Send Em Adrift - South Park Canada On Strike (Hobbs Reaction)

  • Опубликовано: 24 мар 2025
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    HOBBS REACTS To - Canada On Strike
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    South Park:  Canada On Strike
    All the videos, songs, images and graphics used in the video belong to their respective owners and I or this channel does not claim any right over them.
    #southpark #southparkreaction #funnyreaction

Комментарии • 467

  • @Ardomew
    @Ardomew 7 часов назад +95

    As a Canadian, I can confirm that we do indeed send people we don't like out on ice into the ocean. Especially if they're not our buddy, guy.

    • @christopherb501
      @christopherb501 7 часов назад +6

      Wasn't that just a thing some Inuit tribes did, in ancient times, in times of famine?

    • @83gemm
      @83gemm 6 часов назад +9

      He’s not your guy, friend!

    • @packnetadaija
      @packnetadaija 6 часов назад +4

      What about their fwiend?

    • @AntBearPig
      @AntBearPig 5 часов назад +4

      I'm not your guy, friend.

    • @gk2370
      @gk2370 5 часов назад +5

      ​@@AntBearPigHe's not your fwiend, buddy.

  • @hewttehdewb
    @hewttehdewb 7 часов назад +90

    No one makes fun of us Canadians like South Park. They put genuine effort into it and we appreciate it

    • @leviticuscornwall9631
      @leviticuscornwall9631 7 часов назад +17

      In the video games when you go to Canada the game turns into a top-down 16-bit rpg. That was my favorite Canada moment in anything South Park related

    • @WilliamWeaver-rh7dv
      @WilliamWeaver-rh7dv 7 часов назад +6

      Can I buy some eggs from you

    • @christopherb501
      @christopherb501 7 часов назад +4

      Be sure not the follow in the US's footsteps and do a bad thing that makes you _just_ as laudable...

    • @SenseiSifuMaster
      @SenseiSifuMaster 6 часов назад

      ​@@leviticuscornwall9631Look out for Dire Wolves! They're like regular wolves only much, much Dire.

    • @EdenMB-w3x
      @EdenMB-w3x 6 часов назад +5

      @christopherb501 I agree, voting for President Trump is very laudable

  • @Halberd38
    @Halberd38 7 часов назад +179

    “It got something to do with Drake” was an expert way to deflect from politics honestly

    • @citypopradioFM
      @citypopradioFM 7 часов назад +20

      Drake is the biggest cornball who ever lived so nobody is mad at that lol

    • @Longshanks1690
      @Longshanks1690 7 часов назад +23

      And Trump saying “I ain’t removing these tariffs until Canada does something about Drake” isn’t even that far fetched.

    • @TimL-nr4hr
      @TimL-nr4hr 7 часов назад +6

      I believe that Kendrick Lamar has already won the war against Canada.

    • @mojomofo7764
      @mojomofo7764 7 часов назад +1

      Canada has been a rival since the canadian war of 1999 when they ruthlessly attacked the baldwin family!

    • @citypopradioFM
      @citypopradioFM 7 часов назад +6

      @@TimL-nr4hr The irony being that I have fam in Canada, including Toronto, and they love Kendrick since they're embarrassed about Drake taking it upon himself to make believe he's their best artist ever lol.

  • @Longshanks1690
    @Longshanks1690 7 часов назад +85

    I feel like I aged twenty years seeing they didn’t recognise Star Wars Kid or “Leave Britney Alone.” 💀

    • @Giesing-tp9dj
      @Giesing-tp9dj 7 часов назад +18

      To be fair, they don't even know their president wants to see the world burn 😂

    • @notquiteanonymous9365
      @notquiteanonymous9365 6 часов назад +13

      I felt old when it showed that many White Canadians

    • @cfairfax85
      @cfairfax85 6 часов назад +3

      Right? Lol

    • @TayR0C
      @TayR0C 5 часов назад

      ​that guy got voted out months ago. @@Giesing-tp9dj

    • @dudewithamustache5027
      @dudewithamustache5027 5 часов назад +4

      Im a little younger than hobbs and devin, and I know those references. Granted I grew up with older siblings who shared it all.

  • @imotje
    @imotje 7 часов назад +35

    Here are the references you'll die laughing at the similarities.
    What What:видео.html
    Chocolate Rain:видео.html
    Tron Guy:видео.html
    Numa Numa:видео.html
    Star Wars Kid:видео.html
    Cute Sneezing Panda:видео.html
    Dramatic Look Gopher:видео.html
    Leave Britney Alone (short):видео.html
    Afro Ninja (My favorite):видео.html

    • @cobrallama6236
      @cobrallama6236 7 часов назад +6

      Everyone upvote!

