shah Durrani (Founder of Afghan empire), Maharaja Ranjit Singh and finally, it passed into the hands of British Monarch.

    • @AruntamizhSentamizh
      @AruntamizhSentamizh 2 года назадвидео.html

    • @Jm20-m
      @Jm20-m 2 года назад

      All gay

    • @starfootball6478
      @starfootball6478 2 года назад

      @@Jm20-m thera baap ijda tha na🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @starfootball6478
      @starfootball6478 2 года назад


    • @rdx706
      @rdx706 2 года назад +1

      @@starfootball6478 a conveted try to become akbar son 😂

  • @AbdulSattharKodagu
    @AbdulSattharKodagu 4 дня назад

    Who is here After chavaa issue? Anyway whatever happened was for good! Young generation now able to study about the great Mughals and the Sulthanul Hind “Aurangzaib Alamgir ❤

  • @mumtahinafarzeen2138
    @mumtahinafarzeen2138 Год назад +3

    when talking about Jizya, why is it said to be done for take sake of humiliation? In Islam, Zakah (2.5% of the wealth one possesses above the nisab) was given to the poor by any Muslim that could afford it yearly. In tern it helped the economy with circulation of finance. Non Muslims did not provide Zakah. Thus non Muslim merchants were taxed so the wealth still had circulation, the non muslims had to give something to help the economy as well.Thus it can be said Jizya was taken from non Muslims in par to that, every citizen in it contributes to the empire, additionally it was only taken from a certain portion of non Muslims that had enough wealth, and it was taken to aid military in an otherwise giant empire.

    • @Amanyadav-yn6tb
      @Amanyadav-yn6tb Год назад

      India should charge tax on Muslims based on religion. 😊

    • @snehamirchandani1109
      @snehamirchandani1109 Месяц назад

      if you read, other then Jizya, in the annals and biography of mughal rulers, the wars were simply not based on a political motive but also religious, and even after the victory prisoners of war were made to convert to Islam against their will. slavery was prominent and prisoners of war were sold as slaves. while Indian rulers rarely raised the temples, if it was done so the deity was housed carefully in another much elaborately built and lavish temple.

  • @erikt3672
    @erikt3672 Год назад +1

    This is incredible work! 💪🏽💪🏽.

  • @muazzamshaikh2049
    @muazzamshaikh2049 2 года назад +6

    India's population growth accelerated under the Mughal Empire, with an unprecedented economic and demographic upsurge which boosted the Indian population by 60% to 253% in 200 years during 1500-1700. The Indian population had a faster growth during the Mughal era than at any known point in Indian history prior to the Mughal era.

    • @Saagar_Sahu
      @Saagar_Sahu 2 года назад +1

      Death on allah

    • @khosrowanushirwan7591
      @khosrowanushirwan7591 2 года назад +2

      Mauryan Empire:- Am I joke to you?

    • @muazzamshaikh2049
      @muazzamshaikh2049 2 года назад

      @@khosrowanushirwan7591 so you mean to say population increased in Mauryan Empire? Give evidence

    • @khosrowanushirwan7591
      @khosrowanushirwan7591 2 года назад +4

      @@muazzamshaikh2049 The Mauryan Empire had approximately had a population of 25-30 million people at it's peak and Patliputra being the Empire's(and the world's ) largest and populated city. India has historically always been the richest place on this Planet prior to Mughals and had controlled around 35% of the world's GDP.

    • @muazzamshaikh2049
      @muazzamshaikh2049 2 года назад

      @@khosrowanushirwan7591 source ?

  • @naved6095
    @naved6095 2 года назад +2

    1:29:17 bro you got me when you said Zeus kratos and atreus have on this family

  • @stever4128
    @stever4128 2 года назад +4

    Excellent documentary. Looking forward to the one on the Sikhs.👍👍

  • @motorcop505
    @motorcop505 Месяц назад

    What music is playing at 28:00? Thanks!

  • @marcusprasad100
    @marcusprasad100 2 года назад +8

    I am excited to see you report on the Mughal Sikh relations and also the rise of the 10th Sikh Guru, his successor General Banda Singh Bahadur, the Sikh Misls and the Sikh Empire. Interesting times here with Persian and Afghan Invasions destabilizing Mughal hold on Punjab

  • @JapeFnn
    @JapeFnn Год назад +2

    amazing content
    amazing work right here!

  • @KathaofSants
    @KathaofSants 2 года назад +5

    Will you do a video on the Mughals and Sikhs?

