i just wondering if i'm the only one forgets the shows i have watched?
i do forget some shows to the point wondering if i really have watched this?
some of them i understand that have watched but i dont remember what was it about!!
and if you show me some character of the shows and tell me to name the anime i will fail to name half of anime i have watched or less
is it normal?
don't tell anyone
ore no "Neo Armstrong cyclone jet Armstrong cannon" chisai.
There's a few anime that I totally forgot about ever watching, or remember very little of it. Just par for the course if you watch literally hundreds of them. I would say it's totally normal.
There's a few anime that I totally forgot about ever watching, or remember very little of it. Just par for the course if you watch literally hundreds of them. I would say it's totally normal.
I'm pretty confident about remembering whether I have watched an anime or not. Probably because I do a lot of thinking about picking what anime to watch.
I might forget in the future, but that's why I track them on MAL in the first place.
But I sometimes forget what really happened in the anime...
I recently realized that for the life of me I can't remember what happened in Spy x Family. I remember some bits and pieces, like the character designs, a tennis match, Anya crying during an interview, and that weird brother character.
I'd like to blame the anime for being bland and uneventful, but I still feel weird about how I forgot basically everything about an anime that I overall enjoyed.
Maybe this will happen more and more as I watch more anime...
I used to pride myself on never forgetting the anime I've seen, not even music videos or shorts. I could always remember every single anime. Unfortunately, this is a skill I no longer possess. I've seen much more since then, so now it's gotten to the point where I have forgotten some things. I know I've seen everything in my completed list, but I can no longer name everything in said list off the top of my head. I miss being able to do that.
i know for a fact that there are alot of shows i have forgotten over the years. since i only started keeping track of my watched anime a few years ago...quite a few shows i watched between 2001-2012 have been mostly forgotten. sure, i remember little snippets of these shows, or maybe the design of a main character...but do i remember the names of the characters, shows, or what the shows are about? not really. if i were to watch an episode from one of these "forgotten" shows, i'd probably remember most things about it...but we're talking about seemingly unimportant memories from 15-20 years ago. but this also means that some shows i possibly enjoyed back then, are shows i could enjoy for the "first time" again. getting old is fun like that lol
I doubt anyone can remember everything of what they watch, the brain doesn't have unlimited memory capacity, so it's naturally designed to forget rarely accessed information after some time.
For me I might be able to recall a sequence when I focus on it. Like say in Monster, I remember that assassin Roberto had a love of hot chocolate which is relevant as it links him to a character in the Prague arc.
And in Wolfs Rain the character of the Wolf Hunter has a dog, Blue who ends up being a half wolf - which was a cool twist.
But recalling anime is easier in a discussion. As you discuss more about it more often what sticks out to you surfaces from your long term memory.
Sometimes it takes a real man to be best girl. Gilgamesh is also chad.
what i meant to say sometimes i dont have a single image of the anime in my brain, like seen a stranger on my first time
if it wasnt on my list, i woudn't have known
don't tell anyone
ore no "Neo Armstrong cyclone jet Armstrong cannon" chisai.
I do, too. maybe it was because I was a kid back then and now I have developed a frontal lobe, which is why I try to savor and enjoy the animes I watch now.
Edit: I tried watching Beastars season 2, but I completely forgot everything about season 1 so I dropped it 💀
When I joined MAL, I could not remember how many seasons of Sailor Moon I watched since they're all split up. Ended up only indexing the first two seasons. You're not alone OP.
I also don't know which anime was the first one I've seen. I just say Kiki's Delivery Service since I enjoyed that very much as a child.
Depending on the length of time before you forget most or all of it. If it's an interesting anime and you loved it but in a very short space of time you forget everything, then check your memory functions. If it's nearly a year or two (or more than two years), then it's normal. This is the beauty about re-watches. The longer you wait before a re-watch, the more enjoyable the show becomes once again just like how you had enjoyed it back in the days you were watching them for the first time.