    • @Dachimotsu
      @Dachimotsu 3 часа назад

      Don't forget Laughing Baby!видео.html

  • @erryknotarryk
    @erryknotarryk 7 часов назад +51

    7:51 this was made during the 2007 writers strike. The union is called the writers guild of america (wga). One of the main sticking points in negotiation was securing residual pay for writers on streaming shows (internet money)

    • @hewhobattles8869
      @hewhobattles8869 6 часов назад +2

      Wait, that was in 2007? I thought it in '09?

    • @erryknotarryk
      @erryknotarryk 5 часов назад

      @@hewhobattles8869 started in 07 and went into 08, which was when this episode aired.

    • @who-nobody-never
      @who-nobody-never 5 часов назад +1

      And now near the same thing, but with literal Canada and tariffs. Prophecies.

    • @majdjinn5042
      @majdjinn5042 2 часа назад

      There were like three in a row. Basically all the reality show you can usually blame the strikes for before the internet completely stole everyone's attention

  • @weik-2936
    @weik-2936 5 часов назад +11

    some say that on cold nights you can still hear a voice on the wind shouting "IIIIIIIIIIIIII'M NOT YOUR BUDDAY FWIEEEEEEEEEND!"

  • @journeysa
    @journeysa 7 часов назад +21

    That last back and forth between the Canadians is some of the greatest dialogue ever recorded.

  • @mrbilly9917
    @mrbilly9917 6 часов назад +14

    Laughing baby still got it. Laughter is contagious, and you all laughed every time.

  • @SayYoJ
    @SayYoJ 8 часов назад +43

    "Leave chocolate rain guy alone, LEEAVE'EM ALOOONE"

    • @BigBandzBigFactz
      @BigBandzBigFactz 7 часов назад +5

      Chris Crocker 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • @the_peefster
      @the_peefster 7 часов назад +3

      I saw Tay Zonday's (chocolate rain guys) account comment on a random video the other day I was so shocked to see the legend is still around and using his og account

  • @jimalicious3421
    @jimalicious3421 7 часов назад +33

    Now you gotta watch the South Park Cartoon Wars, it's the Family Guy one haha

    • @katzinhatz1
      @katzinhatz1 7 часов назад +5

      Yeah I'm shocked devin didn't bring that episode up when the family guy scene came up

    • @jimalicious3421
      @jimalicious3421 7 часов назад +4

      @katzinhatz1 same! I didn't even realize they never watched it yet, it's definitely a must watch!

    • @cobrallama6236
      @cobrallama6236 7 часов назад +7

      @@katzinhatz1 I've figured he must not f*** much with those episodes. He never talks about them when ranking his favorite two or three part specials and they still haven't watched them. But they haven't watched Go God Go! (two parter) or 200 and 201 either. I hope we'll see them all eventually!

    • @TheRadScientist_
      @TheRadScientist_ 6 часов назад +3

      It’s one of the best two parter episodes ever I can’t wait till they react to it lol

    • @jaybreezy1616
      @jaybreezy1616 5 часов назад +4

      If they are watching on HBO then they won't see it, Cartoon Wars, Super Best Friends and 200/201 aren't available.

  • @WilliamWeaver-rh7dv
    @WilliamWeaver-rh7dv 7 часов назад +15

    Yall should pay your roommate to sneak across the background every few minutes like a hidden alien

  • @YeTism
    @YeTism 8 часов назад +39

    You’re not my buddy, guy!

    • @LuxBlunted
      @LuxBlunted 8 часов назад +9

      You're not my friend, buddy!😊

    • @boundlessblade5205
      @boundlessblade5205 8 часов назад +6

      ​​@LuxBlunted you're not my buddy , guy !😂

    • @WilliamWeaver-rh7dv
      @WilliamWeaver-rh7dv 8 часов назад +1

      You could totally be my fwend buddy

    • @WilliamWeaver-rh7dv
      @WilliamWeaver-rh7dv 8 часов назад +1

      Not drake trump lol

    • @ferenctoka
      @ferenctoka 8 часов назад +1

      @@boundlessblade5205 you’re not my guy! Friend!

  • @BrytonBand
    @BrytonBand Час назад +1

    This was technically the first ever South Park episode I ever watched in full back around early 2009 when I was 12 years old.
    I’ve been hooked ever since and never looked back!

  • @JasonMiranda
    @JasonMiranda 7 часов назад +8

    Those on the RUclips lobby you recognized them spot on. The one you both didn't knew who it was was the "leave them alone" from the video "leave Britney alone" it was a guy (I think) who made a video from what looked like under their sheets saying that the haters and trolls should leave Britney alone. It was a viral video at the time.

