《The Left Hand Refers To The Moon/左手指月》|《香蜜沉沉燼如霜》主題曲Ashes of Love OST|古筝纯筝/Zither| by 崔江卉CuiJianghui

  • Опубликовано: 30 мар 2025
  • 《左手指月》
    For more music scores and tutorials, please follow the WeChat official account "崔江卉古筝"
    Or Contact me on the Line.My Line id is "cuijianghui"
    / @cuijianghui
    If you have questions about sheet music and guzheng, please refer to the first post of my channel community:
    / @cuijianghui
    You will get more videos or music on
    Bilibili: space.bilibili...
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    NetEase Music :music.163.com/...

Комментарии • 2,5 тыс.

  • @cuijianghui
    @cuijianghui  Год назад +78

    If you have questions about sheet music and guzheng, please refer to the first post of my channel community:

    • @TrangNguyen-sc2fv
      @TrangNguyen-sc2fv Год назад

      Hi, you played the song so so great. I love it so much. How can I buy this sheet? I clicked on the community in your channel but it didn't work. Thanks a lot ^^

  • @MAGirlable
    @MAGirlable 5 лет назад +4568

    My mother is learning to play the guzheng and she plays this all the time. We live 5000 miles apart so hearing this makes me really miss her. Hope this covid madness will be over soon.

    • @sinlxrd458
      @sinlxrd458 5 лет назад +62

      Yessir hope u and your family n friends stay safe

    • @Iam2board
      @Iam2board 5 лет назад +8

      Sounds like gods country Blake Shelton

    • @newlife2974
      @newlife2974 5 лет назад +30

      I hope you reunite with your mom and family with a happy smile

    • @MichelleMCTran
      @MichelleMCTran 5 лет назад +6

      XTL I play the zither

    • @yes...8463
      @yes...8463 4 года назад +3

      XTL ❤️

  • @dscorner_
    @dscorner_ 5 лет назад +1209

    I've only ever heard the guqin version. This guzheng version is beautiful😢😢😭

    • @mounikad5150
      @mounikad5150 5 лет назад

      what song it is ?

    • @xiaozhangege5501
      @xiaozhangege5501 5 лет назад +18

      @@mounikad5150 Left hand refers to the moon

    • @victorrios8898
      @victorrios8898 5 лет назад +6

      ... maybe you have a warrior soul.

    • @mariacrane4511
      @mariacrane4511 5 лет назад +42

      I was wondering why it sounded a little different than I remember! This instrument makes it sound more intense.

    • @412nevahugen
      @412nevahugen 5 лет назад +17

      @@mounikad5150 OST Ashes of love. Awesome music, awesome dorama.

  • @gloriataro3509
    @gloriataro3509 3 года назад +1354

    The instruments used in Chinese music include Guzheng 古筝, Guqin 古琴 (has a deeper sound than Guzheng, this is the one played by Lan Zhan in The Untamed), Dizi 笛子 (a kind of Chinese flute, held sideways, this is the one played by Wei Wuxian in The Untamed), Xiao 箫 (held vertically and played by blowing at one end of it, sounds lower and deeper than Dizi, this is the one played by Wen Kexing in the Wuxia drama called Word of Honor), Pipa 琵琶 (a sonorous, four-stringed, pear-shaped instrument held upright on the lap when played, sounds very intense, this is the one played by the Scorpion King in Word of Honor), Hulusi 葫芦丝 (cucurbit flute, sounds very beautiful and melodious, from Yunan province, in the south of China),. There are also other instruments like Erhu 二胡 (two-stringed, sounds very sad, like the voice of humans), Suona 唢呐 (very loud, used at both traditional Chinese weddings and funerals). My favorites are Guzheng, Guqin, Xiao and Pipa. Since I watched Word of Honor, I love Xiao and Pipa more. 😁 The way Wen Kexing played the Xiao made of white jade is so elegant. Also, the Scorpion King playing the Pipa at 18:55 of episode 6 looks so cool. 😁 At 19:55 of episode 4, Qin Song, one of the four assassins of the Scorpion also played the Pipa. These musical instruments playing many ancient and modern songs can be found on RUclips. There is also a channel called ‘Zi De Guqin Studio’. Hope u all enjoy them.☺️

    • @antoinette2682
      @antoinette2682 3 года назад +24

      The amount of research you did is just so good thanks for sharing this information 😊

    • @bachizai
      @bachizai 3 года назад +13

      thank you so much, the untamed and the word of honor is my favorite drama ❤️

    • @chanitachun3619
      @chanitachun3619 3 года назад +2

      Thank you :3

    • @doruru4970
      @doruru4970 3 года назад +2

      Thank you for sharing!

    • @anastasialinda9500
      @anastasialinda9500 3 года назад +7

      smart of u to weave in untamed and woh to educate! ty!