  • @Ariana-ie1bi
    @Ariana-ie1bi Год назад

    The documentary was brief and easy to understand as history includes a lot of details u just get the gist from the history. Love it

  • @snehashispanda4808
    @snehashispanda4808 Год назад +22

    Islamic rule in India was a form of colonialism, characterized by the imposition of a foreign islamic culture, religion, and political system on the Indian subcontinent. Muslims were foreign invaders who came to India and imposed their Islamic faith and culture on the indigenous population. They point to examples of the destruction of Hindu temples, the imposition of Jizya tax on non-Muslims, and the forced conversions to Islam as evidence of this colonialist mindset.

    • @siddestroyer
      @siddestroyer Год назад

      LOL. Retarded points like yours only serve to peg India back in terms of its economic and social developmet, while neighboring countries like China steamrolls ahead with its economic growth thanks to zero distractions like the ones that you raise

    • @sajeevramakrishnan1408
      @sajeevramakrishnan1408 Год назад +4

      "The Islamic conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history." -- Will Durant

    • @justinbrowne2071
      @justinbrowne2071 Год назад

      ​@@topbandit9693neither were the colonialists a single entity and were also of the same culture and were vying for power within the competition of local rulers so I don't really see ur point

    • @thomasjohan3138
      @thomasjohan3138 Год назад +2

      So was the indo aryans

    • @sajeevramakrishnan1408
      @sajeevramakrishnan1408 Год назад

      @@thomasjohan3138 The good thing about the barbarism of Islamic rule is that the savagery they are attributed with are quite believable. Thanks to what their radical fellow co-religionists proudly display. If Islam was spread using the blade of the sword on civilians is news to you, I think you were living under god knows what rock. They show their true nature and we call them a "terror organization".

  • @IqraIsmailChadhar
    @IqraIsmailChadhar Год назад +1

    Thank You but please add references so we can put such information in our answer sheets.

  • @rahulpaturkar1425
    @rahulpaturkar1425 Год назад +4

    The great Marathas crushed barbaric Mughals and established Sanatana Dharma in Hindustan!!

  • @greatkaafir7478
    @greatkaafir7478 Год назад +1

    Mughal's Took Help With Local Indian King's To Built Empire
    Akbar To Aurangzeb They TookFrom Jodhpur King's
    Mughal Empire Rooled 1526 To 1707 In Delhi "✌️

  • @catanana
    @catanana 2 года назад +7

    Make a video on Tipu Sultan pls ❤️

    • @CannedFruit999
      @CannedFruit999 2 года назад +2

      Tipu sultan is based

    • @catanana
      @catanana 2 года назад

      @@CannedFruit999 his valour against the angrej😌😩😩

    • @CannedFruit999
      @CannedFruit999 2 года назад

      @@catanana MashaAllah

    • @khosrowanushirwan7591
      @khosrowanushirwan7591 2 года назад

      @@catanana Tipu Sultan would be interesting as he is very controversial for good reasons.

    • @catanana
      @catanana 2 года назад +1

      @@khosrowanushirwan7591 I know he killed Kannadigas and Marathis

  • @myrkwood14
    @myrkwood14 Год назад +1

    Excellent presentation. Subbed.

  • @papazataklaattiranimam
    @papazataklaattiranimam 2 года назад +4

    The descendants of Timur who ruled in India called themselves Chaghtai Turks and looked down upon the Mughals or Mongols as half - barbarians .
    Rise and Fall of the Mughal Empire, Vol 1., Ram Prasad Tripathi
    Central Book Depot, 1960 p.1
    The fact remains , in any case , that the people of India were accustomed to call their northern invaders Mughals , and that those invaders were for the most part both physically and mentally what are usually called Turks .
    The Turks In India: Critical Chapters On The Administration Of That Country By The Chughtai, Babar, And His Descendants (1879) Paperback - April 27, 2009 by Henry George Keene (Author) p.51
    Mughal is the Persian word for Mongol, but the Timurids considered themselves Turks. They were known as Mughals in the Indian subcontinent because there the term had come to designate the Turkish-speaking military elite of central Asia.
    STREUSAND, D.O.U.G.L.A.S.E. (2019) Islamic gunpowder empires: Ottomans, Safavids, and Mughals. ROUTLEDGE. p.202

  • @assertivekarma1909
    @assertivekarma1909 2 года назад +1

    The history aspect was well done, the loud music between sections was annoying however.

    • @gnatandgnu6015
      @gnatandgnu6015 4 месяца назад

      True, when you listen with a headset your ears get blown up.