  • @robrichardson3615
    @robrichardson3615 5 часов назад +14

    Also you make a compelling case for the Drake/Kendrick beef being the catalyst for WW3 💀

  • @TheAbominableDrFaustus
    @TheAbominableDrFaustus 8 часов назад +17

    Ike is for real a ride or die Canadian.

  • @SinicalSinister210
    @SinicalSinister210 5 часов назад +5

    10:04 “You think thats bad?, remember the time my parody got two south park episodes banned with Muhammad?”

  • @danieade1559
    @danieade1559 7 часов назад +40

    As a Canadian who works in the importation industry, let me provide you all with a little lesson. All commodities that import into all countries have duties imposed on those goods by the importing country. Most countries of origin/manufacture qualify for the most favoured nation rate of duty, which varies depending on the commodity. Now, for years Canada, US and MX benefited from NAFTA, ie if goods were certified as originating from one of the three NAFTA countries, the goods were duty free. So, a commodity like a sweater, that under normal circumstances has 18% duty, would be duty free. NAFTA turned into CUSMA or USMCA and all was good for years and we enjoyed free trade between each CUSMA country. Then out of nowhere Trump imposed 25% on pretty much all goods from Canada (keep in mind the Importer pays this.) so American importers pays the duties on goods imported to America, and a Canadian importer pays duties on goods imported into Canada. Anyways long and short of it, is 25% is ridiculously high, the US started it! And Canada is going to push back. The tariffs/ duties we impose on our importers hurt us, and we’ll need to begin sourcing internally. Like many Canadians, we’re trying to buy Canadian more now. Still love my US neighbours though. And you guys are fun to watch. Thank you. ❤

    • @christopherb501
      @christopherb501 7 часов назад +2

      Go right ahead. Screw the hellscape. Just don't turn into one yourself.

    • @Timothy-Wess
      @Timothy-Wess 5 часов назад +6

      25% is ridiculously high.
      Please inform us, what is the percentage that the U.S is charged to import shit into Canada🤔

    • @alexandermacneil4430
      @alexandermacneil4430 5 часов назад +2


    • @mattlogic9647
      @mattlogic9647 5 часов назад

      You’re wasting your breath. Trump voters won’t understand because they are regarded and in a cult. If trump said he shit gourmet food they open wide

    • @controlZchannel
      @controlZchannel 4 часа назад

      Canada has a 200% tarrif on dairy imports from the US if it exceeds a certain volume in order to favor Canadian industry... you know, like Trump's tariffs to protect US industries. Canada and the EU are bum roommates crying "unfair" when asked to pay rent.

  • @JMulvy
    @JMulvy 3 часа назад +1

    The WGA actually stands for the Writer’s Guild of America; which was the big striking union in Hollywood at the time. There is also a South Park episode where Cartman tries to get Family Guy taken off the air: “Cartoon Wars 1 &2”. The “leave [Brittany Spears] alone” guy’s name is Cris Crocker. I love this episode, for me it reflects the golden age of RUclips. Srsly, do yourself a favor and go look for every one of those viral memes, you wont regret it. (Tron Guy, Numa Numa, Star Wars Kid, Laughing Baby, Sneezing Panda, Dramatic Gopher, Leave Brittany Alone, Chocolate Rain, and Afro Ninja) 😂 They were the first things to go viral on YT ever! It is part of internet history!

  • @jasonm8017
    @jasonm8017 6 часов назад +3

    As a Canadian, this is ridiculous and 100% accurate

  • @WilliamWeaver-rh7dv
    @WilliamWeaver-rh7dv 7 часов назад +12

    An angry panda is just as dangerous as an angry grizzly

    • @Burn_Slow
      @Burn_Slow 7 часов назад +5


    • @communistcomputergod6449
      @communistcomputergod6449 6 часов назад +2

      That’s like saying an angry Stephen Hawking is just as dangerous as an angry Khabib

    • @modest_mind2526
      @modest_mind2526 4 часа назад +1

      No way. Pandas can't even outrun a grizzly if it tried to retreat.

    • @ЯАга-я4л
      @ЯАга-я4л 2 часа назад

      ​@@modest_mind2526you should really look at panda's paw and read about times when people fucked around and found out. Pandas are still bears.