  • @jemimahvzk
    @jemimahvzk 3 года назад +342

    你好!我是印度人。 我学习汉语但是我的中文不太好。 你的 channel 让我很开心 !❤️❤️

    • @sanneoi6323
      @sanneoi6323 2 года назад +10


    • @HelderGriff
      @HelderGriff 2 года назад +8


    • @tuyenle-dm8jl
      @tuyenle-dm8jl Год назад


    • @gaohongjie211
      @gaohongjie211 Год назад +11

      Music without borders

    • @songkh9203
      @songkh9203 Год назад

  • @平行時空-w2v
    @平行時空-w2v 3 года назад +369


  • @johnrambo8392
    @johnrambo8392 4 года назад +864

    I'm just an ordinary farmer from Missouri, USA but this gave me the chills, so beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

    • @IamNehaAnand
      @IamNehaAnand 4 года назад +135

      Farmers are never ordinary people.

    • @gloriataro3509
      @gloriataro3509 3 года назад +11

      The instruments used in Chinese music include Guzheng 古筝, Guqin 古琴 (has a deeper sound than Guzheng, this is the one played by Lan Zhan in The Untamed), Dizi 笛子 (a kind of Chinese flute, held sideways, this is the one played by Wei Wuxian in The Untamed), Xiao 箫 (held vertically and played by blowing at one end of it, sounds lower and deeper than Dizi, this is the one played by Wen Kexing in the Wuxia drama called Word of Honor), Pipa 琵琶 (a sonorous, four-stringed, pear-shaped instrument held upright on the lap when played, sounds very intense, this is the one played by the Scorpion King in Word of Honor), Hulusi 葫芦丝 (cucurbit flute, sounds very beautiful and melodious, from Yunan province, in the south of China),. There are also other instruments like Erhu 二胡 (two-stringed, sounds very sad, like the voice of humans), Suona 唢呐 (very loud, used at both traditional Chinese weddings and funerals). My favorites are Guzheng, Guqin, Xiao and Pipa. Since I watched Word of Honor, I love Xiao and Pipa more. 😁 The way Wen Kexing played the Xiao made of white jade is so elegant. Also, the Scorpion King playing the Pipa at 18:55 of episode 6 looks so cool. 😁 At 19:55 of episode 4, Qin Song, one of the four assassins of the Scorpion also played the Pipa. These musical instruments playing many ancient and modern songs can be found on RUclips. There is also a channel called ‘Zi De Guqin Studio’. Hope u enjoy them.

    • @wrAIth-AI
      @wrAIth-AI 3 года назад +25

      Another Missouri boy here, a year later.🤟

    • @momjiminisaftermebecauseis2680
      @momjiminisaftermebecauseis2680 3 года назад +13

      Farmers are not Ordinary 🙂

    • @lemillio5352
      @lemillio5352 3 года назад

      Gods country by Blake Shelton reminds me of this

  • @prasad.neilio
    @prasad.neilio 5 лет назад +3492

    Why do i feel like running cross country, climbing mountains, fighting battles and over coming all odds to finally see someone or something..... what is this sorcery?

    • @MaiNhiaLor31
      @MaiNhiaLor31 4 года назад +203

      Lol cause thats what happened in the drama its called ashes of love

    • @yong8664
      @yong8664 4 года назад +117

      @@prasad.neilio that drama is a hell of roller coaster.

    • @TheBobby416
      @TheBobby416 4 года назад +50

      This is a remix. The original is simple. Calm. Some thing like 100 years after. The rebels

    • @MrHayrettinify
      @MrHayrettinify 4 года назад +11

      What I didnt see was running across the country I guess Im all about results

    • @DESIBOY-fe7nm
      @DESIBOY-fe7nm 4 года назад +25

      Were you on black horse like me?

  • @djghod4391
    @djghod4391 4 года назад +419

    Had a big fight with my mother and it ended really badly, i went to chill a bit. Listened to this song, while listening to the song it started giving me positive vibes to actually go to mom. I hug her and apologized and made me feel happier.

  • @wilsonlam4272
    @wilsonlam4272 3 года назад +64

    After two years, Google algorithm decided it was time for me to listen to this piece. After hearing variations as with many others. Her skill in playing this piece is quite skill, almost epic movie presentation. The piece resonate in one heart and body, making it hypnotic. It makes one feel the need for more until the last note is played.

  • @atonplanck4731
    @atonplanck4731 Год назад +6

    Que maravilha a música chinesa, bom ver que chineses estão retomando a valorização da sua maravilhosa cultura, onde na música expressou algo único no mundo, de extraordinária beleza. Bravo!

  • @gauravampire2201
    @gauravampire2201 5 лет назад +159

    1:00 out of this world......

