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Jan 13, 2022 1:22 AM
Oct 2020
Xaelath said:
Generic isekai, with tons of bad writing.
It's almost like everyone else aside from the MC become useless hero.

Imagine throwing a very shallow combo and calling it their best. Random Deus ex machina whenever the party is losing.

Melty and Motoyasu should just drop dead lmao.
Other character is just as forgettable as the protagonist.

It's actually explained why the other three heroes are so much weaker compare to Naofumi and his Party.
1.All of them treating the whole Situation like a simple videogame and putting their egos first. They seem to focus mostly on themselves, instead of their whole party.
2.The other Heroes believe to know everything about the world, because they played games with similar mechanics. In result: They miss out a lot of important gimmicks, due to their own pride and stubbornnes.
3.While the other 3 heroes rest on their fame and got everything from the royal family, Naofumi ended up receiving nothing and had to do different kinds of work to earn money and build his Party. He had to learn everything by trial and error and use the substance of monsters, to unlock more skill trees and different shields. The other heroes don't know about this function and only copy weapons to aquire new skills and boost their stats.

I think the whole party of Naofumi got a great dynamic in battles, so I wouldn't say that everyone besides him is useless.

Thats true! There is deus ex machina , but it wasn't out of nowhere. There was always foreshadowing at the beginning of the respective Episode. For example, the queen was preparing her army to face the church.

Iam anime only and not a light novel reader, but that's how I understand the major difference between all of them. I hope the other 3 heroes get some development in terms of personality and strenght in the next seasons. Furthermore, i want more explainations about the curse of Naofumis shield and the motives of the King (why does he hate the shield hero and demis so much? What happened to his family?).
TypeMercury94Jan 13, 2022 2:04 AM
Jan 13, 2022 2:59 AM

Aug 2014
Blackmirror94 said:
Xaelath said:
Generic isekai, with tons of bad writing.
It's almost like everyone else aside from the MC become useless hero.

Imagine throwing a very shallow combo and calling it their best. Random Deus ex machina whenever the party is losing.

Melty and Motoyasu should just drop dead lmao.
Other character is just as forgettable as the protagonist.

It's actually explained why the other three heroes are so much weaker compare to Naofumi and his Party.
1.All of them treating the whole Situation like a simple videogame and putting their egos first. They seem to focus mostly on themselves, instead of their whole party.
2.The other Heroes believe to know everything about the world, because they played games with similar mechanics. In result: They miss out a lot of important gimmicks, due to their own pride and stubbornnes.
3.While the other 3 heroes rest on their fame and got everything from the royal family, Naofumi ended up receiving nothing and had to do different kinds of work to earn money and build his Party. He had to learn everything by trial and error and use the substance of monsters, to unlock more skill trees and different shields. The other heroes don't know about this function and only copy weapons to aquire new skills and boost their stats.

I think the whole party of Naofumi got a great dynamic in battles, so I wouldn't say that everyone besides him is useless.

Thats true! There is deus ex machina , but it wasn't out of nowhere. There was always foreshadowing at the beginning of the respective Episode. For example, the queen was preparing her army to face the church.

Iam anime only and not a light novel reader, but that's how I understand the major difference between all of them. I hope the other 3 heroes get some development in terms of personality and strenght in the next seasons. Furthermore, i want more explainations about the curse of Naofumis shield and the motives of the King (why does he hate the shield hero and demis so much? What happened to his family?).

Laughs in Light Novel spoilers.

Anyway despite being enjoyable ride I found the main characters and side characters to be disconnected in the plotlines.

Aside from the Naofumi party, it does felt like the other heroes parties and the people of the world has no common sense.
It kind of annoy me how the author just throw that the other heroes is a dick and dumbasses.

The saving grace from the story was the interesting world building based on mystery with good foundation, some unique waifus, revenge story, MC that's not completely happy goes lucky and a good anime production quality.