  • @weik-2936
    @weik-2936 5 часов назад +2

    this episode is such a time capsule

  • @WilliamWeaver-rh7dv
    @WilliamWeaver-rh7dv 7 часов назад +17

    Now hobbs gotta watch cartoon wars so he csn understand what Matt and trey think about family guy

  • @Gen3rick
    @Gen3rick 7 часов назад +6

    just wait till you realize Token and Nicole are the only ones in the school

  • @endtimeguitarist
    @endtimeguitarist 4 часа назад +1

    **trump puts tariffs on canada**
    “What does Canada 🇨🇦 need?”
    “More moneh.”

  • @crimsondeath7468
    @crimsondeath7468 8 часов назад +22

    This episode have so many great moments. Takes me back to young youtube before google, cencorship, big company take over, adds, algoritme overload , bots etc. Back when it was RUclips

    • @Annonymous0283745
      @Annonymous0283745 7 часов назад +3

      Uhhh... I hate to tell you this, but Google was already 2 years into owning RUclips when this aired

    • @BigBandzBigFactz
      @BigBandzBigFactz 7 часов назад

      @@Annonymous0283745Clocked it!

    • @crimsondeath7468
      @crimsondeath7468 7 часов назад +1

      @@Annonymous0283745 that might be "memory is fuzzy" but the youtubers themselves that are depicted in the episode is of that era where unique amatures "the people" was the stars and not those promoted by big companies for adds etc made stars

    •  53 минуты назад

      @@Annonymous0283745 before they incorporated all the evil stuff

  • @Splooie128
    @Splooie128 5 часов назад +2

    Canada eps _always_ get my vote.

  • @Keqal
    @Keqal 5 часов назад +3

    24:00 that was the leave britney spears alone guy

  • @tatysplace
    @tatysplace 7 часов назад +3


  • @GhostStories1993
    @GhostStories1993 7 часов назад +6


  • @migmalucogachatm5618
    @migmalucogachatm5618 7 часов назад +4

    dude you know what's crazy is that what what in the butt meme is still MASSIVE

  • @axtans5164
    @axtans5164 8 часов назад +2

    You know what we need? We need Butt Out !! Absolute killer episode i don't think its been listed yet

  • @JayPadrig
    @JayPadrig 7 часов назад +2

    Another Canada episode 😂 BLAME CANADA! 🇨🇦

  • @mrc5yc
    @mrc5yc 7 часов назад +5

    Y’all make me feel so old. How do you not know the og RUclips vids. The starters. The leave Brittany alone guy and numa numa were my favorites. Shoes by Kelly and peanut butter jelly time. History

  • @gabriellacomito5918
    @gabriellacomito5918 7 часов назад +5

    That's Chris Crocker, his video about Britney Spears. "LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!".

    • @cobrallama6236
      @cobrallama6236 7 часов назад +1

      This was such a huge meme, but none of the reactors ever recognize it.

  • @brokos2475
    @brokos2475 8 часов назад +7

    Where is Sexual healing episode?

  • @cobrallama6236
    @cobrallama6236 7 часов назад +4

    2:16. It gets more interesting the more I look at it. Butters is sitting next to Cartman. Kenny is obscured. There are two Dog Poos with slightly different color hair. There's one sixth grader by himself. Craig is sitting next to Wendy. Tweak is by himself. So is Clyde. There are three pits of kindergarteners in the bleachers. And poor Tolkien is the only black kid. And Ike's the only Canadian.

    • @jonny45k44
      @jonny45k44 5 часов назад

      Its a freaking "eye spy" page

  • @juIesx
    @juIesx 7 часов назад +4

    33:25 the way Canada doesn't even have a bennigans 😭

  • @Dhoehn24
    @Dhoehn24 6 часов назад +2

    17:36 so there’s a viral video that Butters is referencing. It was so viral that Daniel Tosh had him on his show when he was on Comedy Central.

  • @12DAMDO
    @12DAMDO 7 часов назад +6

    i am not your buddy, guy

      @SLUSHIE1ST 7 часов назад +2

      Yes you are friend!!!

    • @kingkrystelle8863
      @kingkrystelle8863 6 часов назад +3

      im not your guy, friend

    • @gk2370
      @gk2370 5 часов назад

      ​@@kingkrystelle8863I'm not your fwiend, buddy

    • @mitchconner96
      @mitchconner96 2 часа назад

      ​@@kingkrystelle8863he's not your friend, buddy

  • @notbree7673
    @notbree7673 6 часов назад +2

    9:40 I just got the joke about them using natural gas, I can't believe I never understood what it meant before oml

  • @sonicboomers122
    @sonicboomers122 7 часов назад +2

    So this episode is Poking fun at the Writer Guild Assocations Strike. Basically Matt and Trey thought while the union should get paid more. they seemed so unorganized and without a goal. Doesn't help they themselves are not apart of the WGA.