    • @harukavakery3433
      @harukavakery3433 4 года назад +7

      Yeah i don't think i can learn this--

    • @孟庆博-w5q
      @孟庆博-w5q 4 года назад +4

      You know art

    • @manudaflop
      @manudaflop 4 года назад +1


    • @punisher9901
      @punisher9901 4 года назад

      I only rewinded it just to restart the song a bit cuz i like it

  • @xiaoyi4731
    @xiaoyi4731 4 года назад +160


    • @nihauki_ofc
      @nihauki_ofc 3 года назад +1

      Qual é a versão original?

    • @weixing3094
      @weixing3094 3 года назад

      @@nihauki_ofc The ED of drama "Ashe of Love"

    • @leejanehwa
      @leejanehwa 2 года назад


    • @freyalie6159
      @freyalie6159 2 года назад

      Yep, I like this 1 very much simple but not simple ❤❤❤

  • @Ally-Oop
    @Ally-Oop 3 года назад +340

    It’s like an orchestra but with one instrument. Such fascinating display of skill!

    • @extasicas.r.o.701
      @extasicas.r.o.701 Год назад +3

      "Fascinating" indeed.

    • @kn478
      @kn478 Год назад +3

      @@extasicas.r.o.701 Even Leibniz once said, "no matter how foolish and paradoxical the Chinese ordinarily appear to be in re medica, nevertheless, theirs is better than ours." China is not one of the first cradles of civilization, but also the only to stand and continue its heritage. Great and high is the culture and heritage, people of the yellow river civilization!

  • @a0921100857
    @a0921100857 2 года назад +34


  • @licharok
    @licharok 3 года назад +125

    Какие же мурашки по коже от этого исполнения! Обалдеть...

  • @pain9270
    @pain9270 5 лет назад +56

    It’s great that there are so many different types of instruments and great music from every culture. There’s so much to discover that you will never be able to know everything.

  • @SpaceGhost999
    @SpaceGhost999 4 года назад +260

    I miss when you would walk into an Chinese restaurant and hear something like this. Instead of whatever local hits station they had on the radio.

    • @cedarmeng6222
      @cedarmeng6222 4 года назад +28

      Then it has to be an exclusive restaurant. You can't expect hearing Chopin when you walk into a McDonald. You just can't.

    • @truehappiness4U
      @truehappiness4U 4 года назад +21

      Some restaurants still use traditional chinese music, some not. Depends on where you live and if you have visited the right restaurants

    • @SpaceGhost999
      @SpaceGhost999 4 года назад +3

      @@cedarmeng6222 I never mentioned McDonald's though.

    • @warwerries
      @warwerries 4 года назад +1

      ours still play this so im super grateful!

    • @kyupified2440
      @kyupified2440 4 года назад

      @@cedarmeng6222 lmao with mcdonalds

  • @复仇者五月
    @复仇者五月 5 лет назад +160


    • @小麥-r3s
      @小麥-r3s 5 лет назад +9

      白無瑕把古琴的特色發揮到了極致, 所以聽起來很美. 這古箏譜也編的相當不錯, 聽出不同的味道.

    • @jueshihuanggua3162
      @jueshihuanggua3162 5 лет назад +8


  • @pianolovesongs888
    @pianolovesongs888 2 года назад +5

    每首中文的古风歌里都包含着一些人的故事,和他们的生命,从不敢轻易的跳过,完整的听过每一首,回忆他们的一生,忍不住的眼泪,不知道是替他们难过还是庆幸 ☘☘

  • @-MelodyofNature
    @-MelodyofNature 2 года назад +17

    *We can speak different languages, but music is a language that all of us can understand. Happy music everyone. I love you all.*

  • @michaelhuang9554
    @michaelhuang9554 5 лет назад +211


  • @dlclqk
    @dlclqk 5 лет назад +259

    listening to this makes me wanna be a Queen of my own Kingdom

    • @jinwaii
      @jinwaii 5 лет назад +14

      you got the vibe of the song without knowing any lyrics. That's the power of music!

    • @412nevahugen
      @412nevahugen 5 лет назад +9

      And have your own Phoenix )))

    • @yong8664
      @yong8664 4 года назад +3

      @@412nevahugen ayee you watched the drama too? 😂

    • @412nevahugen
      @412nevahugen 4 года назад +2

      @@yong8664 :))

  • @ds8124
    @ds8124 4 года назад +80

    I come back to listen this over and over. It’s so beautiful and always amazing to watch how gracefully it is played.

  • @lucid__dream__
    @lucid__dream__ Год назад +11

    I keep coming back to this song, it is so beautiful!! The musician in this video is incredibly skilled!

  • @dtobe80
    @dtobe80 4 года назад +62

    This has got to be my favourite traditional version of the song. Beautifully played. I just wish it was a little longer.