  • @sajeevramakrishnan1408
    @sajeevramakrishnan1408 Год назад +6

    "The Islamic conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history." -- Will Durant
    They imposed non-secular radical version of Islam which caused partition of India on the ground of religion. We are trying to get rid of that dark past of our nation. What they did was took indigenous culture and branded it their own. In around 700 CE, the Abbasid caliphate was witness to the golden period of Islam where written works on Indian origin and ancient Greece were heavily translated.
    Then later when they invaded deeper parts of India (Delhi, Bengal) after 400-450 years they made it a point to destroy indigenous monuments (glorious temples, stupas) and converted them into Islamic structures like mosques and mausoleums. They burned libraries / ancient universities in an attempt to wipe out indigenous knowledge of the land. How many precious works of knowledge in the form of manuscripts would have been wiped out... Destroyed heritage buildings which had thousands of years of history in the name of war against idolatry. Brought culture, huh? More like attempted to decimate culture. Indians are waking up to this new reality. What you are presenting is the old leftist historians version of Islamic history (developed at the AMU by the likes of Irfan Habib's father), conveniently hiding the inconvenient aspects.

    • @abhinavpatil759
      @abhinavpatil759 5 месяцев назад

      Cry harder sanghi

    • @sajeevramakrishnan1408
      @sajeevramakrishnan1408 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@abhinavpatil759 Learn about "ideological subversion" carried out by the Leftist/Marxists/Islamists lobby. Don't act like their dhimmis. Or I will have to wish you get well soon.

    • @sajeevramakrishnan1408
      @sajeevramakrishnan1408 5 месяцев назад

      @@abhinavpatil759 Dhimmi, did you pay your jizya tax yet? It is not your fault the Leftists/Islamists have not let the true history of India to make it to the books.
      These crafty leftists have been fooling innocent converted Muslims to own the brutal history of foreign (Turkic/Mongol etc) invaders by calling these invasions "Islamic", and skillfully not calling British invasions "Christian". The converted Muslims started to wrongly think they belonged to a foreign culture, which led to their radicalization and them thinking they did not belong to this land. India's partition was a result of this manufactured division.

  • @razaalee9477
    @razaalee9477 2 года назад +2

    Shah jehan literally had thousands of options. He could have legally married four women and could have taken hundreds more in his harem. Despite all this he slept and impregnated that one woman who had been with him for so long. I think that's about the height of true love that a woman could have got in 17th century.

  • @sajid9ali
    @sajid9ali 2 года назад +4

    I’m a subscriber but please don’t use terms like ‘jerk’ and ‘I want to piss on his grave’ for historical entities. We will ask for your opinion when we feel necessary, but till then, be humble and stick to facts. Consider this a request. Please.

    • @mmarvia3
      @mmarvia3 2 года назад

      it’s funny to be honest but at the same time I get what u mean

    • @MohsinRaza-uq2ow
      @MohsinRaza-uq2ow 2 года назад

      Where did he say that?

    • @MohsinRaza-uq2ow
      @MohsinRaza-uq2ow 2 года назад

      @@mmarvia3 did he say that to Timur?

    • @mmarvia3
      @mmarvia3 2 года назад

      @@MohsinRaza-uq2ow yes he did in the timur video I thought it was funny

    • @sajid9ali
      @sajid9ali 2 года назад

      @@Deepak_Dhakad I’m sure you’ve never had the melons of Samarkand, else you would be saying the same thing. They say Babur used to cry for it

  • @archanakoiri3268
    @archanakoiri3268 Год назад +1

    Love from India❤

  • @mrbme
    @mrbme 3 месяца назад +8

    2 hours of Joke😂
    Just study India before 10th century and then dare to say Mughals gave anything which India haven't had before😂🙏🤡

  • @studyuse-u6x
    @studyuse-u6x Год назад

    thanks man for the documentary you made my preparations for the exam really thankful

  • @omerxoX
    @omerxoX 2 года назад +3

    legendary video well done

  • @napoleonrabbit
    @napoleonrabbit 2 года назад +2

    Would help if you made one about the Bengal Sultanate or Malay Sultanates.