    • @christopherb501
      @christopherb501 6 часов назад

      Said disorganization is what did in the 99%.

  • @Longshanks1690
    @Longshanks1690 7 часов назад +1

    Devin accidentally endorsing using Newfoundland as Lebensraum gotta be one of the craziest things to happen in the history of the channel. 😂

  • @kerrmorrow
    @kerrmorrow 3 часа назад +1

    The funny thing is we don’t even have Bennigan’s in Canada.

  • @MrNumWalrus
    @MrNumWalrus 5 часов назад +3

    18:00 hes not a husky lol😂

    • @garrett2132
      @garrett2132 5 часов назад

      Came here just to say this😂😂 bouta say yall got the wrong species

  • @rhinobaby11
    @rhinobaby11 8 часов назад +4

    Give these guys a like or comment man give them something, anything and make it feel like it’s a big deal 😂

  • @4WaveRider4
    @4WaveRider4 6 часов назад +1

    I remember all these dudes videos like it was yesterday 😂 so much nostalgia and internet history in one episode. I’m surprised a lot of people weren’t aware of the crying screaming gay guy lol

  • @GJones712
    @GJones712 6 часов назад +1

    Damn, forgot about the writers strike back then. RIP Heroes.

    @ZOKKYBOI 7 часов назад +2

    Canada. On strike.

  • @gk2370
    @gk2370 5 часов назад +1

    I always find it amusing that almost all Canadians on this show have the same head shape, doesn't matter if they're white, black, brown, etc.

    • @christopherb501
      @christopherb501 5 часов назад +1

      Considering this is true of the Inuit too, clearly it's something to do with the land.

  • @adlwilliams
    @adlwilliams 6 часов назад +1

    Hobbs with the current events knowledge😂

  • @JGussey
    @JGussey 7 часов назад +2

    Does this mean its time for cartoon wars?!?!

  • @XxHrallundeadrogueXx
    @XxHrallundeadrogueXx 8 часов назад +22

    US "Hey too much fent coming from your border"
    Canada "Its less then 1% of all the fent comming into your country"
    US "Were tarrifing you"
    Canada "Fuck you guys were tarrifing you"
    US "Fuck you were Doubling the Tarrifs"
    and thats how its been going in a nutshell lol

    • @tenpenthouse
      @tenpenthouse 7 часов назад +5

      Thank you for explaining for the comments ❤

    • @SayYoJ
      @SayYoJ 7 часов назад +3

      🎯 Accurate af!

    • @Big_Bag_of_Pus
      @Big_Bag_of_Pus 7 часов назад

      That's basically it, except "less than 1%" doesn't go far enough to capture how little it is.
      There is no sane way to understand it other than that Trump wanted to sabotage our relationship with our closest ally. People can argue about *why* Trump wanted to destroy the U.S.'s relationship with its closest ally, but not that that's what he's trying to do. That cannot be argued with.

    • @Digsidian
      @Digsidian 7 часов назад +5

      You missed the bit where Canada already had tariffs in place on the US. Everyone always does.

    • @bobafett_8922
      @bobafett_8922 7 часов назад +2

      ​@@Digsidian never heard of NAFTA?

  • @cobrallama6236
    @cobrallama6236 6 часов назад +1

    24:20. This is one of the funniest, most graphic lines in the whole shows. 🤣

  • @JameZel913
    @JameZel913 5 часов назад +1

    New Hobbs react? W Monday

  • @Bluemilk92
    @Bluemilk92 2 часа назад

    Matt & Trey are kind of spooky with how forward looking their shows can be.

  • @xerxes9929
    @xerxes9929 7 часов назад +1

    Thank you for the short 10 seconds of dead air in todays intro Hobbs. I'm just SO BUSY I wouldn't have made it through another 45 seconds like usual😅PHEW

  • @therobotchickenMLP
    @therobotchickenMLP 6 часов назад +17

    Honestly, Canada in this episode feels like America now.

    • @PolybiusMaximus
      @PolybiusMaximus 6 часов назад +3

      How so?

    • @MC-ep8cu
      @MC-ep8cu 6 часов назад

      Wrong canada looks like Canada. Mad about tarriffs so they are throwing a strike and boycotting our national anthem and alcohol 😆
      Maybe trump will send them coupons

    • @christopherb501
      @christopherb501 5 часов назад

      ​@@PolybiusMaximusEverything's held hostage by a vacuous moron with no goal beyond arbitrarily obtaining money.