  • @gintoki.1010
    @gintoki.1010 5 лет назад +431

    好厲害!點閱率雖然少了點 卻是所有左手指月古箏版最好聽的

    • @Vincent-ex3gr
      @Vincent-ex3gr 5 лет назад +13

      邱笠蕎 我也是這麼想的!

    • @PoopheadandtheOut
      @PoopheadandtheOut 5 лет назад +20


    • @kellyso2827
      @kellyso2827 5 лет назад +10


    • @MatkilauX
      @MatkilauX 5 лет назад +17


    • @diegoleo1279
      @diegoleo1279 5 лет назад +6


  • @IvyHao
    @IvyHao 5 лет назад +24

    太好听了 这个版本是我听过最好听的了,细腻 恢弘!太短了不够听!听了N遍了!

  • @evana_anna_
    @evana_anna_ 3 года назад +11

    Soul of Chinese music 💗💗.....When I started watching ancient period dramas, I felt an addiction to those....But later I realised that it was the beautiful melodies that captured me !!! This musical feeling of not to much and not to less makes it everybody's favourite

  • @РыжикЗбышнев
    @РыжикЗбышнев 6 месяцев назад +2

    Всегда нравилась китайская культура! Сколько благородства и жизненной силы в мелодии! Спасибо мастеру за исполнение

  • @WildWallaceMusic
    @WildWallaceMusic 4 года назад +47

    honestly this is just incredible, it just took my by surprise how everytime it played the melody it got more complex, amazing!

  • @Thomasb84000
    @Thomasb84000 4 года назад +9

    I absolutely love how the lowest repeating note has apparently a sympathetic vibration with the camera, whenever this note rings everything is blurred because the camera vibrates. It adds up a little bit of mystery to this amazing cover.

  • @TL-fe9si
    @TL-fe9si 5 лет назад +77


  • @Relaxingmusicsaxophone
    @Relaxingmusicsaxophone 2 года назад +3

    , 它让我们更亲近

  • @frankiethebull8269
    @frankiethebull8269 2 года назад +3

    The song and hand movements are so beautiful and graceful, this is probably my 50th time listening to this in the past few months, so beautiful 🥲

  • @jinwaii
    @jinwaii 5 лет назад +19

    This is so far the best Guzheng cover of the song. So powerful and emotional.

  • @manoloflorida6085
    @manoloflorida6085 4 года назад +32

    Amazing, the sound and music that Chinese culture has is boundless.

  • @hamedzahmati4530
    @hamedzahmati4530 5 лет назад +365

    If God had chosen music as his miracle, I would have believed in him.

    • @BabyBoi
      @BabyBoi 5 лет назад +37

      And i believe in god beacause he made such beautiful things like music.

    • @feanor585
      @feanor585 5 лет назад +11

      Eru is the one that made the world out of music

    • @taptap2127
      @taptap2127 4 года назад +21

      @john smith calm down, everyone has their beliefs don't make a fool out of yourself.

    • @PeacefullJourney
      @PeacefullJourney 4 года назад +8

      Only music can makes us feels the same when hearing it. It speaks the same language to all human being. It makes us remember before we come to earth we were one .

    • @jamesswayne2162
      @jamesswayne2162 4 года назад +6

      @john smith I'm not especially religious, but you're the fool if you think we have all the answers, or the means to come up with them. Really it depends on what your definition of what God is or could be.

  • @alostcause4914
    @alostcause4914 3 года назад +21

    Idk why but I keep listening to this… it’s so beautiful I just can’t not. This was played absolutely astonishingly. If someone asked me what I think heaven sounds like a sound I’d have to say this.

  • @Zoe.eclipse
    @Zoe.eclipse 3 года назад +1

    三千世 如所不見
    一滴淚 啊啊啊
    那是我 啊啊啊
    莫停歇 給我雜念
    月光中 啊啊啊
    你和我 啊啊啊
    在所有 塵世浮現
    一炷香 啊啊啊
    你是我 無二無別

  • @weekendgunviolence
    @weekendgunviolence 4 года назад +14

    Absolutely my favorite version of this. I couldn’t possibly count how many times I’ve listened to it in the past 24 hours. Amazing work.

  • @Deuceismyhusband
    @Deuceismyhusband 4 года назад +493

    I wish so badly someone could teach me how to play the Guzheng in America 😭 like I'd either learn this in middle school than the violin

    • @blandapplesaucex928
      @blandapplesaucex928 4 года назад +53

      As a violin player, i say the guzheng is more interesting in my opinion. I hope you get to learn the instrument of your choosing! 😊🙌🏻

    • @jemts5586
      @jemts5586 4 года назад

      @Selina Huang do you mean that guqin is easier than guzheng? (I feel the answer is yes, but just to be sure, lol)

    • @wealllikeitsomilkit4301
      @wealllikeitsomilkit4301 4 года назад

      Nise 6ixe9ine

    • @diegoarguello5674
      @diegoarguello5674 4 года назад

      Selina Huang How are you learning the guqin?

    • @iristhesloth9215
      @iristhesloth9215 4 года назад +26

      I’m a guzheng player myself and I wouldn’t consider it very easy, the way you press the strings drastically changes the sound and some of the techniques are challenging,one of them includes changing the keys halfway through playing ,plus there are more strings than guqin so your fingers can easily get caught between them,you can’t play the strings too hard or else it would sound rough,your fingers have to be flexible too,but it’s easier too learn than the yangqin

  • @brendacardenas1420
    @brendacardenas1420 4 года назад +35

    Beautiful Chinese music!!!! Love it from Spanish follower

  • @bythemoonslight
    @bythemoonslight 2 года назад +5

    when my mother was young, her parents travelled to china and brought her back what they called a moon harp (poor grandpa, who carried it on his back the rest of the way). once she showed me the moon harp, i was able to figure out it was a guzheng, and from there found my way here. at the time i was simply curious to its sound, and shared with mom who probably hadn't heard it before either...she ended up giving me her guzheng, and this song remains near and dear to my heart 💖

  • @angrymaddah8383
    @angrymaddah8383 3 года назад +2

    I come back everytime I miss my grandma and it’s been quite often. I tend to reminisce on old memories of her and I…

  • @XiAnais-bt9ke
    @XiAnais-bt9ke 5 лет назад +52

    This instantly made me tear up, how can such beautiful sounds be made

    • @circleofdao3556
      @circleofdao3556 5 лет назад +5

      mix philosophy music and religion together with all the conflicts in ancient Asia and that's basically how

  • @carlyg1969
    @carlyg1969 4 года назад +15

    This is beautiful
    I think Chinese instruments are so beautiful the Guzheng and Erhu are my favourite I would love to learn one of these thier so beautiful

  • @avonavi3654
    @avonavi3654 4 года назад +39

    Бесподобное звучание) невероятно ка 1 инструмент может звучать будто целый оркестр😃😲Мастерство поражает

  • @jaiferzaal7626
    @jaiferzaal7626 3 года назад +16

    Que hermosa melodía ...!! Magnífico ...me hace sentir un sentimiento de amor , luego de temor, traición , odio y al final paz....

  • @latoquyen
    @latoquyen Год назад +1

    Cảm ơn bạn!

  • @mono-galantis
    @mono-galantis 4 года назад +5

    Honestly this is one of my favourite cover of this OST and the song (the drama also btw...) is so beautiful. Sa Ding Ding voice gave me goosebumps same for this cover.

  • @kaizen7659
    @kaizen7659 4 года назад +18

    the guqin version gave me a gentle and calming feel while the guzheng gave me a more sharp but intoxicating feeling

  • @LimeLM3
    @LimeLM3 4 года назад +4

    It is this track that got me hooked on Ashes of Love. Never watched a drama this long but definitely worth it!!

  • @oldmusicmelody888
    @oldmusicmelody888 2 года назад +1


  • @kirstyangel1452
    @kirstyangel1452 9 месяцев назад

    I absolutely love this song to the moon and back again! It pulls on your heart strings with such intensity... and yet so restrained. My all time favorite! 😘🥰

  • @juahl
    @juahl 4 года назад +6

    This song when I first heard it in its original version was stunning. Now beautifully interpreted by this talented young lady, the song is perfection to the ears and soul!🌙

  • @chrisismadn3ss
    @chrisismadn3ss 5 лет назад +587

    Her hands move so fast, they look like they’re glitching

    • @SO-Negative
      @SO-Negative 5 лет назад +34

      well her hands moves faster than the camera can keep up human: 1 technology: 0

    • @theStarkArts
      @theStarkArts 4 года назад +13

      @@SO-Negative haha I read that as if you were an angry computer talking to a human

    • @ImYourBoss90
      @ImYourBoss90 4 года назад +1

      Check your router. Lol.