I am sure they'll make a complete adaptation of the LN.
Jan 27, 2022 7:45 PM

Aug 2013
Thank god its finally over. Near the end it got pretty annoying how every female character began worshipping Naofumi. Raphtalia's change from the mindbroken slave to Naofumi's devoted slave (Worshipper?) who cant even live without being near him was pretty unnatural. Naofumi himself was alright, in the end he got what he wanted and he became a respected hero and got a harem. As for the villains, I cant say I liked any of them, lady in the kimono was somewhat interesting.
Feb 7, 2022 8:30 AM

Jul 2021
Another great anime comes to an end and we are yet again consumed in emptiness. The wait till April is going to be painful and long but I'm sure it's gonna be worth it. Till then let's continue watching more animes as to not let the emptiness consume us whole. Gonna go watch a 12 episode anime with a complete ending now, gotta get over this one or it'll be a problem lmao, the post-anime emptiness is dangerous.

It made me really happy that Naofumi asked to become to lord of the area in which Raphtalia's village was and it made me even happier that so many people were helping Naofumi in order to restore the village. Also let's not forget the best man of this season, the weapon shop owner.

That Raphtalia breakdown scene was sad but not sad enough to make me cry, still it had quite an emotional impact, if it wasn't already clear, it is now that Raphtalia loves Naofumi and I hope that Naofumi does too. And well we all know Filo loves Naofumi but probably the type of love they feel for Naofumi is different for both of them lol.

The post-anime blues are strong man, I was too attached to this story and it's characters, no wonder this is the top upcoming anime of next season. The ending was great, Raphtalia's village has become like a home town for Naofumi in this world, I'm also really happy that they were able to rebuild the village and return it to it's earlier glory. The fact that Naofumi chose this village as his base shows that how much he cares for Raphtalia, afterall she was the one who "saved" Naofumi, I don't think Naofumi could have come this far if not for Raphtalia, she believed and trusted him when he needed it the most, Raphtalia truly the best girls, it really are the isekai's which give us the most best girls, first there's Emilia and then there's Raphtalia. And man it was so satisfying to see Raphtalia and Naofumi hug lol, don't think they have hugged since like when they fought that dog monster. Edit: I rewatched after reading some posta and turns out they kissed lol, what was that, I mean I didn't even notice it, well this just clears everything up, they are already a couple now, excellent, I'm content now.

This was a pretty solid season, I originally rated it 10/10 but after the episode with the trash and bitch naming ceremony, the episodes became little slow and not so interesting so I deducted 1 point. I still loved this anime a lot and am thus rating it 9/10 overall. It gave me 2 really cute best girls, Raphtalia and Filo, thus expanding my best girls list, at this point I have so many best girls that there isn't enough space left in my signature to show them all. I haven't updated my signature but 7 more best girls are due to be added lol, one day I'll update it.

Also I feel like I should take a moment to appreciate the OPs and EDs. The EDs are one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard and the OPs are just pure hype, especially OP1.

Looking forward to more of Naofumi, Raphtalia and Filo's adventures also won't forget Melty too, our cutest Tsundere of this anime xD. Really hope that the other 3 heroes actually start becoming like a hero instead of weak little cunts and that bitch is given life time of jail.

April can't come fast enough, this Spring is jam packed and am all for it.
TsutanaiFuunFeb 7, 2022 9:07 AM

The end of an era. Thank you Wit, Mappa and Isayama.
Feeling half happy, half sad.

Kawaii waifus
and precious
  best girls <3333

Feb 17, 2022 8:12 AM
Feb 2022
Oo boy this hits home it is not even funny ay relay liket this show emotion sadness anger forgiveness this show put me in a position that ay was crying every 2 ep it is such a great story this anime knows what is wants and it gives it whit all it heart ay just love it so much and can't wait for season 2
Mar 15, 2022 7:42 PM
Nov 2021
Just finished the entire series in less than a day and mannnnnnnnnnnnn was it underwhelming
Mar 29, 2022 11:14 AM
Jan 2022
That was a great ride of a show, one of some animes that I rarely pushed >> button. Although those three other world heroes' (Glass, L'Arc, etc) motivation to charge the world left me confused (My thought is there are some dimension distortion or crash). Definitely a 8/10 for me.
Apr 3, 2022 8:40 PM

Nov 2018
I burned out on episode 15 and 16 when they made those changes to the story from the manga and had that pretty underwhelming and random feeling cgi trex fight. However, I picked it back up for S2, and I’m glad I did, I really enjoyed the majority of the second half. And this episode was a great ending for S1!
Apr 14, 2022 12:12 PM

May 2008
There's something I don't understand, Glass and the other heros come to this word to destroy it because if they don't their own worlds get destroyed, and the leage of pathetic heros defend the world because if they don't... ? The whole reasoning behind this seems too written on the fly.

It was nice that Naofumi chose to rule over Seyaette, but he has no skin in the game. His end game is to leave. Now if he had told Raphtalia that he had more permanent plans for the town, that would have made more sense. Hopefully season 2 helps with my questions.

I'm still going give this anime a solid 8/10, most of that coming from the fact that Isekai is my thing. The story arc in each episode is well crafted for 23 minutes of animation, there's even a proper resolution to each episode where our heroes can catch their breath and revel in their victory, lick their wounds in defeat, or plan for tomorrows battle. Not a lot of shows do that properly, it's refreshing to see. Yeah, it's a typical harem, so what? I like harems. I still think Filo looks like an easter decoration.
Apr 15, 2022 6:31 PM

Aug 2019
It is finally over. This episode was fine, I still don’t get why Bitch gets to adventure around freely and why she still disrespects Naofumi after all he’s done.

Shield Hero is poorly written but it definitely isn’t boring. I stopped caring about the writing like 4 episodes in but I couldn’t completely turn my brain off. Overall this anime was enjoyable trash with a ton of plot holes and contrivances but a few good moments too.

It’s a solid 5/10 anime though it could’ve easily been better if they fixed up the writing a bit. Right now it just feels like a budget Mushoku Tensei. Time to watch season 2, hopefully it gets better!
Apr 28, 2022 10:37 AM
Jan 2021
This is my third time watching the series so that I could take notes on it and I don't regret doing so. It only took me 6 days to do so (it takes me about an hour to take notes on an episode).

The main thing that stands out to me is the growth of those within Naofumi's party. Naofumi himself obivous for starters.

After being framed for raping Myne (who later is known as Bitch and her adventuring name being Whore), Naofumi justifiably stopped trusting people and gave into the corrupted nature of Melromarc. He went over to the slave merchant to get a slave to fight for him in which he says that slaves aren't people. That's where he meets Raphtalia. However, his relationship with Raphtalia is nothing like a typical slave to master type of relationship. There are only two times he uses the slave crest to order her to do something. When he does though he's only pushing Raphtalia to become stronger and because of it she is able to move forward from her awful past. As the bond of the two grows, Naofumi finally finds someone in the world that he can actually trust (Elhart is trustworthy too given he didn't believe Naofumi raped Bitch) and she helps Naofumi to open up his heart. Then there's the addition of Filo which helps Naofumi to develop his more fatherly side, as he consistently talks to her as the role of her father and does things such as brushing her hair and teaching her proper etiquette when it comes to eating. When Naofumi's party faced the dragon zombie and he thought Filo died, the fact he instantly activated Rage Shield shows how much he truly cared for Filo like a child. Showing that despite how he acts on the outside, Naofumi still has a heart. The trust issues that Naofumi has results in him demanding villages to pay him for his services and he even has Ake's squad gather 500 silvers to join his party. The next significant sign of growth is after his talk with Fitoria. Besides having a grudge against the other heroes for accusing him of raping Bitch, stealing their reward, brainwashing Mel, etc., he still decides to work with them all because of the promise he made for her. I guarantee the Naofumi before that conversation would've INSISTED on working alone (meaning with his party exclusively). From that point his rage subsided a little bit, and it was reduced even more when Mel, Raphtalia, and Filo stopped Naofumi's rage from completely taking him over. Then we get to the trial of Bitch and Trash. Despite what they've done, Naofumi spares their lives and instead gives them a worse punishment. That growth speaks volumes and I believe this is the most important part of this first season.