It is normal for a lot of people, I personally haven't forget any anime I've watched (at least completely). When I was a kid I watched DB/DBZ and Inazuma Eleven (and I have forgotten quite a bit about it, but I do still remember a lot of moments from it, special the special moves inside the games and whatnot), but everything that I've watched after that I remember pretty vividly. I only started to watch anime again around 2018-2019 when I watched AOT and Food Wars and then in mid 2020 I really strated to watch a whole lot.
"Those words are meant for those that dare defy god's final warning... An epigraph of their stubbornness" - Maho Hiyajo (Steins;Gate 0)
I keep having to add some titles to my dropped list, because I'll remember either via recommendations or random browsing that I read/watched a little bit of a series, didn't like it, and decided not to continue with it. Or sometimes I get confused thinking I've watched an anime but it's just that I read the manga instead or vice-versa.
You've got a lot of titles in your anime stats, I don't think it's odd that you can't remember some, especially if you thought the majority of them either sucked or were just meh (I'm going off your 5.40 average here).
I try to split what I watch/read over certain decades so I can remember details better looking back. Like say after watching an anime from the 90s I'll go and watch something newer or older so it doesn't seem like one long boring blur of looking at stuff with the same style.
Sure and it'll get more pronounced the older you get. Let's get real, almost all anime is totally forgettable, and always has been. I am sure there are dozens of titles from the 80's, 90s and 00s that I have completely forgotten, or am not sure if I watched them back in the day or not. I've left them out of my anime list. But every couple weeks or so, something pops up and I go "Oh yeah, I remember that now." It's usually not in a good way.
This happens to me too much especially if I haven't rewatched something. Most recently I started watching Toilet Bound Hanako season 2 only to figure out that I hardly remember anything that happened during season 1.
I used to have good memory but it's starting to fade imo but I could probably tell you the general idea of any anime I've watched without reading the Sypnosis
Sometimes I think of a show I haven't seen in a long time and when I try to remember what happens I can only recall the start and the end, not even all of the characters...
This is only for the less memorable shorter shows though. Long series I have a general grasp of the plot and the characters that the cast encountered along the way but shorter sol/comedy shows that I rated lower or even a show like Erased I seem to struggle to remember what happens throughout the middle, mostly remembering the key plot points, some of the suspenseful moments, and the ending but many of the details throughout the episodes are basically gone from my head cause of how long ago I saw it. I imagine a good amount of shows that are 12-24 episodes are like this for me but something like deathnote that I saw almost 9 years ago atp I pretty clearly remember. Part of it I think is because over those years I would occasionally see clips and even something like tiktok accounts that would just post the whole show in 3 minute segments lol but yeah some shows I'm starting to forget but I like to go through my list and remember what they were like or click through an episode or two to jog my memory every once in a while.
I'm pretty confident about remembering whether I have watched an anime or not. Probably because I do a lot of thinking about picking what anime to watch.
I might forget in the future, but that's why I track them on MAL in the first place.
But I sometimes forget what really happened in the anime...
I think I am in the same boat as you for how my memory works. Also since I've started using MAL i've come across a few shows that I already saw as a kid but didn't have on my list so I definitely know that I would forget about some anime unless I used this site lol (I think at this point I got them all though)
Yep... I think it's probably unavoidable when you've seen hundreds of shows (assuming you don't have like an eidetic memory or something)... I find it funny when I check my list and I see a show where I remember nothing like, even re-watching a bit to see if it sparks a memory, damn, your show was so middling that it got damnatio memoriae'd, oooofff.
I think yes. The more anime you watch, the more you'll forget previous works.
I forget previous works too. Even if it's in my favorite anime archive, which I re-watch occasionally, sometimes I look at title and start to "scratch my head" what it's about again.
But of course there are exceptions, some people are savants and have "elephant" memory - they remember everything.
I apologize for my mistakes, because it's not my native language.
No, dude that's the whole point of recording a record of what you've seen in a list here. The brain naturally forgets about information it doesn't constantly use, then it's gone like high school algebra classes.
KruszerMar 22, 7:58 PM
"The name's Gambit. Remember it."
-Gambit "X-Men '97"
I don't really remember most anime that I've seen but if I saw some highlight clips or read a summary about them I'd remember it all again. So I guess it falls somewhere in between remembering and forgetting?