    • @atlas8123
      @atlas8123 4 года назад +7

      Check out senbonzakura on the guzheng and come back

    • @PorridgeRiceAlbion
      @PorridgeRiceAlbion 4 года назад +2

      Glitchy hand but played a wonderful song

  • @luyuenhon6283
    @luyuenhon6283 4 года назад +5


  • @abigailpagulayan7885
    @abigailpagulayan7885 6 месяцев назад +1

    Learn Chinese Time From This Chinese Song Lyrics:
    zuó shǒu wò dà dì yòu shǒu wò zhe tiān
    左 手 握 大 地 右 手 握 着 天
    The left hand holds the earth and the right hand holds the sky
    zhǎng wén liè chū le shí fāng de shǎn diàn
    掌 纹 裂 出 了 十 方 的 闪 电
    The palmar grain gave a ten-square flash
    bǎ shí guāng cōng cōng duì huàn chéng le nián
    把 时 光 匆 匆 兑 换 成 了 年
    Change a time into a year
    sān qiān shì rú suǒ bú jiàn
    三 千 世 如 所 不 见
    Three thousand generations to come
    zuó shǒu niān zhe huā yòu shǒu wǔ zhe jiàn
    左 手 拈 着 花 右 手 舞 着 剑
    The left hand clutching a flower and the right hand dancing a sword
    méi jiān luò xià le yí wàn nián de xuě
    眉 间 落 下 了 一 万 年 的 雪
    Ten thousand years of snow fell between his eyebrows
    yì dī lèi ā ā ā
    一 滴 泪 啊 啊 啊
    A tear, a tear
    nà shì wǒ ā ā ā
    那 是 我 啊 啊 啊
    That's me
    zuó shǒu yí tán zhǐ yòu shǒu dàn zhe xián
    左 手 一 弹 指 右 手 弹 着 弦
    With a flick of the left hand, the right hand struck the string
    zhōu jí bǎi dù zài wàng chuān de shuǐ jiān
    舟 楫 摆 渡 在 忘 川 的 水 间
    The row of boats is moving in the forgotten waters
    dāng fán nǎo néng kāi chū yì duǒ hóng lián
    当 烦 恼 能 开 出 一 朵 红 莲
    When annoyance can produce a red lotus
    mò tíng xiē gěi wǒ zá niàn
    莫 停 歇 给 我 杂 念
    Don't stop reading my mind
    zuó shǒu huà chéng yǔ yòu shǒu chéng lín piàn
    左 手 化 成 羽 右 手 成 鳞 片
    Left hand becomes feather and right hand becomes scale
    mǒu shì zài yún shàng mǒu shì zài lín jiān
    某 世 在 云 上 某 世 在 林 间
    A world on the clouds a world in the woods
    yuàn suí nǐ yòng yí lì wēi chén de mú yàng
    愿 随 你 用 一 粒 微 尘 的 模 样
    Let the mould of a speck of dust be with thee
    zài suó yǒu chén shì fú xiàn
    在 所 有 尘 世 浮 现
    To float in all the dust
    wǒ zuó shǒu ná qǐ nǐ yòu shǒu fàng xià nǐ
    我 左 手 拿 起 你 右 手 放 下 你
    I pick you up with my left hand and put you down with my right hand
    hé zhǎng shí nǐ quán bù bèi shōu huí xīn jiān
    合 掌 时 你 全 部 被 收 回 心 间
    When the palms are pressed together, your whole body is pulled back into the heart
    yí zhù xiāng ā ā ā
    一 炷 香 啊 啊 啊
    A stick of incense
    nǐ shì wǒ wú èr wú bié
    你 是 我 无 二 无 别
    You are nothing but me
    Some Great Reviews About Zuo Shou Zhi Yue 左手指月 Point In The Month With Left Hands

  • @Rorororo-hq1fv
    @Rorororo-hq1fv 2 года назад

    崔老师版的左手指月入坑这首歌,听了好几年,耳朵都听出茧子了(褒义!真的很喜欢这首歌),才开始看香蜜,最近看到杨紫都想哭🥲真的 好剧(别反驳我,杠就是啊对对对

  • @littlebitbritish
    @littlebitbritish 5 лет назад +31

    This is fabulous. The song is much better when played on the guzhang than on the guqin. It tends to lose some of the subitly on the latter! I will be having this on constant play for the next few years!

    • @bellybutton6138
      @bellybutton6138 3 года назад

      I think the quzheng is able to express this song better than the quqin.

  • @nikhilpanchal442
    @nikhilpanchal442 4 года назад +6

    This was the best instrumental version of this song on RUclips.. loved it 🥰

    @NEKOM4TA 4 года назад +7

    I'm speechless... It's as if the music was grabbing my heart and pressuring it

  • @mnopes
    @mnopes 2 года назад +7

    Долго не понимала, где слышала эту мелодию, пока не вспомнила Легенду Ивы из клуба романтики, восторг!

    • @gigachad01488
      @gigachad01488 6 месяцев назад

      The Who - Behind Blue Eyes😆

  • @pk888ol
    @pk888ol День назад


  • @A1278-n7z
    @A1278-n7z 3 года назад +6

    Heaven music! It makes me forget this situation with Covid. This music makes me happy as I was in my childhood. Thank you China.

