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Daijin commented at 2011-05-13 16:45:26 » #732380
Wrong, this is not idolmaster. This is a drawn illustration of a real life J-pop group called ClariS. The group is only two members, Alice and Clara and these names are not their real names. They also are in junior high school, so they have yet to show real photos of themselves and has an artist draw their likenesses. Only their families know they are music artist; they have keep it hidden from everyone else they know.
4 Points
Wrong, this is not idolmaster. This is a drawn illustration of a real life J-pop group called ClariS. The group is only two members, Alice and Clara and these names are not their real names. They also are in junior high school, so they have yet to show real photos of themselves and has an artist draw their likenesses. Only their families know they are music artist; they have keep it hidden from everyone else they know.
Daijin commented at 2011-05-13 16:47:35 » #732387
For more info on ClariS:
And their site:
0 Points
For more info on ClariS:
And their site: