Charlie Parker is the ultimate underdog that comes out on top. He went from beginner to the absolute best alto sax player anywhere in the world after three months of intense practice. I know for a fact that it would take me more than three months of intense practice to become the greatest at anything!! Bird is my hero!!
Charlie Parkerの貴重なDialシリーズをアップいただきありがとうございます。 Dial シリーズの中でもDuke JordanとTommy PotterがそれぞれPianoとBassで参加している演奏が特に大好きです。 この10インチレコードはとても聴き心地の良い音で、聴いているとどんどん気持ちよくなります。 今後、何回もリピートで聴くことが確実な盤です。 このアルバムは選曲もすごく良いですね。 おまけにタイムスタンプが用意されているので選曲がとても楽です。 最高です。 Thank you for uploading Charlie Parker's valuable Dial series. Among the Dial recordings, I especially love the performances by Duke Jordan and Tommy Potter on Piano and Bass, respectively. This 10 inch record has a very pleasant sound and makes me feel more and more comfortable as I listen to it. I am sure I will be listening to this record on repeat many times in the future. The tune selection on this album is also very good. As an added bonus, the time stamps provided make it very easy to select songs. It's the best.
The image of the label shown in the video is pasted on sides A and B with the sides reversed. Since it has been listened to many times and has received high praise, I will publish it as is without making any corrections.
Miles sounds great even at this early stage of his career. Glad Parker saw something in him to invite him into the band to play with him. He had to fill Dizzy's shoes, but he did well.
Charlie Parker is the ultimate underdog that comes out on top. He went from beginner to the absolute best alto sax player anywhere in the world after three months of intense practice. I know for a fact that it would take me more than three months of intense practice to become the greatest at anything!! Bird is my hero!!
Very much thank you taro cross....!
Charlie Parkerの貴重なDialシリーズをアップいただきありがとうございます。
Dial シリーズの中でもDuke JordanとTommy PotterがそれぞれPianoとBassで参加している演奏が特に大好きです。
Thank you for uploading Charlie Parker's valuable Dial series.
Among the Dial recordings, I especially love the performances by Duke Jordan and Tommy Potter on Piano and Bass, respectively.
This 10 inch record has a very pleasant sound and makes me feel more and more comfortable as I listen to it.
I am sure I will be listening to this record on repeat many times in the future.
The tune selection on this album is also very good.
As an added bonus, the time stamps provided make it very easy to select songs.
It's the best.
The stuff of legends. I always call Charlie Parker the Mozart of jazz.
Black history month kicking off the right way🎶
Beautiful playing.
Great once more
デュークジョーダンが当時の録音現場を振り返り。バードが傍に立っただけで鳥肌が立つようだった と。デュークと親交の深かったジャズ喫茶マスターのお話しでした。
Thank you ☺
thank you!
The image of the label shown in the video is pasted on sides A and B with the sides reversed.
Since it has been listened to many times and has received high praise, I will publish it as is without making any corrections.
Miles sounds great even at this early stage of his career. Glad Parker saw something in him to invite him into the band to play with him. He had to fill Dizzy's shoes, but he did well.
Wow, the distortion is incredible turntable really vinyl really