    • @gloriataro3509
      @gloriataro3509 3 года назад +1

      The instruments used in Chinese music include Guzheng 古筝, Guqin 古琴 (has a deeper sound than Guzheng, this is the one played by Lan Zhan in The Untamed), Dizi 笛子 (a kind of Chinese flute, held sideways, this is the one played by Wei Wuxian in The Untamed), Xiao 箫 (held vertically and played by blowing at one end of it, sounds lower and deeper than Dizi, this is the one played by Wen Kexing in the Wuxia drama called Word of Honor), Pipa 琵琶 (a sonorous, four-stringed, pear-shaped instrument held upright on the lap when played, sounds very intense, this is the one played by the Scorpion King in Word of Honor), Hulusi 葫芦丝 (cucurbit flute, sounds very beautiful and melodious, from Yunan province, in the south of China),. There are also other instruments like Erhu 二胡 (two-stringed, sounds very sad, like the voice of humans), Suona 唢呐 (very loud, used at both traditional Chinese weddings and funerals). My favorites are Guzheng, Guqin, Xiao and Pipa. Since I watched Word of Honor, I love Xiao and Pipa more. 😁 The way Wen Kexing played the Xiao made of white jade is so elegant. Also, the Scorpion King playing the Pipa at 18:55 of episode 6 looks so cool. 😁 At 19:55 of episode 4, Qin Song, one of the four assassins of the Scorpion also played the Pipa. These musical instruments playing many ancient and modern songs can be found on RUclips. There is also a channel called ‘Zi De Guqin Studio’. Hope u enjoy them.

    • @A1278-n7z
      @A1278-n7z 3 года назад

      @@gloriataro3509 thanks for detailed observation. Can you also provide words of this song?

  • @WickedBookWorm
    @WickedBookWorm 4 года назад +9

    It seems like I can never have enough of guzheng. This instrument is simply magical.

  • @Sakurafierylover
    @Sakurafierylover 5 лет назад +4

    This is sooo therapeutic~~ ♡♡♡ I really love the Guzheng. 3000years of history and still raging on.

    • @朱颜-i8h
      @朱颜-i8h 5 лет назад +1

      Not so long. About 2500 years

    • @Sakurafierylover
      @Sakurafierylover 5 лет назад

      @@朱颜-i8h Ah! Thank you for correcting me!

  • @MusicBeyondLimits
    @MusicBeyondLimits 11 месяцев назад


  • @西瓜皮皮-m6c
    @西瓜皮皮-m6c 9 месяцев назад

    If everyone here could watch the TV drama associated with this piece of music, it would add even more depth to the experience. The drama is called "香蜜沉沉烬如霜," and the English version is titled "Ashes of Love." If you watch this drama and then listen to this piece of music, you will have a different and richer experience.

  • @nagarajunavenkatyanamadala6330
    @nagarajunavenkatyanamadala6330 4 года назад +17

    Actually i am an indian ... Even don't know the name of instrument. But I love the music. Really peacefull. Rytham ( చాలా బాగుంది )

    • @bbeinii
      @bbeinii 3 года назад

      Kinda late but this is called the guzheng :)

  • @KingKobraGaming777
    @KingKobraGaming777 4 года назад +8

    this song can go good with meditation, and can help relax the mind and soul and it is also a perfect song to practice creativity and positivily can aid most stress it also has a calm feeling

  • @sorn9697
    @sorn9697 4 года назад +25

    Failure is only the opportunity to begin again, only this time more wisely -Iroh

  • @creq8938
    @creq8938 3 года назад +106

    Forgive me, dearest friend. For I could not save you.

    • @64-bitmajin20
      @64-bitmajin20 3 года назад +4

      I hate you bruh. XD

    • @inversthread4754
      @inversthread4754 3 года назад +4

      Poor Abraham...

    • @turtlegaming3829
      @turtlegaming3829 3 года назад +1


    • @Noxust
      @Noxust 3 года назад +3

      just saw that meme now which is how I found out about this song.

    • @SyphinSki
      @SyphinSki 3 года назад +1

      The samurai to Abe Lincoln via fax machine

  • @phunguyen-jb6vd
    @phunguyen-jb6vd 2 года назад +3

    không còn từ nào diễn tả vì nó là trên cả tuyệt vời. Cảm ơn bạn!

  • @yangaze1543
    @yangaze1543 4 года назад +15

    It feels as if I'm entering the door of heavens , this song is so legendary .

  • @T_BG_TRRR
    @T_BG_TRRR 5 лет назад +5

    Beautiful, simply amazing
    Thank you, i love these Chinese stringed instruments
    (edit) Man, her playing puts a lump in my throat!! I must buy a Guqin and Guzheng when im back to earning after all this coronavirus has settled

  • @lyza8692
    @lyza8692 5 лет назад +25

    :o Ashes Of Love, bro i didnt expect this. Kinda glad now that I'm listening to it. I dont even understand Chinese

  • @陳虹伶-k6z
    @陳虹伶-k6z Год назад


  • @helloworld-gftoday
    @helloworld-gftoday Год назад +1

    你的改编真的太好了, really enjoy it!

