Reacting To Your Gaming Setups...
- Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
- They either clean, cursed, basic, or just grippers.
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Edited by @TheMilitiaGamer
Outro song | • bbno$ - sriracha prod.... Игры
which setup was the best?
Obviously mine
any set up that didn’t have some random kids grippers ☠️
The one with the demon grippers
definitely mine (jk) 4:35 is my personal favorite
The one where all the computer parts are in the air.
Can’t wait to see some absolutely vile living gaming conditions and droids reaction 😆
This is my first time here and I'm already concerned 🤣🤣
15:08 I wish i had a setup this clean. I love it so much. To whoever’s set up it is, you’re an inspiration to me
I got a screenshot for reference. Such a dope setup
Honestly i was just thinking like oh i gotta fix my set up imma buy plants and shit cause i love em then droid clicked on this set up and i was like damnnnnnn this what i was just thinking about. literally looks like the Pinterest setup inspo ive been looking at.
it's mine! for proof, it's still on my twitter I just changed my user, its the same as this one. I appreciate it man
@@itsivy24marry me 🙏
The one with the fake plants is a complete vibe. That's the kind of setup I aim for there, it's great
you know its a good day when Droid is posting
for real
1:57 i feel called out for having that exact same mouse
Fun fact, they're a lot better for preventing arthritis and whatnot since it's a more natural hand posture
That was my mouse, I forgot people think it's weird!! It's been so much better for my wrist!
I love having a vertical mouse, they feel so much nicer
Is it the long version 😩
What if you already have arthritis lmao
Was bored and then was alerted of a new droid video 🫡
When your streamer gets shocked by your setup, you know something's up.
Love to see droid posting about everyone's setups. Love to see them! 🔥 17:35 was mine o7
That setup looks *nice*
17:02 I like how droid didn't even Notice the Gun holding up the PS5 controller on the bed! 😂 He just saw Skylanders on the wall and dipped 😅
Idk why he hates skylanders. That shit was fucking dope as a kid
@@michaeljenkins178 exactly, I grew up with the game as a kid though the only one I ever got to play as swap force on the 3ds, and the occasional app games on phones but I still have 3 of my Skylanders with me!
I grew up with Skylanders and have Spyro’s Adventure, Swap Force, Trap Team, Superchargers and Imaginators and still have all their skylanders 😢
2:05 Bro took "Grippers and everything" a little too seriously lmao
droid flexing his setup 4:20, ya love to see it lol
17:30 nah that reference is crazy 💀😂
Whats the ref?
@@MirakoMoore a girl said something bad and in response she made a cringe apologazing video playing a kulele
Someone's grippers being in the thumbnail is absolutely hilarious. Made me laugh a lot. Nice setups by the way even if some were made with little or creative efforts.
5:54 who else checked their headphones?
17:22 that one episode of Arthur
6:00 I fr thought that my headphones broke
It's a great day when Droid drops
16:21 just a little context. Looks like he was a retired Chief (idk if Master or Senior). By the ribbons, metals, warfare pins, challenge coins and red rope this man was a legend in the Navy.
“Let me get my ukelele” YOU DID NOT LMFAO 😭
9:14 this guy gets some serious points for having a blake figure, but some of em get taken away for having that trash twin in front of her instead of the superior itsuki
17:17 that my friend is the diarrhea settup, if you eat a single Pringle you will destroy your toilet
I'm glad my mouse at 1:50 was entertaining! xD 👍
16:46 naah the travis’s go hard
12:10 he playing watch dogs 2 that’s valid
10:53 the way he ignored the giant enter button😂
these videos are the only thing that make me wanna clean my desk and room man
13:17 bro got the cancer patient setup😭
AiC dirt vinyl 9:38 major W
15:47 by the time yo ass gets done decorating your house with thoes plants yo ass is gonna be living in a jungle 💀💀💀
My day just got 100x better thanks Droid
14:41 this dude fr said "i like the captchas"
The full white one with the plants all the way, if I can that's gonna be me
6:08 i thought my headphones had died 😂
The all white one near the end was my favorite 0ne
3:40 Being colorblind, this is my exact response to any color that isn't in a 12 pack crayola box
14:23 is that Monsoon's setup? From the sussy imposters?
Had to be the best, your ranking is for chill vibes
Different textures is crazyyy
idk why but this was uniquely wholesome?
least to me
2:18 a Tokyo Goal poster, yeah Goal
0:45 and droid is already making fun of the same laptop i have, brother why
That dude has had more Pringles than I had in my entire life bro stay safe
Droid over here complaining about people having their grippers out when he LITERALLY asked for it😭😭😭 W video tho 💕🔥
Today is a great day, another Droid vid just dropped
5:55 made me mess with my speakers for like 5 minutes thinking they were broken 😭
Love to see that droid is posting every time
"Yo-You-You're a knitter"
Sir, you almost-
I love how droid didnt notice the gun under the controller 17:01
5:29 I swear he turns into xqc out of nowhere sometimes
I can't choose which is my favorite set up, but I do really like the techy vibing ones.
14:43 pictures look like the verify you are not a robot; Click on all the taxies.
Ngl. Every video I watch of droid I sit here and just vibe to the music
Goo goo gagga gibbidi gibbidi 🤟🏾❤
6:06 no way i thought my headphones actually died 😭
Love when daddy droid uploads
just had to sit through a 40 second ad for this, worth it
gotta be on the ready when an occasion comes up while im gaming o7
This was peak droid
9:25 Ayo don't worry about the papers it's my college stuff, the lights were pretty bright tbh. Don't worry i got some Cardi B booty pics in the pile of papers as well.
“Lemme get my ukulele” Bro 💀
Y'know it's a good video when droid breaks his mic lol
Shoutout to a fellow Tenno!
3:17 looks like my setup and in the exact same places like what😂
1:05 butterfly knives are illegal to carry, not to own
0:45 watching this on the exact same laptop lol
you got me with the "let me get my ukelele"
You know, if I felt like making it to the stream and wanted to go insane even more then I already am I would get Twitter, and I would send my set up, but honestly, it wouldn't be complete. I say that because I want my set up to have so many shelves so I can put every console ever made on those shelves, and yes I mean every console. Freaking Throwback Thursday would go insane.
7:00 ngl kinda uncomfortable with how close the left monitor is to the edge of the desk
Nah that skylanders comment ain’t gonna be forgotten
this was so funny live 😭
Damn son, Droids crib kinda cozy
"gotta get the ukelele" 💀
The Nintendo in the middle of the room is the best.
I freaked when I heard pezzys theme song play almost at the end there 😂
11:41 pezzy music?
I immediately recognized it too
The DS was straight fire
About to go to sleep but can’t wait to watch
The setup on the dresser is perfect for horror games 😂
I respect the sour cream & onions pringles man
"no! No, im not a knitter!"
going back to this vid because it was funny as fuck and man do I appreciate the Miitopia music. absolute banger
Back at it again with the G.O.A.T let’s go baby!
I watched this entire video on my phone while eating cereal
11:51 best setup automatically cuz theyre playing ff14, they are CULTURED
Huge agree
Droids mic breaking really made me thought my headphones disconnected
*zips up pants*
17:02 bro just ignores the gun 💀
Hell yeah 👍 9:50
11:15 she ain't the ram she the RAMMED
Was JUST thinking about you doing a setup review, since the video you reviewed keyboards
4:22 might be the urban rescue ranch
My heart started to hurt when at 2:15 that guy had the katana facing downwards... if its real that is 200 bucks down the drain
Spaghetti and Mr. ElasticDroid? Best day ever!
i like the PRIME CONSUMER (cause its me) but my favorite is 15:07