Raphtalia, Filo, and Mel also have significant growth. Raphtalia as I said before is able to overcome her past. After seeing the skeleton of Rifana she starts doubting herself, but then Naofumi tells her the impact she's had on her and he tells her that they will keep fighting to make sure this doesn't happen to anybody else ever again. For Filo the major growth point is during her fight with Fitoria. Fitoria continues to question her will and how much she really cares about protecting Naofumi. Because she never gives up, Filo unlocks a new skill in which she forms a claw in her hand (KEEP IN MIND FITORIA AND FILO FOUGHT IN HUMAN FORM). As for Mel, the growth was a gradual thing in which Mel simply acted less official and acted more as herself. Van and Mirelia specifically highlight this.

I really enjoyed the series and once the English Dub of The Rising of the Shield Hero Season 2 commences I will be watching the upcoming season.
May 8, 2022 4:55 PM

Jun 2015
When I saw that green-haired girl standing out for some episodes, I though she would be the regular comic relief. I never thought she would join Naofumi's party.
If you are going to disagree with me, don't bother talking to me. I will seriously hurt you!
Aug 9, 2022 6:02 AM
Mar 2018
Eine gute Episode um die 1 Staffel abzuschließen. Allgemein ein sehr guter Anime der aufgebaut ist wie ein MMO und einen ab Folge 1 in den Bann zieht.
Aug 26, 2022 12:28 PM
Mar 2022
Good ending for S1, did reweal some things and had an wholsome moment at the end!
Sep 4, 2022 12:52 PM
Apr 2014
What a powerful way to set up the next season!
Sep 5, 2022 8:55 PM
Jan 2017
Good ending to a great season :)
Sep 8, 2022 5:16 AM
Sep 2022
i will watch season 2 and it's a good ending for season 1
Sep 12, 2022 5:32 PM
Jul 2020
Nov 29, 2022 10:48 AM
Aug 2021
That ending was amazing
Dec 10, 2022 10:47 PM
Nov 2022
it feels right, like this is where it should be
Jan 28, 2023 4:52 AM

Apr 2020
Aaah this series was kinda disappointing but with this ending all makes sense and it was so touching :') so niiiice <3
Jan 28, 2023 11:34 AM
Mar 2016
The only reason for me to not give this anime 10/10 yet is the ending, I was waiting for the ending so I can see if it deserve it.

finally I think this anime/season defiantly 10/10
Feb 26, 2023 3:31 AM

Jul 2015
You know the three stooges are useless when even a random clumsy background character has done more in the wave (throwing the alcohol barrels) than them.
Overall I enjoyed the show but I do admit it had some weak writing in the plot especially with Myne and the King being comically evil with not much of a punishment in the end and the three stooges being so annoyingly moronic.

Mar 12, 2023 9:26 AM
Apr 2017
One of my favorite shows to date, the second season though falls flat, and felt super rushed to get into the story in comparison to the manga.
Mar 28, 2023 2:03 PM
Oct 2022
Nice plot, decent character progression, happy to see that the main character does not one-shot everything first try for once. Underdog isekai are my favourite!
Mar 30, 2023 8:10 PM
Oct 2018
just love it TwT 10/10

here i come season 2
May 28, 2023 3:49 PM
May 2023
f ck all the self righteous pricks this was a great show
Jul 11, 2023 1:24 PM
Jan 2023
That was the best ending to a season of anime I could have hoped for.

That reward Naofumi requested was definitely not what I was expecting him to do, but it is definitely a better outcome than just accepting gold or something like that. Oh and finding out that Naofumi will be staying in this world instead of going back home is certainly a relief. The formation of the village is definitely a good setup for the next season.

without a doubt, this anime deserves a rating of a 9/10, it has a few flaws (mainly the weird looking cgi) but it is definitely worth watching.
Jul 16, 2023 12:18 PM
Mar 2014
It was ok, didn't think much of it
Jul 19, 2023 1:52 AM
Jul 2023
It's neat, how the first season came to an end.
Jul 25, 2023 1:01 PM
Jun 2023
very good jfowfijeiofjewiofjioew
Aug 12, 2023 7:26 AM
Aug 2023
One of my favorite anime
Aug 24, 2023 1:32 AM

Dec 2022
An impressive anime. While the antagonists were too cheesy and superficial in portrayal for my liking most of the time, the interactions between other characters were more dynamic, even if they weren't entirely protagonistic. The pacing of different arcs and events was also impeccable, and it felt like they were always granted an appropriate amount of time to fulfil their purpose. Of course, I can't fault the animation or music either.

