Make beautiful slow stitch projects just using these 5 easy stitches!
- Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
- Great for beginners, I take you through five easy stitches and some of their variations (giving you 11 stitches in total!) to use in your slow stitching projects. Make sure you keep watching to see some pieces I've made using these and to give you some inspiration of what you can easily do with these stitches.
Not sure what slow stitching is? Check out this video here!
• Slow stitching, I show...
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Perfect for those of us that are VISUAL ……and need a talk through along side… the reminder to RELAX …….
Well I never thought I’d ever be doing any thing like this….but here I am and loving it! I’m a Londoner who doesn’t like the dark winter evenings. So this is how I occupy my time in the later part of the day. I’m absolutely loving your videos with all these beautiful ideas. Thank you so much Sarah. 🌸
I agree 100 % with exactly every word you said….except I live in NEW HAMPSHIRE, USA 🇺🇸 😊
And I am in Midwest USA❤
I too agree we have long winter here in Canada so doing stitching 🧵 is perfect
I am watching and loving what I am seeing. What do you do with the piece when done?
I think it would be perfect pieces to stitch together and create a lap quilt or a throw pillow cover! 🥰
There's something about a spiral that speaks to my prehistoric brain. This is all so attractive. I can't wait to have a go.
Apart from your beautiful stitching I am admiring and being quite envious of your beautiful hands
So glad you notice her hands. So lovely, and clean.
You're a wonderful teacher! so clear in your instruction- verbally and visually. Your calm manner makes you want to pick up a needle and start sewing.It's been years since I have done any handwork and I have very arthritic hands, I have books on slow stitching but it's always so much clearer when you see someone modeling a method. Thanks so much-! You've inspired me and I will return for more learning! Madelene from New Jersey USA😊
There's nothing with a needle and thread you can't do!!!
Love it! You really add class to "slow stitching"!!! LOL! TFS
Austin TX USA
I never thought of samplers as slow stitching. But that is what they are , or can be. No stress, and its a great way of learning new stitches. If they don't come out perfect, so what? The embroidery police won't come after me! The whole point of the samplers is to learn! I appreciate the creativity that can go into slow stitching. It is a nice way of using leftover fabric, and bits and pieces of lace or ribbon. I also like the idea of creating a book with all the samplers which you show in a separate video.. I could date each 'page' would be a nice way to see how far I go and what I learn as time goes by. Thank you Sarah for such a nice idea!
Exactly! Hand worked stitches are not meant to be perfect……that is what makes your work unique 😊
You have reintroduced me to my first love. With a,perfect twist to cancel out debilitating perfectionism!
1968 meet 2024. Who knew???
Embrace those frayed edges...:)
And 1963 meet 2024. ❤
Marvellous! Great! I will teach this to old people who are in my group! Big stitches are better for them. Thank you for this inspiration!
I love your blouse. Can't go wrong with pink and gold. Beautiful
عمل رائع....من العراق تحياتي
OMGOSH! I love doing those. They take my mind over everything negative!
Beautiful stitching. I learn by watching and I know I will be able to copy your stitches by watching. So thank you for sharing.
I never heard of slow stitching and now I really want to try!
Thank you for posting your slow stitching projects. They are beautiful and adorable!
Thank you IAM a beginner quilter and have always been courteous about embroidery and like the idea of combining the the two. God bless and thanks again
Sarah this is exciting to watch. I'm so tired from chronic illness I haven't gotten much done but I shall after this. And your blouse is so beautiful. It looks lovely on you
I hope you are feeling a bit better soon Marlene x
I restate…good to see magnification of stitching, slowly. Thank you.
I’ve never hard if slow stitching until today. Great tutorial!!!!
Fantastic - thank you - now all I need is a sick note for my boss to get more stitching done! x
Me too! Wait, I am the boss...🤔
Just love how you explain things and really appreciate you showing us this slow stitch technique. I am going to be adventurous and try it!!!
Wonderful video Sarah. Excellent teaching. Love it all. Greetings & love from Ireland. ❤️
Sarah, you are such a great teacher, thank you. You've given me back my enthusiasm for slow stitching. I'm now making a set of coasters using some of these lovely stitches. Cheers from Australia
I'm so happy to have found you!! Love this tutorial!!❤
Just so pretty - calming and relaxing stitching :)
I just started over the weekend. Thx for the inspiration ❤
Your hands are absolutely beautiful. Your video will be so helpful to me. Thank you so much.
Very nice work I learned a lot of embroidery methods Thank you very much for this excellent content❤
I love your videos! Thank you!
You are color coordinated. I love your pinks. You choose pretty colors. I dont usually choose pinks but I am thinking maybe I should. I love slow stitching. Thank you for sharing
Thankyou Sarah I do enjoy doing these stitches on my quilts I do find it most relaxing thankyou againexplained nicely
So much that you can do in slow stitch and I just love it 🥰
Your shirt is very pretty by the way Sarah suits you. Lovely work thank you for sharing the stitches hugs ❤😊
I absolutely love slow stitching. Thank you for all the wonderful ideas for stitches! I have a little slow stitch book and it helps me wind down and relax at the end of the day.
