What Made You Smile Today?

not only,but also haa
me with a white feather huh/duh,begottah

also ban slow deadshit movies
stuffv that suit richadn narris acting stylte hsha

no,dont expect anyone to undersyand smile,from downunder haha

go to church
why dont you
he said huh
lost in ytansition,mebeee huh

almost dont see the significance of it all

sad to say

perhaps a natural humanity deyerioation phase

always an excuse
not reason
... excuse0,.
haha,as usual
constantly have a lil ole smile,beaming aross this oe aged dial

as i constantly view,this and laughing thread

cpock crazy folk/woke/m/j ww

dont appear to appreciate,the convenience,of smiling/laughing

often feel,could lead to possible stress
maybe,a shortened lifeof course,no research,therefore no truth bs,haha
same ole
silly billy meh

trolling like hell/according to some perfectioiss usa haha
but wtf
tmi bs

gotta take the piss outta others than aussies/kiwis a

scots and unidentified ha

taking piss out of poms
fair enuf

they still likely secretly/furtivelt fuelling the flames of war ... grrrr

peasant bastards ww
he said huh
i endorse

meh sayeth
@ bullshit pretend perfectionists,on a big cock site
trying t be strb fwd and honest duh/keeping stricty to exactly what a thread subject/topic says it shoul be

doesent humanity consider
everything,as in most thingsb are fl'n related huh

classis eg

death/disease/desytruction,human madewars

viruses bs incl

say nothing/do nothing,when honchos say/decidw
live with it