    • @vincenzobonadonna4556
      @vincenzobonadonna4556 2 часа назад

      I'm with this guy, how?​@@PolybiusMaximus

  • @TomFret
    @TomFret 7 часов назад +13

    New trump said old trump's deals sucked so he decided to trade war. You can kinda think of him like Scott.

    • @TenTonNuke
      @TenTonNuke 5 часов назад

      That's a good way of putting it. I would have also accepted "pouting man-child got his feelings hurt" and "the Cheeto King and his Nazi buttboy don't understand how things work."

  • @mexicanhound5149
    @mexicanhound5149 6 часов назад +1

    yall talkin about ike bein better outside in the cold like hes a husky

  • @scottheffel3928
    @scottheffel3928 7 часов назад +1

    Technically Antarctica is not fully claimed but not a good location for a world theme park

  • @Davon85J
    @Davon85J 7 часов назад +1

    This episode is kind of insane if you know the background of the writers strike from late 07-09. South Park didn’t give a fuck about solidarity with the Writers Guild 😂

  • @mikeb8277
    @mikeb8277 8 часов назад +1

    Don’t just give it up for free butters 🤣 you guys are rad! Keep it up!

  • @ByterSweet
    @ByterSweet 5 часов назад

    Antarctica is unclaimed and so is the Moon. We can put a theme park on the moon. "We're sailors on the Moon."

  • @Daffmeister187
    @Daffmeister187 7 часов назад +1

    Get "Red Mans Greed" in the poll

  • @grackleboi2523
    @grackleboi2523 5 часов назад

    It's kidna interesting seeing the southpark episode about early internet monetization in the present day.

  • @JasonMiranda
    @JasonMiranda 7 часов назад +1

    Yes!!! Finally! I waited so long for this one! ❤

  • @The1pokemaster1
    @The1pokemaster1 6 часов назад

    “Thought I forgot about you, Gopher?”

  • @samliz_vo
    @samliz_vo 3 часа назад

    Its crazy to me how South Park has been making jokes about Canada and the US going to war and such for over 20 years and now we’re actually in an economic war with them, Matt and Trey are something else 💀

  • @Keiyon95
    @Keiyon95 34 минуты назад

    11:33 Ironically Seth tried to get back at them with a gay joke in a cutaway that had almost nothing to do with the plot of the episode; proving Trey and Matts point all along 😂😂😂

  • @neworldfool9625
    @neworldfool9625 5 часов назад

    Ya’ll were 2 seconds after your intro and silent.
    I just knew you were gonna show me love again❤️

  • @ObiWoodKenobi
    @ObiWoodKenobi 7 часов назад +6

    As a Canadian i just want to clarify we dont fuck with your Pres, but we still fuck with American people. Youre not all like him and we know that.

  • @thatdudefrom7118
    @thatdudefrom7118 4 часа назад

    Bro the fact that this is basically what’s happening IRL is crazy 😭

    • @alexandermacneil4430
      @alexandermacneil4430 4 часа назад

      MAGA are imperialist war-mongering fascists. Not really crazy if you study far-right political movements historically.

  • @Timothy-Wess
    @Timothy-Wess 5 часов назад +1

    My wife like South Park, American dad and Rick and Morty(shows like that), but she refuses to watch Family Guy. She says it’s a stupid show and it’s very poorly written.

  • @DanielRichards644
    @DanielRichards644 2 часа назад

    OK, the TL;DR of the 2008 WGA Strike, this was the VERY EARLY DAYS of Streaming Content, networks like Fox, ABC, NBC and CBS would put their shows up online the day after they aired to be viewed for FREE (with some ads playing), the way the writers contracts where written they didn't get any of that ad income or revenue from people watching the show that way, like they did with traditional broadcasting, the writers wanted their share of that streaming income but not even the networks had figured out how to monetize streaming to the level that we have now, the networks where barely making enough ad revenue off the people watching via streaming to cover the cost of streaming.

  • @nihilvt
    @nihilvt 7 часов назад +9

    the tariffs have been there, but Trump added new tariffs and started a trade war that ended and started like twice

    • @ozzybloke-craig3690
      @ozzybloke-craig3690 7 часов назад +1

      He is currently collapsing Americas economy and throwing away your allies like we are nothing. You are no longer my ally. America is our enemy. You wont be around much longer, thanks to you fools choosing a r@pist and a con man. You got what you voted for and you have no more freinds or allies. Good luck surviving much longer 😂😂😂

    • @brewstopher2233
      @brewstopher2233 7 часов назад +7

      Which is reeking havoc on the markets, with his yo-yo decisions. Canada did nothing to us.