╔⏤═⏤╝ ╚⏤═⏤╗
Shaded Horizon

Oct 3, 2023 3:42 PM
Mar 2014
it wasnt a "wow" episode, but still was pretty decent for 8/10
Oct 7, 2023 5:42 AM
Jan 2023
gud reveng anim, and also gud
Oct 11, 2023 9:41 PM
Dec 2022
Only Shield Hero can stand up to them. The other Cardinal Heroes are so lame despite their attack weapons.

Seems that the waves bring another trio from another world to fight Shield Hero. That kinda sucks big time.
Oct 27, 2023 2:54 PM
Dec 2020
Un anime muy original y recomendado
Nov 4, 2023 10:40 PM
Mar 2018
Nice ( ´ ▽ ` )♪
Nov 5, 2023 12:42 AM
Nov 2023
muito bom, super recomendo
Dec 16, 2023 7:16 PM
Jul 2018
Well gahhdamn, it's about time they took Glass down
Dec 23, 2023 5:54 PM
Oct 2020
cute ahh ahh raccoon
Dec 31, 2023 10:01 PM
Jun 2012
Ended on a meh note.

It wasn't the worst run but nothing exceptional.

They had the source to really bring to life and make it shine.

I never felt as though that was done here. But it certainly took its time where need be. Not rushing the overall production value nor leaving anything behind.

It was a good adaption overall.
Feb 4, 2024 8:26 PM

Jun 2022
1) What A Dope Series .
2) Season 2 Wounds Cut Deep Man , They Became Greedy & Messed Up With A Potential 25 Episodes S2 & S3 If Done Right .
3) Gonna Stick With This One .
Feb 19, 2024 10:13 AM
Sep 2021
I think it is beautiful
Apr 27, 2024 7:43 AM
Dec 2023
pretty good, though season one is the only one worth watching
Apr 29, 2024 4:52 AM

Dec 2022
Damn, feelin pretty bad for Glass here being defeated in an easy manner and what a cool finale. I saw the average score for season 2 and I wonder where it went wrong or maybe the expectations were too big from season 1? Oh well I guess I'll put it in PtW and watch it sometime in the future probably by the next few days.

May 6, 2024 7:00 PM
Sep 2021
The last battle was absolutely horrible. Like the shield hero wanted to kill her, suddenly he’s hesitant for no reason and tell her to go before he kill her. Like what kind of shit writing is this? And when she tell him he gets emotional with her. And at the end he defeated her with fucking wine fruit or whatever that shit was!??? And again he had the chance to kill her but he let her go knowing that she will come back and kill him. This writing is giving me a brain rot.

The main character should have been more grey than being white according to all the things he have been through, yet he’s just another stupid shonin protagonist.

The story had a lot of potential story wise but it keeps ruining it by itself by his stupid characters from stupid logic and Scenarios.
Jun 15, 2024 8:42 PM

Mar 2013
Finally rewatched this masterpiece of an adaptation.
Now on to the second season which was terribly adapted.

Anime fans nowadays have 🗑️🚮 opinions, unlike myself.
So go and enjoy this series to your heart's content.
It's not that I dislike this genre but... to add unnecessary fan services to/in/for heroines
and ultimately destroys her character and personality; their purity tarnished because of it,
is the only thing I hope to not happen to them. For that sole purity is my fan service.
Jul 29, 2024 5:02 AM
Jun 2024
Aug 9, 2024 8:28 PM
Sep 2020
Too annoying and to many moments were I find gross.
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