  • @vengyfries6934
    @vengyfries6934 2 года назад +2

    Emperor Aurangzeb has been one of the most righteous and unique rulers in history. He was a brilliant economist. He is the man who alone defeated the English, Chinese and Portuguese. One king mastering multiple disciplines. Other kings such as Louis XVI of France praised him a few times. During Aurangzeb's sharia reign Mughal India surpassed Qing China and became the world's largest economy, worth 1/4 of global GDP and waved the Proto-industrialisation (Bengal showed signs of a possible Industrial Revolution, hence preceding England, but the British deindustrialised its economy starting from the Battle of Plassey). Gujarat recovered from a famine due to his policies based from Islamic finance (Fatwa Alamgiri). As a practicing Muslim, Aurangzeb memorised the entire Holy Quran and never took a penny from the Royal treasury for his personal use like the other monarchs (he imprisoned his father due to his corruption with the treasury), he avoided a luxurious life and by profession he was cap sewer despite being born with golden spoon...Aurangzeb was also the first one to defeat the English (Anglo-Mughal War) and took Mount Kailash from the Chinese. He repelled Tai-Ahom attacks from Assam and protected the hindus and drove back the Portuguese inquisition coming to the north. Stories of the demolitions of temples were highly exaggerated, he paid maintenance for the temples and gave good wages to the hindu priests. He was the greatest and most pious Emperor in Indian history.

    • @vladtheimpaler5454
      @vladtheimpaler5454 Год назад +1

      Just like Narendra Modi

    • @vengyfries6934
      @vengyfries6934 Год назад +1

      @@vladtheimpaler5454 this doesn't make sense, but yes he is like vlad the impaler!!! Maybe slightly better

  • @warlord733
    @warlord733 3 месяца назад

    Am I right to compare the gunpowder states, or maybe just the mughals, to early dark ages europeans? The feeling of a man and his warband conquering a bunch of farmers and religious folk, setting himself up as king with his warband holding power, no central beaurocracy, just the king riding around, issuing commands. Over the years slowly assimilating to the local standards, but bringing their culture into the folds as well. The styles of timur and babur remind me a lot of mervingian and carolingian kings

  • @papazataklaattiranimam
    @papazataklaattiranimam 2 года назад +5

    The Mughals (1526-1858) lost control of India in the 1700s, but many of the local rulers who replaced them were also Turks, at least until the British took over.
    Chase, K. (2003). Conclusion. In Firearms: A Global History to 1700 (pp. 197-210). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

    • @shehzadadarashikoh9463
      @shehzadadarashikoh9463 2 года назад +1

      Marathas were Major power in india after Mughals and before British. Marathas conquered Delhi in 1737 , forced Mughals to par heavy tributaries and treaty was signed in which malwa came under maratha rule. Nizams and nawabs tried to stop maratha but they were also defeat in battle of bhopal. Then Mughal empire weaken by Nader Shah invasion. Again Maratha conquered Delhi in 1757. Mughals became poor af

    • @adityabanerjee7145
      @adityabanerjee7145 2 года назад

      Also the Sikhs controlled territories of Punjab, parts of Kashmir and Afghanistan and Rajputs strengthened their territories

    • @KanuniSuleyman4857
      @KanuniSuleyman4857 11 месяцев назад

      ​@@adityabanerjee7145 later they were eaten alive by the British 😂😂

  • @Mytoysmytales
    @Mytoysmytales Год назад +2

    We should be more concerned what our current politicians r doing than dwelling so much in history.

  • @Blaze07091
    @Blaze07091 2 года назад +8

    Extremely insightful, except for the part where you criticise jizya for non Muslims because Muslims too had to practice giving zakat which more often than not were more costly than jizya. Not to mention majority of the general population had income less than what is needed to pay jizya.

    • @raunakmani9843
      @raunakmani9843 2 года назад +6

      Taxing someone to pay one part of the earning for Donation cant be compared with taxing someone just because he is of different religion.
      Jaziya is criticized not majorly because of its economic Impact, but because of its Psychological Impact where you are taxing all other people who are from other religion, a kind of soft force for conversion too. & even worse than Jaziya was the Pilgrimage Tax.

    • @m.aryaanamiri2755
      @m.aryaanamiri2755 Год назад +1

      Zakat is higher than jizya.

    • @ujjalkumar3518
      @ujjalkumar3518 Год назад

      ​@@m.aryaanamiri2755zakat is only for poor muslim help. No one else. Whereas, poor hindu,sikh,jain had to pay jizya and not received any zakat.

    • @m.aryaanamiri2755
      @m.aryaanamiri2755 Год назад

      @@ujjalkumar3518 where did you get that?Zakat is for poor people in general,regardless of religion.Do some research before larping.

    • @SalemAhmed-pb4tf
      @SalemAhmed-pb4tf 11 месяцев назад

      There is no zakat, not only for the poor, but also for soldiers, travellers, poor people and slaves.