    • @welrod94
      @welrod94 7 часов назад +1

      Yea its Trumps fault that Canada just allowed a liberal to take over without a legit election😂 our liberals tried the same shit with Biden and Kamala but we put a stop to that shit immediately.
      Lastly Canada had tariffs on the US for years but now that Trump put "reciprocal tariffs" it's a issue.
      **I actually have alot of respect for the normal people in Canada but the goofballs that are saying "we are gonna bring down America" goodluck with that😂
      USA USA USA🇺🇸

    • @ozzybloke-craig3690
      @ozzybloke-craig3690 7 часов назад

      @@welrod94 the only person to steal an election is Trump. You are extremely ignorant. Trump is ruining Americas economy and relationships snd you double down and support your orange r@pist and hate on the other side. You are very unintelligent. You vote for your own destruction. You wont be around much longer lol

    • @KittenoftheBroccoli
      @KittenoftheBroccoli 7 часов назад

      ​@@welrod94Spoken like a certifiably sane individual...

  • @huskerdee1431
    @huskerdee1431 7 часов назад +1

    Looks like the Hollywood writers are still on strike

  • @MncMarcos
    @MncMarcos 3 часа назад

    I remember back then south park creators made fun of internet sensations, which is why they all said they got "theoretical dollars", they though these people would never make profit from it, they were wrong horribly of course lmao.

  • @flyyf1
    @flyyf1 8 часов назад +21

    basically the rundown with the tariffs thing is trump made a trade deal with Canada and Mexico during his first presidency and then decided later that he didn't like it so put a bunch of tariffs on Canadian and Mexican goods so now Canada is putting tariffs on American goods in retaliation, also there's the whole thing where trump wants to annex Canada and Greenland because the "map would look nicer"

  • @LindysRuffians
    @LindysRuffians 5 часов назад +2

    As a Canadian, this episode is so prophetic it hurts.
    But as for what's happening right now, you guys got it kind of backwards. Trump has lashed out at Canada and is attacking us economically. While there are definitely legitimate points of contention between our countries, we have a long history of friendship and this kind of treatment is really not warranted. His actions are tearing our country apart, honestly, and a lot of people are suffering.

    • @TayR0C
      @TayR0C 5 часов назад

      Castreau destroyed our country. Don is trying to set the evil treasonous lib party straight.

    • @alexandermacneil4430
      @alexandermacneil4430 4 часа назад

      He's not tearing our country apart?!? Exact opposite. Many Canadians are coming together in solidarity to give Trump and the current American federal administration the middle finger. A lot of Canadians are boycotting US goods and opting to buy Canadian/Mexican/EU goods instead. America's tourism industry is taking a massive hit as Canadians are cancelling their trips. Canada is the #1 tourists by numbers to the US. The tariffs will hurt Canada in the short-term but we'll weather the storm together. ELBOWS UP!

    • @mitchconner96
      @mitchconner96 2 часа назад

      Your country has prospered at our expense. We've given you free trade for years and we're done now. Trump is ececuting the will of the people, ending what has been a bad deal for the US. Our country will be great again. Good luck buddy.

    • @alexandermacneil4430
      @alexandermacneil4430 2 часа назад

      ​@@mitchconner96 Both countries are each other's largest trading partners historically. Both countries have prospered you brainwashed fool. Trump signed the last free trade agreement between the US, Canada & Mexico during his first term called the USMCA. Now he is claiming America is ripped off despite the fact he signed the deal and said back then it was the best deal ever! Now he is violating that trade agreement and showing the world America can't be trusted to uphold it's trade agreements. Trump is the one who keeps insulting Canada. He has said several times he wants to economically devastate Canada via tariffs and force us to accept annexation. What he really wants is Manifest Destiny and he wants all of Canada's natural resources and the northern trade routes that are opening up due to climate change. America is showing the world how it treats its oldest ally and friend. Canada was there during 9/11 to divert planes to Canada's East Coast. Canada has fought along side US in several wars. You are a MAGA fascist. Violent blood-thirsty ignorant imperialist.

    • @Lightbrite93
      @Lightbrite93 Час назад

      ​@mitchconner96 was putting your shirt on this morning difficult? cause this statement is very i cant dress myself type vibes. Also what a way to reveal to everyone you dont know anything about economics but keep regurgitating that fox news propaganda. im sure the orange billionaire dingdong will take care of you because he is sooooo known for paying his workers lmao

  • @bengrauartwork
    @bengrauartwork 5 часов назад

    man imagine southpark doing a scene like this with all the southpark reactors XD
    funny thing tho is some youtubers do act like those people waiting in line for their TDs

  • @Bee-ks8tl
    @Bee-ks8tl 2 часа назад

    They’re parodying the 2008 writers strike which led to the rise of reality tv cuz it was cheap and you didn’t need a writers room so it was a way for studios to get around the union

  • @TheCrazyCanuck420
    @TheCrazyCanuck420 3 часа назад

    You know Matt ane Trey had fun making this one.