What do you do with them once you're all done like making a pillow or a quilt
Very inspirational thank you. I am using slow stitching with the grandchildren. Wonderful one to one time 😊.
Oh, my goodness!!!!!! I am a crafter of pretty much all things but have always adored the feeling of fabric in my hands...especially the soft vintage types. I've just started making my own fabric twine and am loving it. I want to thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge with us, Sarah. You are amazing and cute as a bug. ❤ I'm finishing up knitted Christmas presents right now but I can definitely say that come January, I'll be joining every group, pattern you have and I'll be learning everything I can about slow stitching. I am especially interested in making a cover for one of my bibles. Can't thank you enough!
This was the perfect slow stitch video, I shall be referring to it time and time again. May thanks 😊
Thank you! I really enjoyed the video. I will try some stitches
I wish to make a bed quilt of this stitching.😊 Making squares and then embellish ❤
I love all of these stitches and am so thankful for this lesson! I have a chicken project that I have thought needed something else to make it pop and some of these will do just that!
What a great lesson!! Thank you!! I'm going to try this.... I'd love to do something like this on the back of my
jean jacket!!
Love it, will try making. Thanks for sharing
I’m 82. But I was taught to knit when I was 2 at the side of a favorite aunt. Omg. Such a treasure auntie. I knit but don’t follow directions, she didn’t teach me that.
You were smart!! I can't remember what I did at the age of two....
Putting the knot in the end of the thread... that was magic. It took me a few times to watch because it seemed weird, but, it worked! Wow. Thank you!
I just love the blouse you’re wearing. It’s lovely and looks fabulous on you!! Your lighting tech upgrades is great too! 👍
Thank you Joyce x
This is just lovely! Thank you for showing these stitches in various ways of using them. ❤❤❤
watching you and learning new stitches is so addictive and I will watch it a couple of more times then I will try them. I just love watching and learning from you.. These will be great for the slow stitch book in a year. Having so much fun Thank you for expanding my world
As I read the comments I smile because I also just love the blouse you are wearing.
Thank you for showing how a simple stitch can be adapted so many ways. I’ve started slow stitching projects and run out of ideas for stitches. But you’ve given me many adaptations to use. ❤
Hello from Florida USA_-I am really amazed at your control of your cross stitch’s. If I wasn’t so very relaxed watching you I would be trying some Stitches. Thank you for your videos. U-tube is a bit weird in that watching you and other quilting shows it feels like we are just a couple of friends having a visit. Keep up our nice visits:)
Buenos días ,Sarah!!! Estoy encantada de tus videos! Es la primera vez que lo veo, pero me ha gustado mucho! Eres muy buena profesora! Gracias! Ahora empiezo a ver un sentido en slow stiching. Entiendo bien ingles, pero no se escribir correctamente, así que dejo al traductor que haga su trabajo.☺. vivo en España y me alegro que tango la oportunidad expresarte mis agradecimientos🌼🌼🍀
Google Translation was good Renate! I'm glad you are enjoying the videos, thank you for your Membership support ❤️x
Just came across your channel. Thank you for your video. ❤️
Thank you for your tutorial! 🌷🌷🌷
very interesting,thanks for what you teach us 😊👏
Fun video! I do a lot of slow stitching and so I enjoyed this video! I got a few new tips! I liked the spiral! Thank-you. 😃
Thank you so much Sarah. I love slow stitching and was so glad to learn these new stitches which will make all the difference to my pieces ❤😂
Wonderful you make it look so easy thank you
Thank you for showing these stitches and how to use them.
This is so helpful as I wondered how to stop my first blanket stitch looking weird and I didn't know how to turn corners either.
Wonderful work made with
Beautiful hands and nails,
Real Artist you are.
Love from Thailand.
Wonderful lesson and beautiful projects❣️
This was very helpful
I am so enjoying your videos, learning lots. I’ve enjoyed slow stitching but now I have more ideas for useful ideas and I love the new stitches. Thank you
Great teaching - thank you❤️
Thsnk you so much. Very inspiring. I will definitely try these stitches! Regards from Chile!
I am so glad I found your channel…. You are a wonderful instructor as I have watched others with certain techniques & I just couldn’t get it….. but yours…well I shook my head & said… 😮 I couldn’t get that🤷♀️it was bcuz it was presented as difficult….in a confusing manner which made me frustrated & annoyed but determined to find someone somewhere that made sense….that’s YOU…YOU ARE A DREAM 😴again TY & I agree …we just need to ENJOY IT…. WE ARE THE CREATORS…. SO no need to get frustrated…. Just relax & enjoy yourself…😊
What a fantasy and what taste!!🌹
Inspiring as usual, Sarah. Although at the beginning I was distracted by how lovely you look in that blouse! It's just so pretty! I have begun a slow stitch bunting project and am enjoying it so much. I need to worry less about my stitches and lean on these simpler ones more often. Worry and slow stitching do not go together!