  • @thev9292
    @thev9292 4 года назад +16

    Это великолепно! Ваша музыка пробирает до глубины души, волшебный инстумент!

    • @-w-9689
      @-w-9689 3 года назад

      Вы случайно не знаете , что это за инструмент ?

    • @thev9292
      @thev9292 3 года назад

      @@-w-9689 гучжен если не ошибаюсь

  • @melodybartolome7863
    @melodybartolome7863 4 года назад +11

    This is so far the best guzheng cover of this song. Now, I don't know how to move on more with Ashes of Love 😭

    • @nrainfqh
      @nrainfqh 4 года назад +1

      i want to rewatch but i also still on going rewatch story of yanxin palace and had to stop the untamed bcs yanxin palace had 70 episode ☠️

    • @sophieloisinocencio1700
      @sophieloisinocencio1700 2 года назад +1

      i have'nt moved on from that drama until now

  • @knightaaron7
    @knightaaron7 4 года назад +4

    I love the fact this artist is moving with the music, IS with the music :)

  • @Thedennati
    @Thedennati Год назад


  • @HopeinChristForever
    @HopeinChristForever Год назад

    Wo ai ni ;) Your work is so beautiful and makes for lovely music, no matter what the genre or time of day be. Well done! Guzheng, Guzheng, Guzheng ;)!

  • @Jackson-ue7un
    @Jackson-ue7un 4 года назад +12

    Amazing. I love culture of Asia, especial China and Vietnam

  • @MaidenHiraya
    @MaidenHiraya 4 года назад +10

    I love this, thank you for sharing such talent!!❤❤ As much as I love hearing the original in Ashes of Love, this just so mystical and lovely~

  • @leoviva1913
    @leoviva1913 3 года назад +7

    Goh! She is so talented. I love this version so much.

  • @CrazyPhoenix17
    @CrazyPhoenix17 3 года назад +5

    Incroyable ! 信じられない (shinjirarenai) ! 极好的 (Jì hão de) !
    Je suis français et merci énormément pour ce chef d'œuvre interprèté par vos soins sur cet instrument mythique 😉
    Juste sublime ! 极好的 (huàlì de) 😁

    • @arielzhang679
      @arielzhang679 2 года назад +1

      this is guzheng,with2500year history. It is the ancestor of japy koto,whichwas introduced to Japan from China during tang dynasty

  • @groovyroses
    @groovyroses 3 года назад

    As I listen to this music, my eyes began to water up with tears because I recognized the song from Ashes of Love and it has a very calming effect especially for me when I'm having a rough day like anxiety or depression. This helps me to think about other things than myself.

  • @jonkim9374
    @jonkim9374 4 года назад +11

    Впечатляет .Меня это мелодия заворожила

  • @mrc8578
    @mrc8578 4 года назад +8

    So beautiful! I love Chinese culture.

  • @-the-light
    @-the-light 4 года назад +7

    One of the most beautiful renditions of of this. I bow to you.

  • @BajoZero007
    @BajoZero007 2 года назад +7

    Siempre admire la cultura occidental y sus instrumentos. Simplemente Hermoso, saludos desde Argentina, Buenos Aires.

  • @rjlchristie
    @rjlchristie 3 года назад +1

    The pitch bending makes this interpretation so evocative.

  • @SuperRagingdemon
    @SuperRagingdemon 4 года назад +5

    I sat here for an hour constantly replaying this video. It sounds so beautiful

  • @ТатьянаКотова-в3х
    @ТатьянаКотова-в3х 5 лет назад +27

    Потрясающее исполнение! Спасибо Вам огромное 💖👏

    • @Tim_after_rain
      @Tim_after_rain 4 года назад +2

      Согласен полностью.

  • @liveletlive6832
    @liveletlive6832 3 года назад +12

    😍😍😍😍😍 Are you God's very own musician...playing masterpieces for Him everyday. Well thank you for honoring us with this delightful piece. And I have mentioned time and again how I am in love with the Ashes of Love series. So much ❤❤❤❤ to you too...all the way from Bangalore, India.

  • @husszaymahabusamah9564
    @husszaymahabusamah9564 3 года назад

    Aaah so beautiful.. All ost songs in this drama Ashes of love are good, 😍💖💐💐💐👏👏👏👍👍👍👏👏👏😪😭Tqvm for sharing this music

  • @seregademtchuk4020
    @seregademtchuk4020 Год назад +2

    Спасибо за волшебный инструмент и великолепное исполнение!!! С УВАЖЕНИЕМ.