  • @juice6521
    @juice6521 Час назад

    Oof, this is painful, I'm not surprised people wouldn't remember 17 year old meme, but it hurts to have that reminder how old they are.

  • @bruno-th6of
    @bruno-th6of 7 часов назад

    Great reaction, guy.

  • @Wildcard777
    @Wildcard777 3 часа назад

    The "LEAVE HIM ALONE" internet sensation was the woman who cried over people criticizing Britney Spears. "LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE" was her thing.

  • @saheruthepharaoh
    @saheruthepharaoh 3 часа назад +1

    Honestly I would love to watch you guys react to some family guy episodes lmao

  • @kylegareau9238
    @kylegareau9238 8 часов назад +4

    Going to be another w reaction as is with almost all south park reactions!! For some new episodes for poll going native and ginger cow, also some more 2 parters since you watched pandemic are Cartoon Wars and GO GOD GO!!

  • @futurereflections4097
    @futurereflections4097 3 часа назад

    Honestly, a free meal and bubble gum for every Canadian is worth probably hundreds of millions of dollars at least, so they sort of did win

  • @davidreed7849
    @davidreed7849 6 часов назад

    Somehow DSP still around to this day. How this Roach not die?

  • @deadcozmos
    @deadcozmos 7 часов назад

    Oh man, we need to Meteor shower trilogy stat!

  • @phillrichard230
    @phillrichard230 7 часов назад +8

    I am from Canada and one of the things that I am aware of we're throwing tariffs because Trump started the terrifwar, or something like that, if I'm not mistaken, Trump, put tariffs on us. So we did the same in response, but yeah, I don't know what's going to happen. There's also talk of what the UN is going to do, because apparently Trump is against the UN. I don't know. Something like that I heard

    • @Annonymous0283745
      @Annonymous0283745 7 часов назад +6

      Canada (and every other country) has tariffs on American imports. Now we are reciprocating, everyone acts like we're the bad guy.

    • @TimL-nr4hr
      @TimL-nr4hr 7 часов назад +2

      For many years, people would post about invading Canada and it was a joke because no one wants to invade Canada. Trump called Canada the 51st state and almost everyone I know from Canada on Facebook is freaking out.
      I hate Trump with a passion, but this particular Troll is hilarious.

    • @Longshanks1690
      @Longshanks1690 7 часов назад +4

      ⁠@@TimL-nr4hrIt’s not that he joked about it one time. It’s that he keeps saying it and is approaching conquering Canada with the same seriousness as he does taking Greenland and Panama. He genuinely seems to think Canada being an American state is a plausible goal for him.

    • @ObiWoodKenobi
      @ObiWoodKenobi 7 часов назад

      We specifically had tariffs on your dairy products, due to lower standards for production in the US and therefore lower prices our farmers couldn't compete with. That's not even slightly comparable to what Trump is doing. ​@Annonymous0283745

    • @andreayeatman4671
      @andreayeatman4671 7 часов назад +5

      ​@@TimL-nr4hr Trump is actually serious though, not trolling. They've talked about changing the border, calling it some arbitrary line. Canadians are not happy.

  • @andrewbruorton7788
    @andrewbruorton7788 4 часа назад

    WGA stands for Writers Guild of America. This whole episode is about the writers guild strike, not Canada.

  • @killblade6
    @killblade6 7 часов назад

    the one reaction of south park i get to watch that isnt an old video and its a canadian one which i am canadian lol

  • @WilliamWeaver-rh7dv
    @WilliamWeaver-rh7dv 7 часов назад

    The north and south poles are both considered international territory but who's going to the south pole for an amusement park?

  • @xxr1flemasterxx484
    @xxr1flemasterxx484 3 часа назад

    no way he just said that bout the tariff situation. The U.S is putting tariffs on a bunch of exports/imports which makes the tax rates higher for the other countries.

  • @mfdrew5768
    @mfdrew5768 13 минут назад

    Hey with there being 40 million Canadians (always surprises me how low that is) and the average bennigans meal on the lower end being 20 bucks usd thats still 800 million dollars in coupons 😂😂😂

  • @MrMeddyman
    @MrMeddyman 7 часов назад

    Very topical episode choice.

  • @marinalxver
    @marinalxver 6 часов назад

    yellowjackets mention omg