They don't no! Use the slow stitching to calm the worrying 😁x
Inspiring and motivating as always
Thank you for such an inspirational video - I've just come across slow stitching but have only been doing running stitch and cross stitch. Your pieces are so pretty and creative. You've inspired me to expand my repertoire of stitches!
Precioso trabajo 👏👏👏👏😘
Always so inspiring 😊
Very inspiring. Thank you.
Votre vidéo est très instructive. ❤❤ from France
So nice to see these beautiful skillls have not gone away. I did these things many years ago as a child my mom taught me how too knit , embroidery and crochet a treasure I have never forgot so you channel is a beautiful joy
I know I am late to this video but I found you and your videos a few days ago and have to say: THANK YOU! As a Young Woman who never learned stitching, sewing or knitting as a child or young girl your videos are so helpful! I use these stitches for visible mending because with two little kids idle work is a bit out of reach. But your doing so much for younger generations by sharing your knowledge on RUclips. Greetings from Germany ❤
You look beautiful in your bling today, Sarah... pretty blouse and those lovely long earrings! I am currently working on my first slow stitching project, which is challenging the perfectionist side of me. I resisted for a long time, thinking I wouldn't like it, but I have to admit that I am enjoying the tactile feel of it as I add more stitches through the layers of fabric. I have been thinking about adding some beads so it was nice to see how you incorporated them into your projects. Your potted lace flowers are adorable and I like the idea of using felt as your backing fabric. Thank you for another great and timely video!
I still love doing my 'normal' embroidery but I love the slow stitching too when I want to relax and don't want to think about it too much!
Thank you for the inspiration. Never thought I would try this.
Great as usual you are a great teacher and make this craft irresistible KUDOS 😊
Fantastic resource thank you 😊 🙏 x beautiful samples at the end, really beautiful ❤
Wow what a great video, thank you so much
Love this video! New subscriber here in Southern California ❤
Liked this video a lot. I learned these stitches when young. We had to wait to use the few sewing machines in class, so we had to do a lot of hand stitching - even do some buttonholes by hand. This gives me an idea to do some of the stitches in embroidery pieces.
thank you for the videos Sarah❤
Very inspiering ang relaxing ! Wide space for creativity and color combination !
Thank you for beautiful tutorial !
This was a lovely video and a huge help! Thank you for giving us easy ways to get started.
Thank you Sarah - this is a lovely tutorial and I appreciate your encouragement to leave perfectionism out in the cold!
Absolutely loved this video, thank you ❤
Thank you Sarah,you have explained various stitches very well and inspirational.I love hand stitched items.❤
Thank so much I love sloe stitching , just getting started. Just want something to realize me and just kind of mindless and see what happens. I love what you have shown us so for. Thank you so much.😊
Thanks from Australia 👏👏
Great tutorial thanks so much!
Marvellous looks pretty.All the stitches.....and the final look of the piece of cloth is truly beautiful.
Oooh! So pretty!
Sarah, I NEVER comment on folks' appearance, but you always look so lovely! Today you are so beautifully color coordinated with your clothes, nails, fabric and thread that I must say it again: Oooh! So pretty!
I enjoy watching your relaxing and informative videos while resting my hands between projects. I was a total stitching novice when I began watching your videos early on during the COVID lockdowns, and am so happy & grateful to have found you! Thanks for all of your hard work.💪
I'm never coordinated, I don't know what happened!
thank u for the ideas for spare time
These are wonderful. Thank you Sarah...... as always.... such fun and excellent teaching !!! I am so excited to learn about the "open satin stitch". It is exactly the stitch that has been missing from my slow stitching repertoire. I had some linen that was fraying in my last slow stitch experiment and I used the blanket stitch to control it. And that was fine. But I love the look of the open satin stitch. I will give that a try on my next piece. And... I must say.... I love slow stitching. Thank you for introducing me to it with your "what is slow stitching" video. I am addicted.
I so admire your educations into embroidery. I study about it, and recall that reading about seamstresses would go blind for sewing in di light I days of yore.
@SarahHomfrayEmbroidery excellent and wonderful work. I love your nails color. What is’t?
I love watching your videos and stitching along with you! It's extra cozy and relaxing. Your work is wonderful, thank you for sharing. As an aside - I hope this isn't weird - your eyes are such a beautiful, vibrant blue.😊
I have been seeing so much about slow stitching recently. I didn't really know what it is. Your video is very helpful and I believe it is something I would enjoy. I used to like to embroidery and silk ribbon embroidery. I definitely want to try it. Like several others, I was admiring your beautiful hands and nails as I was watching the video! They are just gorgeous, and I also love your blouse. Watching from Texas.